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Everything posted by oma

  1. so its come to that has it. burning the math books. excellent use of PDN! capture the moment. you pyromaniac.
  2. right clik start>explore>programs files>paint.net> open effects folder> delete the Vandermotten drop shadow dll and the one that says Vandermotten Paintdotneteffect.dll go download the correct one. remember that you need the two dll files in your effects to have this work properly. ciao
  3. And this mentality should help you get better much faster then most. QFT I second ASH's words. This is the mentality you need to get better faster . well done gallery.
  4. come on you guys not every problem involves a plugin to resolve. I've told you this before. please with out a plug in at all 1) your picture must be on a layer with transparency around it. 2) make a duplicate layer of that picture. 3) select yellow color as primary 4 magic wand around the outside (transparent part of your picture) on the bottom of the two layers. 5) control I 6) bucket fill the selected portion 7) click deselect button 8) blur (I like radial blur but the others are fine if you want a different effect)
  5. like that PM love the words "double twist" have to remember that one. wonder wonder everyone. ciao
  6. "LOOK" its OMA photo manipulation using selective pallet
  7. an attempt at photo manipulation using selective pallet. ""LOOK"" That's OMA moved by OMA better go check it out over there folks. ciao
  8. well I don't think we have a plug in to do this exactly. but think this method may work, (I haven't refined and tested) load picture, plugin selective color. pick 7 or 8 shades of gray white etc. load the pallet and apply to the picture. to get patterns might be a bit of work but the quickest way I can think of is after you have picture in the grays using above plugin set tolerance at 0 and use magic wand on a color then use the bucket and shift key with instead of solid color one of the patterns. that could possibly work.
  9. Ha Ha my all time favourite is the rollercoaster. we actually got BoltBait to use polarinversion on that one. teeheeeheee.
  10. would not a polite reply with direction (LINK) to the plugin on the forum accompanied with a wee note saying for the sake of all those following you that might have the same question it really should be asked within the plugin topic. this would have covered it in less time than mentioning in this thread ? politely done, with enough information to find appropriate spot. even a little help with the wording would go a long way. we've all been newbies. So lets see if this is your plugin that people keep inquiring on about loading installing problems. Perhaps you need to rewrite more effectively the opening buzz. proper, well stated step by step instructions in the first post can go a long way to cutting down questions. that's why there' an edit button.
  11. good stamp! actually I love the paper!.
  12. Ah OK in this case I can see why you wish a rule change. but do the newbies really read the rules, most I think do, many its their first experience in a forum, (young children, older new computor users) so they don't know where to start. This program is getting so great and powerful, it can sometimes be intimidating. I've had a few, well more than a few in my PM's requests for items that the answers were easily found in search. The way I've handled it is to gently help them to fly on their own. provide the search term and a proper link to the actual tut/plugin, and a quoted portion of the place within the post that their answere was to be found. I don't know what type of question you were asked but stress one way to help combat this I think a great deal of care needs to be taken in the directions given at the time new plugins are added. Frankly some of the newer plugins coming out, are very advanced and don't follow the general format of installing one dll in the effects. We've sets of plugin with common elements dlls, and items with minimual user instructions. Its really hard sometimes to find the answer unless you read every post within the plugin section. Sometimes if you are not really sure what it is you are doing incorrectly you just can't seem to find the answere. I myself did a boo boo the other day on the power stretch I asked a question that I didn't see the answer to with in the entire plugin section. Ash pointed it out to me, just a few up from my question. So things happen even to seasoned users. Newbies probably find it even harder, and look to those they think are willing to help from the number of posts that person makes helping others out on the forum. Its sort of a catch 22... and I can only say I truly wish that search function worked better and was utilized more often. and YES Mike that was a big compliment! from your Peers.
  13. Well when you try to set yourself up as an computor expert in all your posts its bound to happen. :wink: I'm sure ASH didn't feel that way when I started out. I must have PM'd umpteen times. I'm sure I've gladly returned the favour to numerous new members when they come to me. That is how I repay what I feel what I owe to others for the knowledge I've received free thru, a free paint.net program, where there are help files, tutorials, plugins, or just comments in the pictorium. I don't write Plugins but think those people also benifit. Where else do you think they get to hone their skills on us " Artists " so readily. When I say tutorials I also mean the writers of the tuts not just those following them benifit. Peer asking another Peer to help make a picture ,or teach a technique is one of the greatest compliments. I give back by trying to answere the questions I can. and am more than happy to do so. IMO That's what makes this forum succeed so well. ciao
  14. well as I only open one program paint.net and don't generally do any work on anything else at the same time I'd say yes. and no I don't generally use shortcuts key strokes. .
