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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. Are you saving as 24 bit or 32 bit TGA?
  2. A great effort aqirock. I like the way you have done the text Welcome to the forum!
  3. Try item #10 (post #8) in this thread: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/692-install-update-or-uninstall-trouble-read-this/
  4. There is no batch processing with Paint.NET. IrFanView has this functionality.
  5. Neat! I like this I kept the bands on separate layers and used S3D to round them independently. A little extra horizontal width on each gave me the extra thickness. Bottom three bands were half cylinder maps while the top was a full map. Thanks for spotting the omission of Quad Reshape from the Plugin Index. Fix flagged for the next release (Wednesday).
  6. Damn. For code that short, this plugin shouldn't be this much fun. I love the video!
  7. You need to be more careful what you click on. You're clicking on the Ads and installing completely different software. If you read carefully you'll see that the large download button is a "Speed & Clean Up" bit of rubbish. That's not Paint.NET! The second download button is a "PDF converter". That's not Paint.NET either. The correct link is circled. More info >> http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/25741-fake-download-links-on-httpgetpaintnet/
  8. Remember that the Status Bar shows the Cursor location, selection start point and the size of the selection.
  9. Hi Kami - welcome to the forum. Nice image - but a little too large for the forum (maximum limit is 800 pixels high or wide). I've replaced the image with a clickable link.
  10. Feel free to dole out Reputation Points. All you need to do is click the green up-arrow button on the right hand side of a post.
  11. No only a fine artist, but honorable too.
  12. @ Asher & Kamala: Thanks for purchasing it I'm glad you found my ebook useful!
  13. Try updating your printer/scanner drivers first. I assume you mean that Paint.NET freezes when you attempt to use File > Acquire > From scanner or Camera? Is there a crash log on your desktop? How long did you allow the process to run before forcing an exit?
  14. No. Paint.NET treats white pixels just as any other pixels. Daniels has given you a clue to the solution - you need to use Layers. Use the lowest layer as the background and fill it with white. Other image elements go on their own (otherwise transparent) layer(s). Using this technique you can move the elements around, delete or resize them and you don't have to worry about making transparent 'holes' in the image. This is the power of using Layers.
  15. Hey 4thDimension - Welcome to the forum! Yes. It has been done. You need to download and install @Red ochre's excellent Bezncurve plugin.
  16. The image you posted was not the one you were tasked to repaint. The image you posted was too large. Should we just close this thread and admit that the Paint Job Contest is over? I think so. <closed>
  17. Look in the Plugin Index. There's a link in my signature. From memory one is called Animation Helper and the other Sprite Sheet Animator. There is also one for exporting sprite sheets (Sprite Sheet Export or similar). Edit: ninja'd
  18. To pan manually, use the Pan Tool or hold down the spacebar and drag the image (works with almost any tool). In order to pan using this tool the image must be zoomed in so it is larger than the editing window. Tip: It is not possible to pan past the edges of the image. You might need to paste your sprite onto a larger canvas to work around this limitation. You know there are a couple of awesome sprite sheet plugins?
  19. There isn't a way of doing this automatically as you draw the line. However there are a number of nice workarounds: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/16395-sharps-line-sig-tutorial/ (see steps 3 and 4). http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/15837-super-easy-super-sharp-super-fast-tapered-line/ http://s562.photobucket.com/user/sargon2/media/Misc/taperedmethod1.png.html
  20. The canvas acts as a preview, except that it shows transparency as a grey/white checkerboard. To avoid seeing transparent areas, insert a solid filled layer on the bottom of the layer stack to act as a background.
  21. Here's a link to help you figure out how to repair it: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/306160
  22. Quick attempt - plugins in bold: 1. White background on default canvas. 2. Add new layer 3. Rounded rectangle (outline mode) in black @ 1 pixel thickness. 4. Object Align to center (both horizontal and vertical) 5. Duplicate layer. 6. Top rectangle layer = Distort > Magnifier @25, 100, 100 7. Lower rectangle layer = rotate zoom (ctrl + shift+z) @ 1.06 zoom 8. Merge top two layers. 9. Magic wand the border edge 10. Primary White, Secondary #5E9EBE. 11. Drag linear gradient from top left to bottom right. 12 with selection still active, Bevel Selection @ 5 White & 165, 198, 255 13. Deselect & fill center with white. 14 Drop shadow @ 3, 3, 0, 5 and color of 136,136,136 Result: I like 13.5: repeat Magnifier with same settings!
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