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Possum Roadkill

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Everything posted by Possum Roadkill

  1. @ cursormortis Nice image but I think you can improve it a little. Your stars look really good but may be a little too uniform. There is a plug-in "Draw with custom brush" and a star brush that would really add some variety to your stars. There is also a tut, by the great LFC4EVER, that shows how to add a sparkle to an object. Here is the link, viewtopic.php?f=15&t=24212&hilit=sparkle The other thing is the planet. While the textures you used are really good, they look odd together, well to me anyway, or maybe it's me that's odd, lol. I do like your idea of using different textures on the water and earth parts, but maybe if one looked more like the other....? The way you blended the fire is really good, and like I said, the stars are really nice and would look awesome if you added a little twinkle here and there. This is something I've been working on this week. This is a reduced size of the original, a thumb link to the full size will be in my gallery later. I want to thank Goonfella for the inspiration on this one with his guitars and bass guitars images that were so very, very good. I also want to thank one of the great masters of Paint.net who assisted me with a special part of this image, you know who you are . I promised that I would keep my lips sealed..... for now. But thank you so much for the tip. It made all the difference. Believe it or not, this is a WIP. I'm not sure when I'll get back to the remainder as I'm a little under the weather right now. The Possum "Bluegrass Special" Guitar.
  2. Sokagirl I'm so proud of you ! Beautiful gallery with beautiful art. See ! You are far more than a sig artist. Keep the wings on that imagination soaring. I will check your gallery every time. Thank you for sharing !
  3. Oh sorry. I wish it were larger then. Old eyes like larger images. :wink:
  4. I must be missing something, which tut is it?
  5. @ Janettsue that is just too cute. The expression on the bunny's face is wonderful and I love the addition of the honeybee ! The flower and tree are one of the nicest I've seen. Great image ! Reminds me of the old Disney style of animation.
  6. @ h3llb0yn3cr0 That is a very interesting program you used to create that image. I have never heard of it, but I did find this gallery with a search, some really beautiful images. Might be some inspiration in there so I feel the need to share it here while we are on the topic. http://www.1stwebdesigner.com/inspirati ... is-part-1/
  7. Thank you ! I always feel strange. @ Flip that is awesome. I would love to see the full size image.
  8. Possum Roadkill


    Ah ! I do see where you are going with this one. I didn't expect this. Well, this turned a bad day right around, right before I go to bed. I'm glad I waited around to see it.
  9. Thanks ! I had a nice vacation working around the place but didn't get a lot of paint time in so I made up for it when I went back to work. Not that I would do anything like this at work :shock: (whispers, in case my boss reads this) I can cram a lot of planning into lunch hour with rough sketches and then do the real thing when I get home. That's my new plan and it seems to be working well Roxy Music ! That's a name I haven't heard in a long, long time. What a great band that was at the time! Yes, that is exactly what I was going for, but then I must cut it up for the little that I need. I felt I needed more color for the project I'm working on because the abalone will be small. I'll leave it at that....I don't want to ruin the expectations if I really mess it up. I do believe you are right though, needs more iridescent and shimmer. I'm thinking the same effect with more light colors mixed in with the dark, as you say "whites/offwhites in greenish tints". Hmmm......will have to think about it a lot more. I'm sure the abalone doesn't have to think too hard, he just does it. Nature is so beautiful in the details, if we can only capture a speck of that beauty....
  10. Very nice flip! I did your tut the other day. Very well done tut and a nice outcome.
  11. It's even stranger I meant Murano glass not Milano I used to collect glass from boot sales etc, but my wife banned it until I learnt to use a duster and polish :oops: What is a boot sale? Oma, have you ever heard of Fenton glass? I think that is what it was called.
  12. Oops ! Sorry I thought it was water. It really is a beautiful piece, as is so much of your work. If you remember more later, please let me know. I'm working on a water piece and would appreciate some feedback.
  13. Possum Roadkill


    Gosh I hope so, he would look pretty silly wearing just glass boots and his knickers ! :shock:
  14. Yes, quite nice. I agree, that is what the globe should look like. Very good job, I really like it this way. I too am kind of a dark thinker. I think there is something in the water supply...... :shock:
  15. Oh I can see it coming.... the new raptor sig will have a possum in it's mouth as it shakes it from side to side.... Oh no ! Not brother Opie! ( get it, Opie, OP, Opossum...) Ok seriously, it's been a long day, sorry. Yes, I would really like to see it with something more than the blackness. I can see where you are coming from on it, but it is just too bleak. I, just to give my humble suggestion, think that maybe Oma's palm leaf tut to create some plant life so it looks like it's jumping out of the deep dark underbrush. You could make the foliage really dark and it would have the effect I think you are looking for. Maybe? Sorry, if you only know how bad this day has been....not in the tragic sense, but in the frustration level. I hope that helps ! My 1.5 cents worth anyway.
  16. @ worldnewser I still have the download of Gimp setting in my downloads folder un-installed. I got started on PdN and then found this site and....and...uh, I never got back to it. Nice image by the way. I've been watching a lot of the coverage this weekend. I remember it like it was yesterday.....but I can't remember what I had for lunch yesterday? :shock: @ Ash, that's what I was thinking....Ahhhh! Get out of my head ! :shock: J/K !
  17. I like it, but I like the glass globe over it. Maybe stretch it so it's more round, but I'd keep it.
  18. Uh, Yum? :shock: I was gonna say a fire then I saw your comment, I thought maybe it was a chemical reaction and might do a spontaneous combustion at any moment. One question though, does it taste like chicken? Seriously, very cool and imaginative, I can smell the eye of newt and bat's wing cooking from here.
  19. The swirl in the middle was pretty much just random lines (curves, connected) blurred and swirled, and....uh I can't remember which blend mode, I'll have to look it up. The larger lines were pretty much the same thing but were stretched, moved and not swirled (and....uh I can't remember which blend mode, sorry I just got out of bed and haven't finished my coffee, I'm old and don't function well without it).
  20. @ Escapist Angel Yes, very much better. Very good job ! So, what is the green stuff in the glass?
  21. What a good idea ! Hmmm....that would be an interesting project. Thanks man, now if I can just figure out how to do it Hey, BTW, I posted some tests in my textures page and I was wondering if you guys would take a look at them an tell me what you think. They are three versions of abalone tiles. I've looked at them all day and I need some other eyes to tell me which one looks more realistic.
  22. Great ! I can't wait to see it. This is something I did this morning while playing around with blurs, layers, blends and other stuff.
  23. Wow you have some really nice images you have done. You have really made a lot of progress. Some of your Harley pics would make great T-Shirts.
  24. Oma, I think you are on to something but I think another method is needed. Here are a couple of stocks I found that show the detail in abalone that I always think of. The first one looks to me that it might be achieved with clouds as the starting point. I tried a few things a while back but they were awful :shock: I guess I need to take another shot at it. Let me know what you think might help.
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