  15. so I've been able to reproduce error twice now. I'm posting a screen shot of what steps I've done at the eraser point it moves from left click to right click. things I can think of that might help you all sort this out. I ususally feather more than once and at high second number true feather. primary color is set at 0 alpha after feather I always magnify above 500 so I can see stray pixels. I'm running 3.31 xp closing and saving the pdn and just reopening does not revert my mouse clik back to left. I must discard the picture and start over. I have had luck adding another layer and changing primary back to 255 alpha and using eraser with both right and left ? mouse buttons at that point. very odd. ciao OMA
  16. yes totally odd right in the middle of a picture as well I might say. good thing it was only a practice of technique. I closed out the paint.net program re started and the mouse was back to the left click. so odd I've just tried to replicate and couldn't. must just have been a glitch with the combination of plugins. the ones I was using on the test picture were multi gradiant, power stretch, drop shadow, rotate layers and then feather. so could have been any one of them or a combination of all. very odd behaviour. will mark it up as a glitch for now. and if it happens again will record exact steps. so for now looks fine just strange.
  17. eraser question: computor question: strangest thing just happened to me when I was using paint.net. my eraser suddenly switched from a left clik of the mouse to a right click? how do I change it back to left clik? so odd.
  18. so am I correct when I use this plugin on transparent layer it drops in the primary color (black in this case ) and I have to just cut away that portion afterwards to maintain the transparency portion of this layer?
  19. well most paper doesn't have black edges for one. if you want an edge I'd suggest just a slightly darker shade of the paper, and also to bring the texture all the way out on each cardstock to the edge. I'm going to play with this one. like the concept. back to you possibly tomorrow. (that's if I come up with anything :wink: )
  20. I;m still using 3.3 and I'm sure he is probably getting same message as I do . File: C:\Program Files\Paint.NET\Effects\CurtisBlack.Effects.dll Effect Name: CurtisBlack.Effects.FernFractal.FernFractal Full error message: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at CurtisBlack.Effects.FernFractal.FernFractal.PropertyChanged(Object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e) at PaintDotNet.PropertySystem.PropertyCollection.OnPropertyChanged(String propertyName) at PaintDotNet.PropertySystem.PropertyCollection.Property_ValueChanged(Object sender, EventArgs e) at System.EventHandler.Invoke(Object sender, EventArgs e) at PaintDotNet.PropertySystem.Property.OnValueChanged() at PaintDotNet.PropertySystem.Property.SetValueCore(Object value) at PaintDotNet.PropertySystem.Property.set_Value(Object value) at PaintDotNet.Effects.PropertyBasedEffectConfigDialog.InitDialogFromToken(PropertyBasedEffectConfigToken effectTokenCopy) at PaintDotNet.Effects.EffectConfigDialog`2.InitDialogFromToken(EffectConfigToken effectTokenCopy) at PaintDotNet.Effects.EffectConfigDialog.InitDialogFromToken() at PaintDotNet.Effects.EffectConfigDialog.set_EffectToken(EffectConfigToken value) at PaintDotNet.Menus.EffectMenuBase.RunEffect(Type effectType)
  21. wonderful ! this is really nice change from the first version. I can see possibilities already. thanks for the plugin and sharing it with us. are you going to release a source code? I'd like to see it if you do. one thing not a biggy , but something that you can keep in mind for future updates. I'm not sure if this is possible to do maybe an add of something like the polar inversion where they have wrap/transparent/ etc.
  22. @cooldude2222 not bad do you have a picture of what the cardstock you want to use looks like? PM me with it if you have a link. if its what I think you are after you just need to get rid of the black outlines. to do that do the outline on separate layers from your fill of color. step. ciao
  23. :shock: the quickest way to get ignored and not answered is by putting HELP! as your title. use the edit button and change that quickly before a mod locks this up on you. change it to "need assistance on pasting images to the forum". then read the rules before your next post please. They were the very first item in the forum.! they are at this link. viewtopic.php?f=20&t=3446 when you are done those things this is the answer to your question viewtopic.php?f=15&t=6270 ciao
  24. don't worry its there just go up to the top where it says windows and clik that and then reset windows locations welcome to the forums and check out our rules at this post viewtopic.php?f=20&t=3446 and try to use search button, as most of these type of questions have been answered many times before. It will save the nail biting on your part worrying you've done something wrong. ciao OMA
  25. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks Janettsue I'm looking at it now and thinking I can do much better. So I'll be redoing and making a few revisions to match it in better to the digital scrapbook page. it need more embellishments. many more I'm thinking lace and ribbons and a few charms. :wink: Will have to see what I can come up with. Realistic things are just not my best projects, I end up doing them and redoing them, and end up being seldom satisfied.
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