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Everything posted by ReMake

  1. To repro the crash: 1. Open paint.net. 2. Image -> Resize (any size, in my case 10x8). 3. After a few seconds comes the crash. pdncrash.1.zip
  2. I believe that version 2.0 is the latest at this point in time (see https://github.com/simmetric/Paint.NET-Plugins/blob/master/SpacedText/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs).
  3. All three links point to the same file - Planet.xml: Planet.zip
  4. CodeLab 4.1 in Russian You can find the new version of CodeLab in Russian here. Вы можете найти новую версию CodeLab на русском языке здесь.
  5. Fixed in version 1.2. By default, all X-axis values are set to 1.00. Download I'm still not ready for this event. This plugin needs to be improved algorithm. Perhaps when the plugin is finalized, we can open a new thread.
  6. I noticed some bug. Click on the image or on the effect UI when you have this message and then click Cancel button. As a result, we have endless canceling.
  7. Do you want to change the color of the weekend?
  8. I have completed the translation. Also I clarified 12 phrases that contain the English word 'default' because Google or Microsoft offer equivalent (За замовчуванням) is absolutely no sense in the Ukrainian language.
  9. ReMake - is it possible or should I create another name?
  10. Yes, this is a full translation for 4.1. Yes, of course. I think this will stimulate new Ukrainian members to join the PDN.
  11. Я обновил файл PaintDotNet.Strings.3.uk.zip (см. предыдущее сообщение) с учетом двух новых эффектов в paint.net версии 4.1.
  12. I can't repro the result as in your gif-file. Can you give details of using your effect with images.
  13. CodeLab 4.0 in Russian You can find the new version of CodeLab in Russian here. Вы можете найти новую версию CodeLab на русском языке здесь.
  14. Yes, BoltBait is right, you did not have enough references. The idea proposed toe_head2001 I really like - is a lot easier. Here is a list of necessary and sufficient references for this effect: PaintDotNet.Base PaintDotNet.Core PaintDotNet.Data PaintDotNet.Effects System System.Drawing System.Windows.Forms Good luck.
  15. This is strange, but today I can not reproduce it. Perhaps it was some random event. If this happens again, I will record the sequence of my actions.
  16. The Tools window is always on top of all windows for other applications.
  17. Я подготовил файл интерфейса paint.net на украинском языке. Распакуйте архив и поместите его в папку paint.net. Если кто-либо из украиноязычных пользователей сможет протестировать этот перевод и дать свои отзывы, замечания, предложения, то в paint.net в ближайшее время может появиться официальная украинская версия интерфейса. PaintDotNet.Strings.3.uk.zip Файл удален, т.к. украинский язык стал официальным языком paint.net начиная с версии 4.1.
  18. It's grandiose! Now this is a full calendar. Thank you!
  19. A few lines in CodeLab and we have a Calendar Creator with a "Red" Days (weekend). Of course, it's not an optimum code and somebody could correct it.
  20. Please, go to the How To Use Color Range effect tutorial, where you will get more information. To moderators: I think this topic may be closed.
  21. I don't understand what you mean.
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