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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. Tried Effects >Noise > Remove Noise? Here are some other options: Remove Dust or Color Inpainting or Fill Gaps best option Selection Obscure
  2. April (major) Update The Plugin Index has been completely revised this month. There are 630+ listings in the index. This means that it is too large to be posted in the forum I've therefore abbreviated the forum listings and included the extra data in the PDF. Sorry, no Kindle or Epub versions this month. I have a life too! I'll hopefully have these version updated for the May edition. New this month: Homeworld2 ROT file import - @susgeorgesu. Import Homeworld 2 ROT image files as used in the game 'Home World 2' by Sierra Entertainment, Inc. Also new is this filetype plugin: Spritesheet Export Plugin - @MadDugan. Saves a multilayered sprite sheet to a single layered file with the layers positioned side-by-side.
  3. I've also made the PDF use Verdana - hope you're getting commission.
  4. @MadJik - Splashes Create filled or unfilled splashes (think unusual closed polygon shapes). Magical Plugins Megapack. @pyrochild - Splatter v1.5 Create paths similar to dripping paint. Pyrochild's Plugins @Ed Harvey - Splinter Generates a number of rays (splinters) radiating outwards from the pixel. Number of splinters, length and rotation are configurable. Part of Ed Harvey Effectsv3.5. DLL contains numerous effects. @SeriousSam - SpriteSheet Animation v1.3 Test and design Sprite Sheets. *NEW* @MadDugan - Spritesheet Export Plugin Saves a multilayered sprite sheet to a single layered file with the layers positioned side-by-side. @Red ochre - Squirkle Render 'squirkle' shapes from rounded lozenge through circle to square. Part of Red Ochre's Plugin Pack @Red ochre - Squirkle Warp Magnifies and distorts 'squirkular' (square/circle) shapes. Part of Red Ochre's Plugin Pack @MadJik - Star Glow Use it to add some high lustre sparkle to your image. Magical Plugins Megapack. @mcamp14 - Starry Sky Creates a starry sky (utilizes Pixellab). Renders a handful of stars on a balck background. No configurable parameters. I _think_ I'm finally satisfied with the formatting and layout. @BoltBait: Verdana rules @ 12px!
  5. 1px Expansion - @dpy. Expands areas of color by one pixel. dpy's Pack Type: Effect | Released: 26 Oct 2009 | Status: Active | DLL Name: pxEexpansion.dll | Menu: Effects > Distort 2D-ImageFilter Library - @Hawkynt. Library of algorithms used in various emulators (VirtualGB, Mame, DOSBox, SNES9x, ZSNES, etc,). Also known as Pixel Art Scaling Plugin. Type: Effect | Released: 03 Mar 2012 | Status: Active | DLL Name: 2dImageFilter-r27.dll | Menu: Effects > Hawkynt 3D Heightmap v1.0 - @Spikehead777. Two plugins which take current image as a height map & shines a light on it, returning the intensity of reflected rays as another image (similar to Emboss). Type: Effect | Released: 21 Apr 2008 | Status: Active | DLL Name: Diffuse.dll, Specular.dll | Menu: Effects > Stylize 3D Object (BETA) - @evanolds. Wrap the canvas around a box, torus or topographical graph (with custom equation). Preview is used to drag and rotate shape. (Part of Evan's Effects. Type: Effect | Released: 14 Jan 2007 | Status: Active | DLL Name: EOEffects.dll | Menu: Effects > Render AA's Assistant - @dpy. Used to soften the edges of an object in order to blend it with a background. Object must be surrounded by transparent pixels to find the edges. Type: Effect | Released: 26 Oct 2009 | Status: Active | DLL Name: AA's_Assistant.dll | Menu: Effects > Object Add Depth - @maccas. Two plugins which add (the appearance of) depth to a 2D shape on a transparent layer. Add Depth adds an apparent thickness by adding a 'trail'. Offset Shadow is a displacement plugin for moving a shadow after it's been created. Type: Effect | Released: 18 Aug 2011 | Status: Active | DLL Name: Add Depth.dll, Offset Shadow.dll | Menu: Effects > Render Add Noise + - @MadJik. Adds digital 'noise' to a selection. Included in the native 'Add Noise' effect. Note: forum thread no longer exists. Type: Effect | Released: 14 Sept 2007 | Status: Built In | DLL Name: N/A | Menu: Effects > Noise Add/Remove/Recover Watermark - @Evan Wallace. Removed by author due to possible copyright abuses. Note: forum thread no longer exists. Type: Effect | Released: 4 Aug 2008 | Status: Obsolete | DLL Name: N/A | Menu: N/A Advanced Color Replacement - @silverhammer. Recolors every pixel a different amount based on how similar it is to the secondary color. Also known as Advanced Recoloring. Type: Effect | Released: 16 Jan 2009 | Status: Active | DLL Name: advcolorrep.dll | Menu: Effects > Color Advanced Greyscale - @Illnab1024. Desaturates an image to grayscale. RGB channel bias is individually configurable. Found in Illnab1024's Plugins Type: Effect | Released: 09 Mar 2008 | Status: Active | DLL Name: illnabPlugins.dll | Menu: Effects > Photo Advanced Rotate - @sradforth. Rotate an image or selection from the center with options on how the devoid pixels will be treated (clamp, wrap, mirror, Primary Color, Secondary color, untouched). Included in Stu's Effects. Type: Adjustment | Released: 12 Jan 2010 | Status: Active | DLL Name: AdvancedRotate.dll | Menu: Adjustments > @dpy - 1px Expansion Expands areas of color by one pixel. dpy's Pack @Hawkynt - 2D-ImageFilter Library Library of algorithms used in various emulators (VirtualGB, Mame, DOSBox, SNES9x, ZSNES, etc,). Also known as Pixel Art Scaling Plugin. @Spikehead777 - 3D Heightmap v1.0 Two plugins which take current image as a height map & shines a light on it, returning the intensity of reflected rays as another image (similar to Emboss). @evanolds - 3D Object (BETA) Wrap the canvas around a box, torus or topographical graph (with custom equation). Preview is used to drag and rotate shape. (Part of Evan's Effects. @dpy - AA's Assistant Used to soften the edges of an object in order to blend it with a background. Object must be surrounded by transparent pixels to find the edges. @maccas - Add Depth Two plugins which add (the appearance of) depth to a 2D shape on a transparent layer. Add Depth adds an apparent thickness by adding a 'trail'. Offset Shadow is a displacement plugin for moving a shadow after it's been created. @MadJik - Add Noise + Adds digital 'noise' to a selection. Included in the native 'Add Noise' effect. Note: forum thread no longer exists. @Evan Wallace - Add/Remove/Recover Watermark Removed by author due to possible copyright abuses. Note: forum thread no longer exists. @silverhammer - Advanced Color Replacement Recolors every pixel a different amount based on how similar it is to the secondary color. Also known as Advanced Recoloring.
