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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. To all of you who have posted such kind words - thank you. You have made me very happy. PS You guys are the reason I wrote this in the first place PPS Thanks to the Mod/Admin who pinned this thread!
  2. As Pyrochild has mentioned, there is a FREE Kindle app for just about every device currently used to access the Internet. Download a Kindle app and install it on you PC, phone, tablet, netbook or whatever else you use. The benefit of this approach is that you'll get the images in color. I have a basic Kindle - so only get grayscale images (it's not as bad as it sounds). Other versions may be made available Jim. I'll send you a PM to explain.
  3. Some of you will be aware that I've been writing a book on Paint.NET. Well, it's finally here.... I've written this book for beginners through to advanced users. I hope Mastering Paint.NET 3.5.10 will prove the definitive guide to our beloved image editor. It's a complete reference to every feature, nuance, tool, filter and effect found in Paint.NET. It's almost 400 Word pages with hundreds of color images, tips, detailed explanations, hints and how-to guides. Contents at a glance: Contents Introduction About The Author Dedication Acknowledgments Conventions & Abbreviations SECTION 1 Before You Start With Paint.NET Chapter 1 - Introducing Paint.NET Chapter 2 - Installing Paint.NET SECTION 2 Basics Chapter 3 - Understanding The Interface Chapter 4 - The Menus Explained Chapter 5 - Tools Chapter 6 - Color Chapter 7 - Layers & Layering Chapter 8 - Adjustments Chapter 9 - Effects Chapter 10 - Selections & Selected Areas SECTION 3 Advanced Concepts Chapter 11 - Plugins Chapter 12 - File Formats Chapter 13 - Understanding Printing & DPI Chapter 14 - Blend Modes Chapter 15 - Customizing Paint.NET APPENDIX A Keyboard Shortcuts APPENDIX B Summary of Tips APPENDIX C Online Resources APPENDIX D List of Plugins APPENDIX E Menus What others are saying about Mastering Paint.NET Feedback Available from Amazon in Kindle format. Other ebook formats available by request. Here's what some of our esteemed forum users had to say about it: “Scott aka EER has achieved something with this book - teaching an old dog new tricks. A very informative read, with the author speaking to you ... not down to you as some user manuals do. His sense of humor adds to the whole reading experience.” -- Welshblue “Definitely a must of all users of Paint.NET. I learnt a lot in reading this & just had to try out many of the things I was reading about. An absolute pleasure to read with very good explanations & a great sense of humor.” -- barbieq25 “Scott Stringer's casual writing style makes this book a pleasure to read. He really covers the basics of Paint.NET well. I consider this book to be 'required reading' for all Paint.NET beginners.” -- BoltBait The book has taken almost a year to complete. I couldn't have done it without my supporters: Rick, BoltBait, Welshy, barbieq25, nitenurse79, Simon Brown, Evan Olds, NisseBosseLasse and just about everybody who has ever written something on the forum. My sincere thanks to you all.
  4. I guess you're doing something like this? 1. Flatten your image to a single layer. 2. Make a duplicate layer. 3. Use one of these plugins to make a rotation of one degree on the second layer. Rotate Zoom+ or Rotation Bilinear. 4. Duplicate the layer you've just rotated. 5. press Ctrl + F to run the plugin again. 6. Go to step 4 and repeat endlessly (359 times). I bet you get into the 12th loop and decide you don't want single degree rotations, but 6 degree rotations - much faster as there are only 60 rotations The only other suggestion I have is that perhaps IrfanView might be helpful here.
  5. More uses for the middle mouse button or wheel: Click with the middle mouse button (or click with the mouse wheel) to close an image in the Image list. With the Zoom tool active, drag + middle mouse button (or hold wheel down) to pan the canvas.
  6. Keyboard Shortcuts The P key activates the Pencil tool. To activate the Line/Curve tool press the O key.
  7. Great idea Mike. I wonder if the Undo and Redo functions are perhaps potentially too destructive, so I'd be more comfortable with the image swapping idea (much less potential for data loss).
