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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. http://searchpaint.net/ + 'animated image' Seek, and you will find.....,
  2. Bingo Don't forget that posting your code here is a great way to get input and assistance figuring things out.
  3. The post two above this has the correct link. There have been several releases of the Custom Brushes plugin - that's why there are several entries in the Plugin Index. If you have trouble with the plugin, post your questions in the thread related to the plugin. The Plugin Index isn't stickied, but has it's own redirection link on the plugin page. There is a link in my sig if you get desperate
  4. Try reading through the tutorials linked in this post and the one immediately after: http://forums.getpai...post__p__339247
  5. This might be your problem: 2003 was eight years ago. It's old, old, old. Try pasting into some other apps and tell us if the problem persists. If it doesn't then PP might be the issue.
  6. A lot of the info you probably want to find out about is part of Paint.net itself. However the source is NOT available - please don't ask for it. If you use the plugin template (link in the post above above) with a copy of Visual Studio (even Express will suffice) you can use Intellisense to find a lot of the classes and methods.
  7. Read These and also press F1 in Paint.net to be taken to the online help files. There is a heap of info there to help new (and not so new) users.
  8. Custom Brushes. Read the thread to learn how to install & use them. They will do the spray paint look so you'll just have to learn to use it (note the tutorial link at the bottom of the first post )
  9. Try searching for 'animated image' using this link: http://searchpaint.net/ The font is probably a custom one. Try identifying it using whatever search engine you normally use.
  10. There is the custom brushes plugin and at least one air brushing tutorial. Search harder Grasshopper
  11. http://searchpaint.net/ + plaid fabric If the first technique doesn't grab you, there is a neat (faster) version posted in the same thread by @Curmudgeon
  12. Hi sandsunsurf, Welcome to the forum! This section of the forum is reserved for the publishing of tutorials only. You post is better directed to the General Discussion & Questions section. I'll move it for you if you promise me you'll read the Forum Rules. Deal? <moved>
  13. Are you using a 32-bit or 64-bit OS? How much memory is installed? single, dual, quad or more processors? Large canvasses with detailed selections do tend to cause lag, but improving the system you're running on will help the situation. The last two posters mentioned 2Gb of memory - this is an obvious bottleneck. 4Gb or better would see an improvement as would a 64-bit version of Win7.
  14. Hi Itzjajon, welcome to the forum. Please take the time to read the Forum Rules. Your thread title runs foul of Rule #6 and is of no use to anyone searching the forum for the same information as you as 'Help?' bears no relation to "How did I rotate this image?" Please edit yout thread title by clicking on the edit button under the first post. Next click on the 'Use Full editor' button and then overtype the thread title with something more descriptive. Thanks. Edit: Reposted with a descriptive thread title - <closed>
  15. Great tutorial! Very useful. The only thing I'm asking is: shouldn't this be in 'Distortions & Modifications'?
  16. You know the saying "Publish and be damned"? If I did I would be!
  17. Select the circular area you want to smooth with the ellipse selection tool (hold down the SHIFT key to constrain selection to a circle) Apply Effects > Blurs > Gaussian Blur at 1px radius. There are other blurs available. Unfocus or Surface Blur are two that might be worth checking out. Read more: http://www.getpaint....sBlursMenu.html
  18. I have removed the first three links you posted. Do NOT make the mistake of making questionable images available on this forum again. No it is not possible to recover parts of an image removed in this way.
  19. Hey Andy! Welcome to the forum. You've posted this in the Newbie Playground area of the Tutorials section. This part of the forum is reserved for the publishing of tutorials. Don't worry - this is a common mistake Tell you what. I'll move this to the correct section for you: General Discussion & Questions <moved>
  20. Win his computer by telling him he needs something more powerful. Tell him you think Crysis2 lags on his system. Works with a gamer every time
  21. I seem to recall reading somewhere that the .NET versions need to be installed in order. If I'm right, you may need to uninstall 4.0 before reinstalling 2.0, 3.0 & 3.5 then reinstalling 4.0. DON'T DO THIS YET. Await confirmation as I don't seem to be able to find the reference post/article I'm looking for. Edit: this page from Microsoft tells me I'm wrong http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb822049.aspx
  22. The animals don't have any relation to the name: 'High Point Outdoors' <> Deer or Turkeys! A high point in the outdoors conjures images of rugged peaks. The terrain in your logo is a undulating plain. My opinion: lose the animals, the monotone silhouette and do something with snow covered peaks.
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