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Everything posted by Sarkut

  1. It's part of Madjik's plugin pack: MadJik' all plugins
  2. http://members.ziggo.nl/steven.brom/download/ Mystery plugin.
  3. jkj, Check here: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/forum/5-translation-and-localization/ ========================================= In the Paint.NET top menu: Utilities > Language
  4. With Paint.NET closed, navigate to the PdnRepair.exe file and double-click it.
  5. Arti-san, Here are ten pages of results for Error 1603. Unfortunately 1603 is a rather generalized error code, can be the result of many different problems. Link Removed.
  6. Tammy Snyder, Try running PdnRepair: Program Files/Paint.NET/PdnRepair.exe Then reboot your PC.
  7. Kawaii, Current version Ed Harvey plugin pack, works with PDN v. 3.5.4.
  8. Upload the file, post the download link. http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php
  9. henpest, Try this in place of a cutout filter. Guassian blur - Radius 4 (This will vary with image size) Adjustments > Posterize (At default settings) Color > Threshold Adjust sliders to suit. Threshold:
  10. Arti-san, Pls. say what OS version you are using. (XP, Vista, etc.) Also, what OS Service Pack level is installed, and whether fully current on Windows Updates. Have you seen these threads? Links Removed.
  11. anglaret, Try running PdnRepair: Program Files/Paint.NET/PdnRepair.exe Then reboot your PC.
  12. This thread may be of interest: viewtopic.php?f=10&t=33786&hilit=gamma
  13. All textures generated from the text of a pdncrash.log, made especially for this WOTW by running the "Reflection - effect" plugin. Large Size - http://tinyurl.com/texttunnel
  14. garyfe, As an aid to eyeballing it: On a new (transparent) layer, using the Line / Curve tool while holding the Shift key down, draw a horizontal line. It makes a handy guide when adjusting the horizon with Zoom/Rotate.
  15. Salo, This reproduces for me. If you copy the image from online, then paste it into Paint.NET it will save OK. At least it does on my Vista PC.
  16. This reproduces on my Vista PC - PdNv3.5.4. Same with MS Paint. Works OK with Gimp and Irfanview. And if opened and saved in either of these programs, without any editing, will then display OK in Paint.NET. Also, if you copy the image from online, then paste it into Paint.NET it will display correctly and when saved can be re-opened with correct display.
  17. millie150, How to Post Images Upload to ImageShack, copy/paste the "Direct Link" into your sig typing box. Then drag the mouse cursor across what you've just pasted, to highlight it, and click on the button up top that says - "Img".
  18. bmastenbrook, You haven't said what OS version you are using. With Vista I did this, and .tif files now open in Paint.NET by left-clicking. Choose a TIFF file, then: Right-click > Open with... > Choose default program... Then select Paint.Net either by expanding the Other Programs option or using Browse. Check the box that says - "Always use the selected program to open this kind of file". OK
  19. souwesterly, If you are using XP, you can try this: In the top menu: Tools > Folder Options > View tab Tick - "Show hidden files and folders Remove checkmark from: Hide protected operating system files (Recommended) > Apply > OK. You should now be able to see a file named - Thumbs.db Delete the file. This will force XP to rebuild the .db file next time that folder is opened. Don't know if it will fix the embedded .jpg thumbnail issue.
  20. Curtis Black's plugins aren't yet fully compatible with Paint.NET v3.5.4, but they may be updated soon.
  21. What kind of editing specifically do you want to do to the straight line? Just make it longer/shorter or something else? Only when initially drawing the line, the Shift key will enforce straight lines at 15 degree increments. After the mouse button is released, none that I know of. No. Sure would.
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