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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. The standalone executable allows you to select which of the blend modes you want to have available. It's not required for the plugin to operate and should be able to be run from elsewhere on your system (hint place it somewhere you can find it).
  2. Paint.NET works in the RGB colorspace so all your images have that as the base. PS and others can work in the CYMK colorspace so images can be saved in that colorspace as well. The difference is that RGB is a system designed primarily for monitors which are black to begin with. As we add color information in increasing amounts the pixel(s) get brighter. CYMK is the opposite. It assumes a white background (i.e. paper) and adding colors (ink) makes the dots increasingly dark (black). CYMK is favored by commercial printers and professional designers. The reason is that the print colors are reproduced with more accuracy. RGB suits images designed to be seen on a screen and not primarily intended to be printed (i.e. web graphics). There is no one-to-one conversion between the two systems. That said, every commercial print house should have the facility to convert RGB into a usable print format. The colors might not be 100% accurate - but they'll be pretty good.
  3. Activate the upper layer by clicking on it in the Layers Window. Then you should be able to merge. The reason Merge Layer Down is not enabled is that you have the lowest layer active and there is nothing below it to merge it into.
  4. AFAIK Staging is created during installation. I don't know that it is used otherwise. Highly recommend you try another virus scanner. Microsoft Security Essentials (MSSE) is free and very good. Where did you download Paint.NET? Have you installed any plugins from websites other than this forum?
  5. You've made a rectangular selection including some transparent areas. When you move the selection, the transparent bits are being moved too. Use layers. One element to each layer. That's absolutely the correct way to do it.
  6. Dpy has this one: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/13837-black-and-alpha/
  7. I doubt this is anything to do with Paint.NET. Seems suspiciously like virus activity to me. What virus scanner are you using?
  8. Nice effect metobi - or should that be Obi Wan Metobi? There are a number of configurable parameters which you can populate automatically. Try a header in your source like this: // Name: ColorExchange // Author: metobi // Submenu: Color // URL: http://www.getpaint.net/redirect/plugins.html // Title: ColorExchange - © 2013 metobi Place this just before the line which begins.... #region UICode For lots of neat tips on using CodeLab, drop by BoltBait's website: http://www.BoltBait.com
  9. Paint.NET doesn't do macros, but there are a handful of shortcuts you can use... 1. Make your selection using Rectangle Select + Shift to force the selection square. 2. Ctrl + C (Copy to clipboard) 3. Ctrl + Alt + V (Paste clipboard into new image) 4. Ctrl + R (Image > Resize) 5. Ctrl + S (Save)
  10. Plugins may not manipulate the selection region itself, and they operate entirely within any selection when manipulating pixels. Therefore a plugin may not 'crop to selection' as, by definition, the plugin cannot remove the pixels outside the selection. More >> http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/14566-what-is-and-isnt-possible-when-writing-plugins/
  11. Hey Dormire - welcome! When you've pasted the second image in the selection should still be active. Activate the Move Tool + hold down the shift key while you drag out the bottom right corner of the smaller image. The Shift key in this context forces Paint.NET to maintain the height/width ratio of the selection. Cool yes? When you've dragged out the image to the right size, release the mouse key (before the shift key). Here's another tip you might like: Changing the upper layer blend mode to XOR gives you a layer-to-layer comparison. The differences should show up clearly. BTW: Butler did it
  12. Isn't this the same crash you posted here: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/22599-paintnet-always-crashes/?p=396910 ? Rick has already responded in that thread.
  13. Start and end labels often convey more information than a single DisplayName. A plugin developer understands how the Trackbar values work. New users do not have this luxury. How often do you maximize and minimize a control to find out what it does in a new plugin UI? I hope you're asking because you are considering adding the labels to your OptionBased library?
  14. That's the way it works. The object is converted to shadow and erased in the process. Duplicate the layer containing the object and run the plugin on the lower of the two idential layers. Note when I say 'object' I mean a group of pixels surrounded by transparency. If you run the effect on a single layer jpg the plugin will not pick out the elements in the image.
  15. Very nice explanation of the plugin system Midora! Thank you for making it so clear.
  16. Success! You can delete both files from the Downloads folder. They've done their job.
  17. This is so cool Just look at what yellowman has gone and done!
  18. 1. Save the Zip file somewhere you can find again. 2. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the saved file. 3. Double click on it to open/extract. The installation should start immediately.
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