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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. Hi Madiik - welcome There isn't a setting for this. The entire pasted image is selected by default. That's so the pasted image can be manipulated/moved/re-sized immediately after the paste operation. Think about this: If you're pasting with a selection active, the pasted image must go into the selection and be clipped to the selection bounds. It can't extend outside of an active selection. Please tell us more about what you're trying to achieve. It sounds like you might have better luck pasting first, then making the selection. Would this work for you?
  2. I've PM'd the author to ask if the images can be restored. xx fingers crossed xx
  3. Tough project. I can't see an easy option to remove the lines by their weight. You might have better luck removing the lines by their direction (assuming that the obliterating scribble is composed of roughly parallel lines). I think it is going to be very difficult to recover the original message. Feel free to upload the source image for other to have a look.
  4. According to your crash log you've got 4.0.3 installed, but your diagnostics shows 4.0.5. Can you confirm this crashes with 4.0.5? Have you any Windows themes applied? Have you tried disabling these? It's a long shot - but have you tried disabling the Hardware Acceleration (Settings > UI > Hardware Accelerated Rendering)
  5. The hard work has already been done for you. http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/29798-more-indirectui-controls-optionbasedeffects/ http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/28226-vs-template-with-custom-ui-controls/ http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/26516-propertybasedeffect-template-using-indirectui/ Then there is the WinForm template buried in this thread http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/25828-help-needed-using-visual-studio-instead-of-codelab-for-developing
  6. Why not fire up Visual Studio and render your clouds to a scratch surface in one go? CodeLab even gives you the source to start the project.
  7. @Cristiano Ronaldo 7 you thread title "help needed" falls foul of forum rule #6. All thread titles MUST be descriptive, that is, the title must describe the content of the post. We have this rule to keep order on the forum and make each and every thread searchable. Please edit your title (edit post | use full editor | type over the original title) accordingly. Thanks.
  8. Where you can find the link to the updated plugin. I've added the attachment to the first post.
  9. Did you read the notes coded in RED in the first post? @midora's new version works like a charm.
  10. Image links are broken. Locked.
  11. In the box at the top of the Curves dialog, change the setting from Luminosity to RGB. The three lines RGB are overlaid in this image. Select only one checkbox to move just that color channel.
  12. No need for Alpha space or two images here. Open your landscape image and create a new layer :addnewlayer: . Run the tree maker plugin directly on this layer. As for the error message, it could be the size of the images. Layers tend to have a high memory overhead. What size are the images & how many layers do they have? How much RAM do you have installed?
  13. The issue is that you saved it as a document, not an image. Try this: find your image again on the internet. Right click on it and select Copy Image. Open paint.net and press Ctrl + V to paste the image directly into the canvas.
  14. Yes it does slow loading. Noticeably so. The more plugins you have the worse it gets.
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