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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. Yup - you're probably right. @midora mentioned I Like Pi's Layer Saver. It that what you're after?
  2. So we don't confuse forum users - can you please place the updates directly in the first post of this thread? Many users will not see the most recent release if it is buried down in post #8 Thanks.
  3. Does opening several images and copying the layers between them not improve your workflow? If I need to copy layers, this is what I usually do: Flatten the layers you wish to export then press Ctrl + A to Select All of the layer. Ctrl + C copies the selected layer to the clipboard. Ctrl + Alt + V dumps the contents of the clipboard into a new image. Alternatively, move to your other image (where you want the layer placed) and press Ctrl + Shift + V to drop the clipboard into a new layer. Does that help?
  4. Editing operations are applied to the active layer. The active layer need not be the upper most layer in the stack - or even visible. Click on any layer name in the Layers Window to make it the active layer. See how it gets the active layer focus and highlighting? We often recommend placing text on it's own otherwise transparent layer. This is so the text can be moved, resized or even replaced independently of the rest of the image.
  5. Q: Is your drawing a single layer of grey on a white background or is it two layers (one for the grey figure and another for the white background?)
  6. You have to move the whole layer. Once text is committed to the layer it becomes a series of colored pixels and is not re-editable.
  7. Thats' the plugin. It's not zipped. Just copy/move the file into the Paint.NET/Effects folder and you'll be sweet. Question: Why are you not downloading it via the link in this thread? http://forums.getpai...rushesmini-v21/
  8. Yes. I just wanted to head off a potential naming conflict
  9. Useful for calculating the centre of an image/selection: // Rectangle selection = this.EnvironmentParameters.GetSelection(src.Bounds).GetBoundsInt(); // long CenterX = (long)(((selection.Right - selection.Left) / 2)+selection.Left); // long CenterY = (long)(((selection.Bottom - selection.Top) / 2)+selection.Top); (Find these code samples and MANY more at www.BoltBait.com) Now you can multiply the results by your % slider value.
  10. Object Align requires the element to be on a transparent layer. Sounds like we have a B&W layer, so in order to work the background would have to be removed first. Me? I'd look at this plugin: Composition tool
  11. All of what you have shown in the video can be done with Paint.NET using the Move tool, but there are also mnay other options: Bulge, Point Warp, Liquify, Power Stretch, Quadrilateral Reshape and many more of the distort tools & plugins are available. To be honest I think I could do most of what you've shown with just the move tool . E.g. try making a selection, press M (selects the Move tool) then dragging one of the eight control nubs. It's as easy as that.
  12. Your best bet is to create your own custom template. The idea is to save a template with the correct dimensions, coloring, layer structure, etc..., then open that with Paint.NET. Here's how: 1. Resize the default blank canvas (Image | Resize or Ctrl + R) to suit yourself. 2. Add such layers and elements that you want to have present when the template opens. 3. Save the image to a location you can find again. Use the file format *.png for a single layered template, *.pdn for multi-layered. Name the file appropriately so it can be easily recognized (hint: make the filename descriptive). 4. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the newly created file. Right click on the file to open the context sensitive menu, select Properties. 5. Under Attributes check the box that say "Read-only". This will ensure that the file is unable to be overwritten, so it will always be available as your correctly sized template. Click Apply then OK to commit the changes. From within Paint.NET, use the File | Open Recent submenu to select the file, or alternatively use File | Open and navigate to the file. Outside of Paint.NET, double click on the template to start the application and automatically load the template file.
  13. Are you aware that MadJik has a plugin called Lens Flare? You'll find it here: MadJik' all plugins
  14. Good answer nitenurse79! @Produde123 please also read the rule about thread titles. I've renamed this one for you. <moved to Paint.NET discussion & Questions>
  15. Reckon our Terri is wanting something like an assemblage of PowerPoint slide notes. I.e. what a speaker would use for reference when the slides come up of the screen. In image terms - a collage of thumbnails perhaps? Please let us know if we're getting close Terri - and welcome to the forum. P.S. you're in the right place for such a question.
  16. Hi Webbelot - welcome! Do you mean Outline Selection? If so, you need to make a selection first, then apply it
  17. I'm surprised as they are both excellent distortion plugins. Can you explain how they do not 'work well' for you? I'm not trying to wind you up - I'm trying to find out what you're trying to achieve so we can help.
  18. Reread this thread: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/692-install-update-or-uninstall-trouble-read-this/ Post#2 BEWARE! That is a very large hammer you're wielding there - don't go mucking about randomly with it. Once you have removed all trace of Paint.NET, do a fresh download and reinstall.
  19. There are supposed to be images. Looks like they have been removed by the tutorial author. Let's give the author a few days to get them back up. I've sent a PM....
  20. Easy method - use this plugin: Buttons Slighty harder (no video): or
  21. Yes - clever use of 'shadowing' on a flat 2D object can lead ot the illusion of 3 dimensions. For example your sample images are ALL 2D images. The appearance of depth is given by the shadowing (particularly where the combatants are concerned). If you look carefully, you can see that the mountains are apparently illuminated from a light source on the right (the shadows extend to the left from the ridges). Conversely, the combatants are illuminated from a light source positioned to the left (the shadows extends slightly left to right). This illusion of lighting and shadowing gives the image the appearance of visual depth.
  22. Generally when this topic is raised, users are pointed to IrfanView as It does bulk processing.
  23. There are a couple of plugins you should have a look at: Power Stretch and Liquify The latter is particulary noteworthy as it can use Photoshop's mesh files. Edit: Beaten by Red Ochre..
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