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Everything posted by Sarkut

  1. Download the zipped file to your Desktop or Downloads folder. Open the zip by left-clicking it. If there is a folder inside the zip, open the folder. Copy/paste the plugin files to your Effects folder. ================================== Have you upgraded To Paint.NET v3.5.4? What plugins specifically are you currently trying to install?
  2. This should probably work. Open your Paint.NET program folder, then right-click > New > Folder. Name it Effects.
  3. Could "OK to edit entries" be added to the Rules in the Competition Entry Thread?
  4. GFraser1965, You could try the Polar Transformations plugin, set to - Transform Rectangular to Polar. Part of the MadJik plugin pack. Another possibility is the Circle Text plugin. dpy's Pack.
  5. This one doesn't require a sign-up. http://imageshack.us/
  6. It's definitely different. Does it use zoom blur instead of Gaussian? Like the icon.
  7. Sarkut


    I think the Rings tutorial may have gone with Legacy Tutorials.
  8. Another reason Feather Selection is not a good replacement for True Feather is that Feather Selection tends to retain the jaggy selection edge in a way that True Feather doesn't.
  9. Zookeeper, Here's one alternative. WhichSymbolPlus Download the zip at the top of the post, not the one at the bottom.
  10. fifafan, Please post a link to the actual image you are working on. This will help towards getting the best advice/suggestions.
  11. Newbie50+, In the top menu: Layers > Import From File... Use this to bring the second image in on top of the background image.
  12. AdrienneW, You haven't said how much memory your system has, or whether 32 or 64 bit. If 32 bit, switching to the 64 bit version may help the situation considerably.
  13. GFraser1965, Try Random Maze plugin. Part of the MadJik plugin pack.
  14. Actually this should work. With the image loaded in the clipboard, open Paint.NET with the special shortcut and press Ctrl V, then Ctrl+Shift+S to Save As, name the file. It's still not as convenient as being able to configure bitmap as the default save type, which isn't possible with Paint.NET. ====================================================== So, technically this does work, but from a practical perspective, probably not worth the trouble.
  15. I recommend against using the Recolor tool for this. Try using the Single Hue plugin effect. First set your Primary color to the desired result. Open Single Hue and click on the top-left square. Click OK. =============================================== Single Hue is part of the Ed Harvey plugin pack. Single Hue
  16. This problem shows up occasionally. The usual work-around is to Save As... PNG, then save from that PNG as JPG. Upgrading to v3.5.4 is definitely a good idea.
  17. Line tool OK? Paintbucket OK? Can you put a link to the competition thread in the first post? Why no cheating? In fact, what is cheating? Opinions on what is acceptable vary among pixel artists. This needs to be clarified in the Rules.
  18. One thing that is missing from the Keyboard and Mouse Commands page is that the arrow keys can be used to adjust various tools pixel by pixel. Also, this functionality isn't mentioned. Link
  19. iwannalearn, Follow the Links. --------------------------- Just so you know, it's best to ask questions like this in the General Discussion & Questions forum.
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