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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. Hi there kmacrae, welcome to the forum! The answer is Yes. Images - side-by side: Here Collage tutorials: Here, and Here Collage plugin: Here These were easily found using the SEARCH function: http://searchpaint.net/
  2. Renee, you should start a new topic under Paint.NET Discussion & Questions rather than taking this thread off-topic.
  3. Off the top of my head: New.R = Start.R - (Start.R - End.R) x 0.15 New.G = Start.G - (Start.G - End.G) x 0.15 New.B = Start.B - (Start.B - End. x 0.15 (don't quote me - test it for yourself)
  4. Hey Greg - just a note on printing at different resolutions. You really need to read this: The real trick is to work on a REALLY LARGE CANVAS. If your current logo is 600x600px then it will print horribly if you try to stretch it up to say 6" x 4". So before you go any further - make sure your canvas is: 1. really, REALLY large. and 2. A size that is a power of 2 multiple of the required finished size - i.e. 200%, 400%, 800% or 1600%. I'm not kidding. When the client wants to print a banner six feet wide a source image 600px square isn't going to cut it.
  5. Welcome to the forum RatheBadger! Often asked, the answer is no. The four control nubs are all you get in the current version of Paint.NET. I've edited your post to give it a descriptive title. Descriptive titles are a requirement here on the forum (it helps users find stuff by searching).
  6. A reply makes a contribution to the discussion. Like an update, clarification, new information, etc..., A bump is petulant cry for recognition.
  7. Grunge: Dishevelled, perhaps dirty, somewhat chaotic, counter-culture inspired. Generally strong elements and contrasting colors applied with apparent force.
  8. Now THAT made me sit up straight and suck back the dribble....Wow.
  9. Not quite. Our original poster is creating an ebook for sale (probably on Amazon). The thumbnail reduction is done by the book seller in order to display the cover on their website. The reduction process is therefore entirely out of the author's hands (the author supplies the full sized cover image, the seller does the rest). Regardless of the process used to reduce the full sized cover, our poster wishes to make the text on their cover as clear as possible.
  10. Hi there i337pwn, welcome to the forum. You need to resize the image in Paint.NET, not in PhotoBucket (remember the maximum allowed dimension of a posted image is 800px on the longest side). Once you've resized the image, save a copy of it and upload that to Photobucket. Post the image using the links provided on Photobucket (more information can be found here: http://forums.getpai...es-and-avatars/)
  11. Your technique certainly does give a photo some 'pop'. You've linked to the plugins used, posted reasonably sized images and explained everything nicely. Well done on your first tutorial!
  12. I suspect you're either not deselecting on the destination canvas (as pdnnoob said), or possibly making a screenshot which includes the blue selection filter? The blue filter is only active with one of the Selection Tools. If you activate another tool, the blue filter will be removed leaving only the selection outline. This might provide a workaround - but I suspect that there is a more fundamental problem with how you're copying from one image to another. What is your step-by-step method of copying? If you can detail the actual steps you're using perhaps we can spot the problem.
  13. Your effect changes the size of the image, but not the canvas or selection region. This is perfectly OK. Several effects do exactly that. Filling the excess with transparent pixels is the natural consequence to the resizing operation so that isn't a problem either. Processing your heavy calculations in OnSetRenderInfo() is the preferred method, not a hack. See Rick's post here: http://forums.getpai...in/#entry358957
  14. Nice technique. Q: how does your method differ from duplicating the layer and setting the blend mode of the upper layer to Multiply?
  15. You can only move the active layer or a selection on it. Select the area, activate the tool and begin moving. No. The source is NOT available.
  16. Please read the Tutorial Posting Guidelines item 1a. Second - please link to or mention the plugins used BEFORE getting into the tutorial. Users attempting this will be displeased if they find they haven't got the required plugin(s) halfway through your tutorial. Thanks.
  17. Really nice job EternalSorrow! The "Midnight" text is very readable even in that small image and I can make out the author name too. "Chimes of" is a bit too small to read easily (I guessed). Personally I'd make it a bit larger. What font did you settle on?
  18. Just so we're clear on the differences: The Eraser resets the Alpha channel* - the RGB color information persists (it just can't be seen). Selecting and deleting an area replaces the current RGB color information with #FFFFFF AND sets the Alpha channel to zero. So pixels are filled with #FFFFFF00 * Not always to zero. The Alpha setting is linked to that of the Primary color. Try this: Set Primary Alpha to 2 & Erase a solid color = erasing with soft edges!
  19. September Update Six new plugins this month, including an updated version of the JPEG 2000 filetype plugin. The old plugin has been flagged as "superseded". Alpha-Threshold - @Red ochre Allows manipulation of transparency (Alpha) in a layer which already has a range of alpha values. Bizarro-Negation v1.0 - @Xhin Creates abstract art using a technique which duplicates the layer, flips it horizontally and vertically, sets it to negation. JPEG 2000 - @null54 Filetype. Loads and saves JPEG 2000 images, superseding the old JPEG 2000 plugin. Lens Flare (aka CameraTrouserFlare) - @sradforth Adds the light induced lens flare effect to images. Selection Obscure/Removing/Hiding - @sradforth Remove dust/spots/freckles/moles/left over food/extra limbs/etc.. This is a little like small scale seam carving. Text+ - @dpy Render text specifing line spacing, location, direction, color and font pitch. Useful for when you need precise placement of text.
  20. When you're shrinking images to 5% of their original something has got to give. Fact of life I just resized my cover to the same dimensions and got much the same problem. Tips that might help: 1. Try using a font designed for the screen. Droid Sans is one such example ( http://www.google.co...imen/Droid+Sans ). These fonts are designed to retain their legibility on screen at a range of sizes. 2. Ensure there is high contrast between the text and background. A black vignette behind the text would help achieve this and would be almost imperceptible. 3. As has been mentioned, your text is a little pixelated. Smooth it off with AA's Assistant or Feather. Here's a quick comparison using all three suggestions: Also note the use of lowercase letters - IMHO this makes the word more recognizable.
  21. I'd try the Button plugin: Buttons Though there are two rounded rectangle plugins that will give you the same basic shape. Search for them in the Plugin Index (link in my signature)
  22. Working, working, working!

  23. Hi tontogringo - welcome to the forum. Only in Fireworks, which uses a modified form of PNG as it's native format. These files do not play nicely with other applications. Wrong. The PNG format does not support layers. That Fireworks adds this feature for internal use does not make it so or usable elsewhere. They cannot. Read this: http://en.wikipedia....etwork_Graphics (specifically the Software Support section). Now. As this topic is old I'm closing it. If you wish to restart this discussion - please open a new thread.
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