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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. Once you have committed text to a layer it ceases to be characters and becomes groups of pixels. This means it is not editable - unless you use the plugin toe_head pointed you to. RE: font names. The last used font, font size and formatting should persist over a Paint.NET session. It's a good habit to get into to place these bits of information in the layer name (press F4). <moved to Paint.NET Discussion & Questions>
  2. Move Tool moves the actual pixels which are covered by the selection region. Move Selection moves the selection region (not the pixels) to a new location. I.e. it allows you to cover a new set of pixels with the same (or resized) selection shape. Let's say you just made a rectangular selection. A split second before you edited this area - you realized "HORRORS!" you haven't selected all of that fishbowl or whatever it is. In steps the Move Selection tool. With it you can reposition the selection to completely cover the fishbowl. Or you could drag one of the control nubs to make the selection bigger.
  3. If on a single layer: 1. Select the background with the Magic Wand Fine tune the selection using the Tolerance setting in the Tool Bar. 2. Press Ctrl + I to invert the selection. 3. Press delete. 4. Save in a file format that supports transparency (like PNG, not JPG).
  4. @Gumboot is gone, gone, gone Last here on May 18 2006 so there is little chance of an update unless someone else is willing to have a crack at it.
  5. That's the one. As nitenurse79 has already said - the only safe place to download plugins is this forum, or from links posted here by plugin authors. Even then, you should scan downloaded files before you do anything else with them.
  6. The Megalo pack is software piracy. They illegally bundle both new and old plugins AGAINST the express wishes of the plugin authors. Of course they are not doing this for the welfare of the Paint.NET community. You have found the reason why we delete all references to that particular plugin pack. You never know what you're going to get installed along with the plugins they bundle. Your best bet from here is to first safeguard your system. Assume you have installed both viruses and malware. Scan. Clean. Scan again. I recommend installing and using Microsoft Security Essentials and while you're at it enable your firewall and check it's settings carefully. Once you have your system secure and clean - then you have a safe environment to reinstall Paint.NET once you have removed all the existing traces of it. It sounds like you have an incomplete removal of the application. This thread will explain what to do: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/692-install-update-or-uninstall-trouble-read-this/ Read the whole thread first. Then return to the 2nd post and try the steps outlined there. Please let us know how you get on (it's a good idea to document the steps you take as you do them).
  7. To shift by a set amount, try the panelling plugin: Found Here
  8. Only via the JPEG 2000 plugin - which I assume you've tried (by your comment that you couldn't get it to work).
  9. If you have two layers you're unable to even use the paintbucket to fill each layer with a different color? Try this: 1. open a new image 2. add a new layer. 3. activate the first layer by clicking on it 4. select the Paint Bucket tool and left click in the layer (it should go black). 5. activate the second layer. left click in this layer. It should also go black. Now you should have two completely black layers 6. activate the first layer again. 4. right click in the layer (it should go from black to white). 5. activate the second layer. Right click in this layer. It should also go from black to white. If this simple demo works then there is no problem with the installation or layers. It sounds like you may have a selection made which is stopping you from editing outside the selection. Hit the ESC key (to deselect any current selection) and try again. BTW: a selection region will persist across layers. If you switch to another layer the selection region will automatically be applied to the newly activated layer.
  10. JPEG 2000 isn't as popular as was hoped when it was developed. It seems to be mostly used for archiving images - with very little support elsewhere. I'm interested as to why are you using this format?
  11. Thanks! The link correctly takes you to the thread for Jesse Chunn's plugin pack which contains the plugin. The downloadable ZIP is the very first link in the thread - and it downloads fine (I checked!)
  12. There is a downloadable PDF file attached to the first post in this thread I make the MOBI file available so users can read the Plugin Index of their Kindles.
  13. The Tools submenu should be automatically created when needed (like when the application finds the Custom Brushes plugin on startup). Check that you have the files suitated in the correct folder - Paint.NET/Effects/
  14. It's not us - it's the software. The forum underwent a major upgrade. Believe me we are still working out the kinks behind the scenes!
  15. @Mick Berg and pdnnoob: I've merged the separate thread into the Custom Brushes thread to keep all the discussion in one place. pdnnoob is quite correct - you can find this plugin under the Effects | Tools submenu
  16. Paint.NET would be able to fix the images on an individual basis, but does not do batch processing. As you have hundreds of images to process, you should probably have a look at something like IrfanView.
  17. The plugin you're looking for is Ed Harvey's Halftone plugin (it's the one Rick mentioned). You can find it here: When installed it is located under Effects | Stylize submenu.
  18. Can you please make it more obvious what the different options actually do? Some screenshots would help. At least give us a rundown of the functions of each. You might like to also explain how your plugin differs from these others so users have some idea what to use your plugin for.
  19. Deleting some of the files related to Paint.NET is not the same as uninstalling it. Removing the visible files does not remove the hooks and other traces of it that appear elsewhere on your computer. Some of the original installation remains. QED. Not on this forum. The ONLY correct way to install Paint.NET is via the installer.
  20. @produde: You're allowed ONE thread in the Pictorium. Please repost this in your previous thread and use that as your personal Gallery. Thanks. <closed>
  21. You have special permissions as a Competition Host Welshy I'm (reasonably) sure that editing locked threads in your region is one of them.
  22. Here's some code I used for the Polaroid Frame plugin. It uses integer math to work out % sizes // Delete these 2 lines if you don't need to know the center point of the current selection double px = ( Amount2.First +1 ) / 2 ; double py = ( Amount2.Second + 1 ) / 2; int CenterX = (int)Math.Round ( px * ( selection.Right - selection.Left ) ) ; int CenterY = (int)Math.Round ( py * ( selection.Bottom - selection.Top ) ) ; // Delete these lines if you don't need the primary or secondary color ColorBgra PrimaryColor = (ColorBgra)EnvironmentParameters.PrimaryColor; ColorBgra SecondaryColor = (ColorBgra)EnvironmentParameters.SecondaryColor; // ColorBgra FrameColor; ColorBgra Pix; // Specific variables // int FrmHeight = Amount1 * 1350 / 1000; // 135% of img height // int FrmWidth = Amount1 * 1100 / 1000; // 110% of img height int FrmTop = CenterY - ( Amount1 * 1350 / 2000); int FrmBtm = CenterY + ( Amount1 * 1350 / 2000); int FrmLt = CenterX - ( Amount1 * 1100 / 2000); int FrmRt = CenterX + ( Amount1 * 1100 / 2000); // int TopBorder = Amount1 * 75 / 1000; // 7.5% of img height // int ImgHeight = Amount1; // Image Height // int ImgWidth = Amount1 * 975 / 1000; // 97.5% of img height int ImgTop = FrmTop + (Amount1 * 75 / 1000); int ImgBtm = ImgTop + ( Amount1 / 2 * 2 ); // CHECK Binary OP!! int ImgLt = CenterX - ( Amount1 * 975 / 2000 ); int ImgRt = CenterX + ( Amount1 * 975 / 2000 ); note: I'm dividing by 2000 to get half of the stated % (i.e. the distance from the center point)
  23. No there isn't - yet. I am working on a project which may give you some options though. Expect an announcement a couple of month (three months at the outside).
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