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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. Thanks bethg7. Glad you're enjoying my book and finding the Plugin Index useful. Paint.NET is certainly extremely powerful when you spend the time required to get to know it. It's fun to play with too!
  2. Found this on the internet: "Apparently this error is common with corrupt installs of the .net framework." I'd try a repair of the .NET framework first >> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/306160 If that doesn't work, copy and paste the full error message here with your full system specs.
  3. The instructions should be virtually the same. You need to locate the directory where Paint.NET is installed. For a default installation this should be a folder named Paint.NET. Under the Paint.NET folder are a number of sub-folders. Two of these should be named Effects and Filetypes. The unzipped *.dll files within the file you downloaded need to be copied to the Effects folder.
  4. Try: Smudge by Pyrochild Just so you know - we treat old topics on this forum like they are closed. This thread, for example, is nearly three years old - techniques and tools have a way of moving on If you wish to revive discussion on an old topic please just start a new thread restating your problem. Thanks. <closed>
  5. What's your point? Welshy provided a workable and elegant technique, while you did what exactly? This.
  6. Oh very well. Veni, vidi, movi. That'll teach me to use an online translator
  7. I came. I saw. I moved. Exivi. Vidi. Ego movetur.
  8. You're right, it's not a built in effect but a plugin. You'll find it in this plugin pack Ed Harvey's Effects. Updated the tutorial to link to the plugins
  9. Stop asking this question every time you post. You have started a thread with this question and have the answers you need there. Go check it out http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/26258-cant-get-image-into-comment/
  10. First ensure you're not trying to upload a PDN image. This is a native format and image hosting sites will not recognize it. Use PNG or JPG. Second, ensure you're using the correct format, which is the SQUARE BRACKET version of this (img= http_path_to_your_hosted_image/Image_Filename.png)
  11. I have often thought a 'snap-to-grid' plugin would be useful. Kind of like an extension to KrisVDM's Align Object suite. This wouldn't do the guidelines as you wished, but might provide the same functionality (aligning stuff to set places). I have actually had a couple of false starts coding this. Nothing is happening with it now so if someone else wants to....
  12. Nice summary from Barbieq25 there She is very generous in her praise of my book. A couple of the most obvious differences between the image editors: PS can use the CYMK colorspace - Paint.NET cannot (using RGBA instead). If print colors have to be absolutely 100% faithful there may be a problem. Paint.NET is a raster image editor. So it does not do vector graphics.
  13. For information on writing plugins, I recommend a read of the info on BoltBait's website: http://www.BoltBait.com (you've met CodeLab right?). Also check out the Plugin Developers Central section of this forum: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/forum/17-plugin-developers-central/ You don't need to worry about clipping to the current selection. This is handled automatically for you by Paint.NET. Just write all the pixels to the destination (dst). Selection clipping will be applied before the dst is written to the layer.
  14. The Win7 Orb Changer supports the PNG file format which in turn supports transparency. Try making your orb with a transparent background and save it as a PNG. Use that file as your orb.
  15. Contact the developer of pdn2bmp. This is a forum for Paint.NET and this discussion is nearing the off-topic limit.
  16. *sigh* Such petulance. Why don't you search for some tutorials to learn from instead of demanding to be led by the hand? Here's one, easily found Render Sig tut.
  17. pdnnoob is quite correct. This forum is for the image editor Paint.NET and not for finding services. Paint.NET can assist you to make your own image in the likeness of of an oil painting of your pet. Install Paint.NET then open the photo you wish to use and run the Effects > Artistic > Oil Painting effect. The resultant image can be refined with different settings for the effect. Save the file to a removable media and take it to your local digital photo printshop for printing.
  18. Welcome antoninus9! You will find that Paint.NET has some extremely powerful tools. You can find out about them by pressing F1 in Paint.NET (takes you to the on-line documentation). The Shift key trick is the shortcut to toggle the Global mode for the Magic Wand and Paint Bucket tools. In Global mode, every pixel in the layer which satisfies the Tolerance (find it in the Tool Bar) will be included in the selection/fill. The other mode is Contiguous. This mode includes or excludes neighboring pixels depending on their similarity to the source pixel (the one you clicked on). Shift + Magic Wand works well on objects with uniform colors. If your text was multi-hued the selection might be more complex. In that case you could Shift click the transparent background and invert the selection with Ctrl + I. The reason you need to Shift click here is to include the center of closed text characters - like o, d, e, q, b, etc..., It's a useful trick to know
  19. I've edited the tutorial to correctly link to the plugins.
  20. Paint.NET does not have a pixel mode, so I'm not sure what you mean. A wild guess is that you have the pixel grid turned on. This overlays a grid over the image when viewed at 200% zoom or higher. Look for an icon in the Tool Bar to turn the pixel grid off. The only other guess I have is that you wish to save the image colors as a palette. If this is correct try this plugin Palette from Image.
  21. Hey there Zombieman. Welcome to the forum and prepare to have your username coveted Nice job on your first plugin! The raytraced image Glass.iff and the USS Missouri look fine, but the others have some weird color shifts and don't seem to handle transparency properly. Ya'll should have stuck to the Atari ST like me Initially I copied the file IFF.dll straight from the ZIP (it's a habit I've gotten into working on the Plugin Index). That file didn't work. Extracting the ZIP file produced two folders IFF_BJH and Paint.NET IFF Plugin The correct DLL (named PDNIFFPlugin.dll) is located in the latter folder with the images in the former. Perhaps you would like to recompile the ZIP to do away with the spurious DLL file?
  22. Works like a charm. Useful addition to my toolbox. Thanks Martin!
  23. Affect - think 'cause'. Effect - think 'result'.
  24. I've found time to format the Epub and Kindle versions. Attached to the first post. Enjoy!
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