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Everything posted by Sarkut

  1. The latest CurtisBlack.Effects.dll is producing an unneeded Effects sub-menu item called: Ray Tracer
  2. Okay. OrbGenerator.dll is a red-herring relative to the Ray Tracer menu item. It seems to come and go with the latest Curtis Black plugin pack. =============================================== If I use CurtisBlack.Common.dll and CurtisBlackResources.dll from the newest plugin download, with CurtisBlack.Effects.dll from the previous version, Ray Tracer doesn't show and no Plugin Load errors show up in Utilities
  3. That's bizarre! Just as a check, temporarily reset your OS Folder View settings to: Show hidden files and folders and Remove the checkmark at: Hide protected system files (Recommended) See whether doing this makes the OrbGenerator.dll become visible.
  4. Do a Search of your PC for this filename: dd_dotnetfx35error.txt
  5. With Paint.NET open, press F1 for the online Help file. Interactive Guide
  6. Lilyspirit, Press the F8 key. Or in the top menu: Window > Colors. Or Window > Reset Window Locations. http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/en/WindowMenu.html
  7. I just noticed. The single plugin file - OrbGenerator.dll creates two sub-menu sets. ====================================== Edit: OrbGenerator.dll is innocent of any involvement in the "Great Ray Tracer Caper" ====================================== Ray Tracer and Shapes > Orb Generator The orb generator is functional, but of limited usefulness.
  8. jp2paint, You have some out of date plugin files. Download the newer versions at the plugin home pages. Pyrochild plugins in particular. pyrochild.effects.REQUIRED.dll is absent. pyrochild.effects.common.dll is no longer used. ========================================== Look in Paint.NET's top menu. Utilities > View Plugin Load Errors This will tell you what plugins aren't loading properly. Any error message like this can be ignored: " Full error message: This plugin is now built-in to Paint.NET."
  9. Two things come to mind on this. 1) Is area beyond the original paper edge being scanned into the image? If so, some cropping may be needed. 2) My guess is setting margins to zero, and set to Landscape rather than Portrait. Also, be sure to change the paper size setting to A3, A4 is the default setting. Another possibility is a difference between the DPI (dots-per-inch) of the scanner and the DPI setting of the printer. May not be the case, and if so, is fixable.
  10. Can you post a screenshot of the contents of your Paint.Net/Effects folder, including the Windows Explorer window showing the full path to the Effects folder? How to post images: How to Post Images http://www.take-a-screenshot.org/ ============================================ This is what should show when plugin is installed correctly. http://img179.imageshack.us/img179/5103/pplus01.png
  11. canadianking, Some additional info, please. Pls. say what OS version you are using. (XP, Vista, etc.) Also, what OS Service Pack level is installed, and whether fully current on Windows Updates. What was the Paint.NET version number that you previously uninstalled? Did you run the Windows Installer CleanUp Utility? http://support.microsoft.com/default.as ... -us;290301 It might be helpful if you can post a screenshot of the "Fatal Error" error message.
  12. clyne, Download the zipfile from Simon Brown's site. Download it to your Desktop or Downloads folder. Open the zip by left-clicking, left-click the folder inside named Effects, and copy/paste all of the files inside to your Files/Paint.NET/Effects folder. Best to do this with Paint.NET closed.
  13. Do you have this. Starting at the Paint.NET top menu: Effects > Tools > Printer+
  14. In the Render sub-menu. It works OK in my Paint.NET v3.5.4 install.
  15. The two folders shouldn't be there, only the files that they contain.
  16. Famework, Paint.NET requires the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1. 3.5 Compact is not that. Try this: 1) Download the full 3.5 SP1 installer here: http://download.microsoft.com/download/ ... etfx35.exe It's a fairly large file. 2) Download a fresh Paint.NET installer here: http://www.dotpdn.com/downloads/pdn.html 3) Uninstall the Compact .NET Framework 3.5. 4) Install NET 3.5 SP1, using the file downloaded in Step 1. 5) After the .NET 3.5 SP1 has installed, disconnect your PC from the internet, and install Paint.NET using the file downloaded in Step 2. Let us know whether this works for you.
  17. This, currently. Based on the commentary in the plugin thread, this plugin used to do something other than what it does now. Maybe it has become broken, by not being updated to conform to new versions of Paint.NET. Or... ?
  18. Press F8 http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/en/WindowMenu.html
  19. Martel, is Motion Blur: :MotionBlur: in v3.36 in v3.5.4.
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