  8. NN79 - Simple. Effective. Bright with great contrast so it is readable from a distance. On the downside I feel it's a bit.. by-the-numbers. I don't mean that as a harsh criticism, I just want to see you explore more subtle effects and perhaps take some steps away from flat 2D work. Your current sig is a favorite of mine and this is the direction I'd like you to explore more. Xzerizon - Great use of a quiet palette. Colors are subtle and go together nicely. I'm not convinced about the sword - which end should be held or does it have two blades? Shame the left hand end is cut off, I'd have made that side the sharp one and use the right as the handle. NN79 - 0 Xzerizon - 1
  9. Actually the posted thumbnail image works for me = clicking it gives the full-sized image.
  10. The .NET framework is required to run Paint.NET. There is no avoiding this requirement. If your school computer does not have the correct version installed seek out the IT person and make a case for having it installed - along with Paint.NET.
  11. I'm not annoyed Renee. You are asking for help and many of us are trying to answer your questions and help you. If you read through the (long) post I linked to above it does not tell you how to upload a screenshot. That was the previous post I made in that thread. The post I linked to explained in detail how to copy from one image to another OR from one layer to another. This is what you asked in post number 3 of this thread:
  12. I don't have the skills to code such a plugin - there are others here who do. They may smile on your request if you ask very nicely. JPG's are not lossless. Not even at 100% quality. Have you investigated the WebP format? It's a JPG killer.
  13. I explained exactly how to do this in your previous thread: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/25355-im-still-unable-to-get-it-to-copy/#entry378859
  14. Not so much work. If the image can be changed all we need to do is create something we like. Pyrochild does the hard work uploading the image to the forum host, or something like that.
  15. But you asked for a walk-through of how to upload a screenshot.... I think you should reassess your use of the term screenshot. A screenshot is just that - a shot of a screenful of information. Its a screen capture in image form which will also capture the surround of the application you have open. A screenshot is not the same as a Paint.NET image and I think this is where you're getting mixed messages from. A Paint.NET image is an image that may comprise multiple layers, or be composed of a single layer. In order to do a copy from one image to another, or from one layer to another you need to do this: 1. open the source image so the image is the editing window in Paint.NET. 2. Select the correct layer by clicking on this layers name in the Layers Window. The layer you click on will be highlighted in the Layers Window (this is the layer which has the element that you wish to copy). 3. Press and hold the Ctrl key down. Tap the A key. Release both. This selects all of the active layer (the one you selected in 2). 4. Press and hold the Ctrl key down. Tap the C key. Release both. This combination copies the selected layers contents to the clipboard. 5. Open the destination image so it appears on the Paint.NET canvas/editing window. 6. Select an exisiting layer in the destination image by clicking on it's name in the Layers Window (just like 2 above). Or you could create a new layer to hold the element you're transferring. 7. Once you have the destination layer activated press and hold the Ctrl key down. Tap the V key. Release both. This combination copies the clipboard to the active layer. As to why you weren't getting the image to copy, I suspect you weren't doing step number 3 i.e. telling Paint.NET which region you were intending to copy.
  16. To create a screenshot: 1. Open Paint.NET and the image you want to post. 2. Press the Print Screen button on your keyboard. This copies the current screen to the clipboard. 3. Press the key combination Ctrl + Alt + V. This pastes the screenshot into a new image in Paint.NET 4. Select the Rectange Select tool and highlight the area of interest within the new image. 5. Press Ctrl + Shift + X. This crops the image to the selection you have just made. 6. Save the image as a PNG. To upload it an image to the forum: You need to upload that image to a hosting service and post the link here. Full instructions are posted here: http://forums.getpai...es-and-avatars/
  17. These posts were originally in another thread (http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/25324-how-to-restore-layers/page__p__378524#entry378524) I'm still not sure if it is possible to customize the 'rep' button.
  18. Well, now that I finally got around to splitting off these posts and pasting them into their own thread, the discussion seems to have died
  19. Do you want to reproduce the glowing lines or the rainbow coloration? If you mean the glowing lines, try these two tutorials: and especially
  20. That's a plugin which can be found here: Black and Alpha+ I'd also consider the isolate lineart plugin which does much the same thing - Isolate Lineart
  21. Layer two might be set to not visible. Check that there is a tick in the checkbox next to the layer name in the Layers Window. The sizing issue is because the two images (source and destination) are of dissimilar size. If you view each at 100% you will see the size discrepancy. From your description the source image is smaller than the canvas you're pasting it onto. Think of it like this: If you own a large garage and have a large car the two probably fit together nicely. If you trade in you big car for a scooter then it looks small when parked in the large space. You're doing the same thing with your images. There is no such thing as a PDN document. To upload a screenshot you need save it as a JPG or PNG image. Then upload that to your image hosting site (e.g. Photobucket) and post the link here. Full instructions are found here:
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