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Everything posted by Sarkut

  1. You could apply Boltbait's Transparency plugin set to fully Opaque, then: Magic Wand the remaining 100% Alpha while holding down the Shift key (50% tolerance), invert the selection, Paintbucket fill at 100% tolerance, with Overwrite blending.
  2. On the hat-wand-pixie dust layer, make a selection around the pixie dust. Next, press Ctrl C to copy the dust, then, Ctrl + Shift V. This will paste the dust into its own new layer. Changing the new layer's Blend mode to Additive should brighten it up. Layers > Layer Properties...
  3. For the text, usually it is one of three things: There is a selection active and you are trying to place the text outside of the selection. Press, Ctrl D. to deselect. ================================== The wrong layer is active - In the Layers window click the layer you want the text to go on. ============================================== The mouse pointer is hovering over an icon or menu item - Move the mouse. Boltbait types faster than I do
  4. If you resize by - Image > Resize... be sure that there is a checkmark in Maintain Aspect Ratio. If you are resizing with a rectangular selection, hold the Shift key down and resize using a corner adjusting node. ================================== Once you have your resized hat-and-wand saved as a PNG file, open your background image in Paint.NET. Next, bring in the hat-and-wand image - Layers > Import From File... ================================= Make a new layer for your text - Layers > Add New Layer... ================================= Help file: http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/en/index.html ================================= Here is some info on layers. http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/en/LayersMenu.html http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Paint.NET/ ... rs_Example
  5. Ropuh, Some possible ways are suggested here:
  6. Can you give specifics of how you'd like Clone Stamp and Magic Wand to be different?
  7. Take a look in this tutorial section. Image and Photo Touch-ups Tutorials by lindsaykorsen and Tabou are a good place to start
  8. You may have accidentally clicked the icon at the extreme left in the History window. When that happens, clicking the icon to the extreme right should bring it all back. Once the file has been closed, of course, all History is lost.
  9. It sounds like the image you are bringing in is huge, relative to your starting canvas size. (In terms of pixel dimensions) You could resize the images before importing them. In the top menu, Image > Resize Rename when you Save As... the resized images if you want to preserve the original image file. Help file: http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/en/index.html
  10. Look for a folder named - ABRViewImages, in the same directory where you ran the ABRView.exe. On Vista, the folder is created automatically and the extraction to that folder seems to be automatic also.
  11. For extracting/viewing .abr files, there is another program with a similar name, ABRView. It uses Java runtime instead of .NET. Works well, is easy to use on Vista. If you have Windows 7, and this works for you, please report back here. http://www.easyelements.com/abrview.html
  12. Okay, so it sounds like Paint.NET opens now, is that correct? If so, look in the top menu - Utilities > Plugin Load Errors See if there are load error reports on the plugins. If your C drive is corrupted then doing the chkdsk scan may help.
  13. Holley2583, On Vista the Plugin Manager needs to be opened with a right-click > Run As Administrator... ===================================== This may or might not sort out things. Try running PdnRepair: Program Files/Paint.NET/PdnRepair.exe Then reboot your PC. ===================================== If that doesn't fix things: Try running chkdsk, with the /f parameter, from the command line. chkdsk with /f parameter
  14. deathdoctor, Try running PdnRepair: Program Files/Paint.NET/PdnRepair.exe Then reboot your PC.
  15. These all read true for me using Firefox, or Opera, or Google Chrome, or Safari, or QtWeb. Using IE8, many of the colors are off as measured by Color Picker. (PicPick and ColorPic programs)
  16. Additional info would be valuable. What filetype are you saving as? Have you been able to verify the color shift using a separate color picking program?
  17. In the top menu: Edit > Invert Selection Or: Ctrl + i
  18. Yes, and that's the updated version. My original method included jumping thru fiery hoops while hogtied.
  19. Create a blank image, save as .jpg. Set its Properties to Read Only. Make a Paint.NET desktop shortcut with its Target info set to open Paint.NET with that file loaded. If you do Save As... with only one layer, then it will save as .jpg as default.
  20. Mario_10, In the top menu: Layers > Make New Layer File > Save As...
  21. 1) Click on the left-most icon at the bottom of the Layers window. 2) Copy the layer you've just filled in: Ctrl A Ctrl C Ctrl D Next: Hold down the Ctrl key, and the Alt key, and press V. This will copy/paste that layer into its own new file. Save as a PNG file. Name it SelectionTemplate. Open your other image and import that PNG file. In the top menu - Layers > Import from File. Click on the filled in solid color with the Magic Wand. In the Layers window, remove the checkmark from the imported template layer. Simon types faster than I do. Both ways will work.
  22. Paste it into its own transparent layer above the background image.
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