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Everything posted by ReMake

  1. I have the same problem with saving in .jpg format, but only for this image. Other large images are saved without errors.
  2. Minor changes: both interfaces (English and Russian) in one file, added Help.
  3. Thank you @Woodsy.
  4. This tutorial is available as a PDF. Click here to view or download it This is an adaptation of the PS tutorial Create a Plasticine Text Effect in Adobe Photoshop. The result of this tutorial is shown below. Plugins required: TG Angle Align Object by @moc426 or Align Object by @xod Ripple AA's Asistant Cell Texture Emboss+ Neon Edges Bevel Object Font required: Insaniburger Create a New Image () 600x450 px. Set the Primary Color to 333F44 and fill () the image. Add a New layer () and run the Clouds () effect (Effects -> Render -> Clouds) with Scale 40 and Roughness 0,25: Apply the TG Angle effect (Effects -> Stylize -> TGAngle) with the settings as shown below: Set () the Layer Blending Mode to Overlay and set the Opacity to 15. Merge () both layers. We got a Board for modeling clay plasticine. Turn off the visibility of the layer. Add a New Layer (). Set Primary color to 65A033 and type () your text in Insaniburger font with size 108 and Bold () style. Place the text in the center using the Align Object effect (Effects -> Align Object or Effects -> Object -> Align Object). Run the Ripple effect (Effects -> Distort -> Ripple) with the settings as shown below: and we get this image: Duplicate () Layer 2 and select the text with the Magic Wand () tool and Global () Flood Mode. Apply the Cell Texture effect (Effects -> Render -> Cell Texture) to the top layer with the settings below: then apply the Emboss+ effect (Effects -> Stylize -> Emboss+) with Angle 0 and Height 2: and use Auto-Level () adjustment (Adjustments -> Auto-Level). Set () the Layer Blending Mode to Glow and set the Opacity to 128. Deselect () and apply AA's Assistant effect (Effects -> Object -> AA's Assistant) with default settings, repeat if necessary (Ctrl+F). Merge () both Layer 2. Duplicate () Layer 2 and make it Black and White (Ctrl+Shift+G). Apply AA's Assistant effect with default settings, repeat if necessary (Ctrl+F). Select the text with the Magic Wand () tool and run Neon Edges effect (Effects -> Ctylize -> Neon Edges) with Thickness 14 and Glow Intencity 50: Select the dark text with a Magic Wand () tool (Tolerance: 25-35%). Edit the selection if the contours of the letters are touching. Set the Primary color to A54F38 and fill () the text in the top Layer 2. Invert selection (Ctrl+I) and cut (Ctrl+X) the selected part of the image. Duplicate () top Layer 2 and select the text with the Magic Wand (). Apply the Cell Texture effect with Sell size 30 and Foreground color R=105, G=40, B= 25. Apply the Emboss+ effect with Angle 0 and Height 1. Set () the Layer Blend mode to Glow. Merge () the top two Layers 2. Apply the Bevel Object effect (Effects -> Object -> Bevel Object) with Depth 2: Deselect () and apply AA's Assistant effect. Repeat (Ctrl+F) AA's Assistant effect if necessary. Go to the bottom Layer 2 and apply the Bevel Object effect with Depth 3. (Apply AA's Assistant effect if necessary.) Turn on the Background layer and merge () all layers. And we are done. Of course our result is different from the result of PS tutorial, but I did not set myself the task to achieve full compliance. In my opinion, the last image looks more realistic.
  5. Minor changes: both interfaces (English and Russian) in one file, added help.
  6. The difference in files size is due to the lack of an image for the Plugin Browser in one of the files. @Panchdara thanks for the info. In coming days I will edit all links on the site paint-net.ru in accordance with links by MadJik's files.
  7. Download from this link https://paint-net.ru/forum/download/file.php?id=2476
  8. Boltbait's Fill From File and Fill From Clipboard have the wrong link (https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/28149-paintnet-40-photo-flood-fill-plug-in/). Must be https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/28556-fill-from-file-fill-from-clipboard-for-3511-updated-june-22-2014/
  9. What effect do you use? If possible, attach a screenshot of the effect interface.
  10. A small change to the Help text. Now the effect is in Effects -> Stylize -> Emboss+.
  11. This is a zip file. In the save dialog box, enter a file name and file extension. For example, instead 2736_3e0b02bf85132034fd16f952b08abc96 type AnyName.zip - this will solve your problem.
