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Everything posted by ReMake

  1. Added Part 2. To be continued...
  2. @Sakana Oji, I appreciate your youthful enthusiasm and maximalism, but you are violating item 2) of The Rules (I hope the admins and mods will be lenient to you again - we all make mistakes sometimes). No offense, but I suggest you create your own topic in the proper thread as it did @xod with its Unfinished plugins.
  3. I thought so. This is also one of the techniques. Thanks.
  4. @Seerose, your images got 4 rep, of course they are good. When I talked about your images, I meant a multi-color image. Share the secret of creating a multi-color?
  5. @lynxster4, @Pixey, @Roger the Dodger, @Seerose, @Woodsy thanks for the reply and sharing your works. @Ego Eram Reputo, @toe_head2001, @Eli, @Maximilian thanks for the rep points. I am happy that we managed to get another tutorial out of the Graveyard. Looking at the Seerose's images, I intend to extend this tutorial with some techniques and little 'tricks'. To do this, I need some time to experiment with images. As soon as I'm ready, I'll publish the second part of this tutorial.
  6. This tutorial is available as a PDF. Click here to view or download it This tutorial has been recreated on the basis of a Storm / Vortex Tutorial by @Mayor_McSteeze. Part 1 Let's create an image similar to the one shown below: Step 1. Create a New () canvas with the dimensions you need (I chose 600x600). Set Primary Сolor to White and Secondary to Black. Step 2. Draw a radial gradient ( & ) as shown below (the size can be larger or smaller): Step 3. Apply Curves () adjustment with Luminosity like show below: Step 4. Apply the Sharpen () effect (Effects -> Photo -> Sharpen) with the maximum Amount. Step 5. Run Clouds () effect (Effects -> Render -> Clouds) with a small scale and roughness about 0.55 - 0.7. Set the Blend Mode to Color Burn. We'll get an image like this: Step 6. Duplicate () the current layer. Apply a Zoom Blur () effect (Effects -> Blurs -> Zoom Blur) to the top layer in the center of the vortex with a Zoom Amount of about 80-100. Set the Blend Mode () to Negation for the top layer and merge () down this layer. Step 7. Duplicate () the current layer. On the top layer run Twist () effect (Effects -> Distort -> Twist) with the settings seen below: Set the Blend Mode () to Lighten for the top layer. Step 8. Apply the Twist () effect to the bottom layer by changing the Direction and, if necessary, the Amount. Merge () both layers. Now let's add colors to the image. Step 9. Apply Curves () with the settings as shown below: And we got what we wanted! Play around with the R,G, and B curves to get the color you like. Note: all settings given in this tutorial are very approximate and depend on your preferences. Part 2 Other ways to color the image. Besides using Curves () you can apply other ways of coloring, for example: Color Balance by @BoltBait, or Color Tint by @Ed Harvey, or Gradient Mapping by @pyrochild with, for example, MiguelPereira's Rainbow preset (see Presets for Gradient Mapping), or with your own settings. Similar coloring can be obtained by applying Trippy rainbow effect by @pavlik1307. Another way to color the image is applying Color Dimmer effect by @Xhin. You may be interested in applying another effect by @Xhin - Radial Prism effect. Note: this effect is additional for the already colored image. Once more example of applying gradients is using Multi Color Gradient by @romein. Add a New Layer () to the Black&White image and apply Multi Color Gradient to the top layer. Set the Blend Mode () to Color Burn for the top layer. A similar result can be made with the Gradient Mapping. Add a New Layer () to the Black&White image. Draw a Black&White Linear () Gradient () from the lower left to the upper right. Apply Gradient Mapping with the settings as shown below: You can download this settings from the zip file Gradient for Vortex tut.zip Set the Blend Mode () to Overlay for the top layer. Of course this is not all ways of coloring. Perhaps you will find your original way of coloring and share it with us. Part 3 Applying effects. Now that we've created the image and colored it, let's try to make it more diverse. For example, apply to an image built-in Posterize () effect (Adjustments -> Posterize), or Ink Sketch () effect (Effects -> Artistic -> Ink Sketch), or Bulge () effect (Effects -> Distort -> Bulge). You can also use other paint.net effects like my Reticulation effect (Effects -> Artistic -> Reticulation), or Droste effect by @toe_head2001 (Effects -> Distort -> Droste), and many other effects. Huge opportunities you can get from G'MIC effect by @null54 - it all depends on your world perception and your fantasy. Smudge by @pyrochild is another effect that will add a nice touch to your image. Apply it to the top layer in step 7 (see Part 1) before applying the first Twist effect inside the area shown in red. You will get this result: Try this effect with different brushes and settings. And finally, a little trick. You might want to change the size of the dark spot in the center of the image or the size of the bright white ring around that spot. In Step 3 of Part 1, apply the Curves () adjustment as shown below. Point 1 allows you to change the size of the dark spot (left - increase, right - decrease). Point 2 allows you to change the size of the bright ring around the dark spot. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial.
  7. Because the Background layer is above Layer 2. (see Layer Blend Modes).
  8. Unfortunately, I don't have one. But having this image, it is possible to restore the tutorial by trial and error.
  9. I don't have any problems with this plugin. Check for the SelectionTools.dll file in the folder Program Files > paint.net > Effects.
  10. I'm sorry, but in this case, I can't help you.
  11. Install the latest version of CodeLab (v 4.1).
  12. Please publish your code (while in the CodeLab text editor, do Ctrl+A then Ctrl+C and paste your code into the message here).
  13. There is no need to apply the Curves effect. Try applying the Brightness / Contrast effect by setting one of the options to -1. In this case, creating an effect in CodeLab should not be difficult. Run CodeLab -> File -> New. Select the options as shown below and click Generate. Now you have this code: Move line "CurrentPixel = reflectOp.Apply(src[x,y], CurrentPixel);" under line "CurrentPixel = invertOp.Apply(CurrentPixel);" Replace Amount1 and Amount2 with 0 and -1 respectively in these lines: bacParameters.SetPropertyValue(BrightnessAndContrastAdjustment.PropertyNames.Brightness, 0); bacParameters.SetPropertyValue(BrightnessAndContrastAdjustment.PropertyNames.Contrast, -1); You can now remove the Amount1 and Amount2 controls - you will no longer need them. Fill in the commented lines at the top of the codes, for example: and save your effect. I hope it's not difficult.
  14. Applying a Darken blend mode results in more saturated colors
  15. In your code, the same condition (KeepInSync) causes the three sliders to be linked and two of them to be hidden, but these two sliders still remain connected. While the sliders are linked, the hidden sliders will move and flicker all the same. I have the same problem, but I haven't found a solution yet.
  16. A small change, added the ability to view the original image. Color Dimmer v1.3.zip
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