  6. 1. make selection. 2. Ctrl + Shift + F flattens. 3. Ctrl + C copies. 4. Ctrl + Z undoes flatten. 5. Ctrl + Alt + V pastes the combined selection into a new image. Or Ctrl + Shift + V pastes the combined selection into a new layer.
  7. Hi Mellin - welcome to the forum. I suspect that this might be due to a transparency issue (JPG's do not support transparency). Just to be sure, can you link us to the instructions you're trying to use?
  8. Ensure the layer you want to blur is HIGHLIGHTED in the Layers Window Stack order is not the defining criteria for effects. The active layer focus is. Step 2 should be Add New Layer, not copy.
  9. Paint.NET does not support multi-page TIFFs only single page. You will need to use another editor.
  10. No. I answered this question in depth recently in this thread
  11. Final count for the Plugin Index is 629 entries (the previous version had 460). PDF now extends to 36 pages (previously 15).
  12. Download this plugin Low Color Filetype. to install it, unzip it and copy the LowColor.dll into you Paint.NET/Filetypes folder. Restart Paint.NET. Now reopen you image and click on File | Save As... When this dialog opens, choose PNG (Low Color) from the file type drop down list and specify a new filename. Click on Save. The dialog that opens on this last step allows you to specify a custom number of colors.
  13. Congratulations Dug & Minners71! All the entries deserve praise. I thought the standard for this competition was particularly high. Thanks for running another great comp DrewDale!
  14. I had a quick check of the Scan Taylor documentation. You should be able to import other file formats. From the User Guide at this URL: http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/scantailor/index.php?title=User_Guide However, output files are restricted to TIFF. You would have to edit the input file(s) and reprocess the project to generate a new TIFF output.
  15. Don't use TIFF. Rick has often said that TIFF support is provided on a "best faith" basis. If it works, that's cool. If not then that's a shame. Paint.NET does not support 1-bit or multi-layered TIFFs. TIFF is well past it's use-by date. Why not investigate a modern format?
  16. Print size is a function of the dimensions in pixels divided by the DPI setting. Paint.NET uses the DPI to estimate the print size. This is pretty much the only place the DPI is used. You need to set both fields if you are setting the image size by the estimated print size.
  17. The keyboard shortcut to toggle Global mode for Paint Bucket and Magic Wand tools is the Shift key. Just hold it down as you make the selection. True. This section of the forum is reserved for the publishing of tutorials - so general questions don't belong in this section. <moved to Paint.NET Discussion and Questions>
  18. Hi MadDugan - welcome to the forum Your first plugin is very nicely done. Works just as anticipated without hassle or fuss. You've made a nice job of it. You might want to mention in your post that it is a filetype plugin and the DLL should go in the /Filetypes/ folder.
  19. No. The reason is down to lossless vs lossless formats. The Developer of Paint.NET (Rick Brewster) is forcing you to make a conscious decision when you reduce the quality of the image. You see, JPG's always lose data when you save them. PNGs do not, but are restricted to a single layer. PDNs save all the information in all layers. So by default, a single layered image defaults to the PNG format when saving. A multi-layered image defaults to PDN. This way your image data is safe. If you choose to save your image as a JPG then it's on your head when you reopen it and weep because all the layers are squished into one.
  20. Hi Papy1950 - welcome to the forum. Your question is asked surprisingly often. Here's a recent offering click here Using the tools that Paint.NET offers out of the box, try this: 1. Open the image. 2. Duplicate the layer :DuplicateLayer: 3. With the focus on the upper layer, press F4 to access the layer properties dialog. 4. In the Layer Properties dialog, set the Blend Mode to Multiply. 5. Merge the upper layer into lower with :MergeLayerDown: 6. Run Effects > Photo > Sharpen with the amount you like the best. (I trialled Amount = 6). 7. Run Sharpen again ( hint: Ctrl + F runs the last effect again with same settings). How does that look to you? I can't attempt to read it because it's French to me
  21. You know we have an XPM filetype plugin? XPM Filetype You know - you posted there already
  22. Hi Mike. This ebook is for sale in epub and Kindle formats only. The Kindle version is sold exclusively via Amazon who make free reading apps available for just about any screen you choose to view stuff on. I personally distribute other formats but PDF is not one of them as it is too easy to copy.
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