  12. These two phrases below give the answer to your question (bold italics mine).
  13. This effect is based on the PS Emboss effect by @Cookies and is an improved version of it. You can find it in Effects -> Stylize -> Emboss+ Download from my PluginPack For comparison, I used a smaller copy of the image from the original post by @Cookies: PS Emboss result with default settings: Photoshop's Emboss result with the same settings as the PS Emboss: Emboss+ result with the same settings as the PS Emboss: A few more images to compare with the following settings: Angle - 135, Height - 10, Amount - 110. Original image: PS Emboss: Photoshop's Emboss: Emboss+: In my opinion, the result of Emboss+ is closer to the Photoshop Emboss result.
  14. Sorry, I was wrong. Thanks for the clarification.
  15. In the Index, missing plugins Bevel Plugin and Anti-alias Plugin by @jsonchiu
  16. See https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/110145-eers-plugin-pack/
  17. CodeLab 4.2 in Russian You can find the new version of CodeLab in Russian here. Вы можете найти новую версию CodeLab на русском языке здесь.
  18. This plugin is the result of discussion. You can find it: Effects -> Tools -> Center Lines Download from my PluginPack (obsolete version) For paint.net 5.0.11+ This plugin allows you to draw centerlines of various widths on the added layer in the center of the canvas or in the center of the selected area. You can also change the center of centerlines relative to the canvas or relative to the selected area. The Color's drop-down list allows you to select a line color: Primary, or Secondary, or Custom. Source code for CodeLab The effect script is written based on an example from @BoltBait's CodeLab Help tutorial. Thanks @BoltBait for his amazing CodeLab Help. CenterLines.zip
  19. I don't want to seem Intrusive, but... @Enormator is the author of plugins Centerlines.dll and Centerlines 2.dll (and some others). @HyReZ, you got this plugin through a link from a topic Enormators Effects when the link was available. Yes, the files Centerlines.dll and Centerlines 2.dll on the website getpaint.net officially were not published, but a saved copy of a topic tells that the files was available on another site.
  20. Beautiful work, maestro! Wonderful game of light. I agree, sometimes simple forgotten tutorials lead to unexpected new results.
  21. Your 'Big Bang' looks great.
  22. About Pleasantville effect see also How To Use Color Range effect.
  23. This tutorial is available as a PDF. Click here to view or download it This tutorial is based on Explosion by @Ben_R_R and rewritten to restore lost images. You will need a Magnifier plugin by @MadJik. We'll try to create an explosion like this: Create a new image (File -> New ) with a size of 800x600 px. Apply Clouds effect (Effects -> Render -> Clouds ) with the default settings. Duplicate layer . Apply Bulge effect (Effects -> Distort -> Bulge ) to the top layer and set the Bulge amount to 100. Set the layer blending mode to Xor. Apply Bulge effect (Effects -> Distort -> Bulge ) to the bottom layer and set the Bulge amount to -200. Merge layers . You should get this: Duplicate layer . Apply Zoom Blur effect (Effects -> Blurs -> Zoom Blur ) to the top layer and set the Zoom Amount to 75. Set the layer blending mode to Lighten. Apply Curves adjustment (Adjustments -> Curves ) with RGB mode to the layer. Now you should get this: Duplicate the top layer . Apply Dents effect (Effects -> Distort -> Dents ) to the top layer and set the Scale amount to 35. Apply Gaussian Blur effect (Effects -> Blurs -> Gaussian Blur ) to the top layer and set the Radius amount to 12. Go to the bottom layer. Apply Curves adjustment (Adjustments -> Curves) with Luminosity mode to the layer. Apply Magnifier effect (Effects -> Distort -> Magnifier), set the Quality amount to 5 and check the Delete background check box. Apply Rotate / Zoom (Layers -> Rotate / Zoom) and set the Zoom amount to 0,65. Apply Curves adjustment (Adjustments -> Curves ) with RGB mode. Apply Brightness / Contrast adjustment (Adjustments -> Brightness / Contrast ), set the Brightness amount to -55 and Contrast amount to 70. Add a new layer () between the two top layers. Set the layer blending mode to Additive. Set Colors to Black and White . Select the Gradient () Tool with Radial () type and draw a circle in the center of the layer. Invert the colors (Adjustments -> Invert Colors or use a keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+I) as shown below. Merge layers from top to bottom . The final image should look like this: All the above effect settings are approximate and depend on your preferences.
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