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Everything posted by ReMake

  1. CodeLab 3.02 in Russian You can find the new version of CodeLab in Russian here. Вы можете найти новую версию CodeLab на русском языке здесь.
  2. CodeLab 3.00 in Russian You can find the new version of CodeLab in Russian here. Вы можете найти новую версию CodeLab на русском языке здесь.
  3. As variant it's possible. Thank you.
  4. I'm close to the completion of the effect. Can anyone suggest variants of icons for this effect?
  5. Fixed: this mode now works right! Added 10 new blend modes, which aren't in paint.net. Upload file from the first post.
  6. Unfortunately, paint.net was crashed with previous algorithm of Vivid Light when used alpha-channel. I replaced it with another algorithm, which does not lead to a crash. Two new blending modes was added (Linear Burn and Linear Light): Upload file from the first post.
  7. Fixed alpha-channel error for the new blending modes. New blending mode was added (it was very difficult to find the correct formula for this mode so that it exactly matches Photoshop's Vivid Light mode): Upload file from the first post.
  8. Two new blending modes was added (Exclusion and Hard Mix): Upload file from the first post.
  9. The effect is renamed into Edge Blur. Added blending modes - it's allowed to vary the results of the work of effect. (A good idea from BoltBait's Gaussian Blur+.) Upload file from the first post.
  10. Probably you mean your Gaussian Blur+ effect. The difference between these two effects consists in the used algorithms. Visually, the difference between effects work can be seen in the images below. BTW, the interface of your effect has prompted me some ideas to improvement of my effect. Thanks for reply.
  11. This was a random bug using templates. Fixed. Perhaps Edge Blur is the best variant. Thanks for reply.
  12. This effect is based on the Average Edge Blur plugin by Cookies. You can find it in Effects -> Blurs -> Edge Blur RGB. < EdgeBlur.zip deleted> See Averaged Color Blur Average Edge Blur effect allows to blur red, or green, or blue channel together with alpha channel or without it. Edge Blur RGB effect has three additional mode for blur the channels. I would like to know as far as this effect can be interesting and useful?
  13. In this version paint.net not applied Russian translation: SettingsDialog.UI.AeroColorScheme.Value.Dark - Темная SettingsDialog.UI.AeroColorScheme.OpenSettingsButton.Text - ⚙ Открыть Параметры Windows → Персонализация → Цвета SettingsDialog.UI.AeroColorScheme.Description.Win10ThemingTip - ℹ Совет: для настройки цвета заголовка окна измените цвет в Параметры Windows → Персонализация → Цвета. Также необходимо включить "Отображать цвет элементов на следующих поверхностях" → "В заголовках окон".
  14. hooddy, I have made offers on translation into Russian in 4 hours after the publication of release. Visit more often to crowdin and use function of search there at any changes.
  15. Levels - A How to and Basic Understanding (Now a PDF!) (use the second link in the first post).
  16. Also it is very realistic and is expressive! Thank you.
  17. In addition to the above - Lines/Grid effect.
  18. I have just visited to Postimage. All my images is right.
  19. Great! paint.net became more 'fast'. The Russian version is more informative now. Thank You Rick for your efforts and your hard work for all admirers of paint.net.
  20. Предлагаю русскоязычным пользователям продолжить эту тему. С большим уважением отношусь к человеку, осуществившему перевод более чем 1200 строк текста. Это огромная работа. Тем не менее, пришло время внести некоторые коррективы в перевод. Если у вас есть какие-либо предложения по изменению текстов или вы заметили неточности перевода, пишите в эту тему. Я или hooddy будем оперативно вносить предложения разработчику (мы оба приглашены им в проект paint.net на crowdin.com - сайте, где размещаются переводы). Давайте сделаем paint.net дружелюбным вместе!
  21. This is strange. Link in the first post is still available for me. This file is an attachment in the getpaint.net site and must be available for all: https://forums.getpaint.net/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=11989 EDIT: I have just called to my friend. He isn't registered on the website, but was able to download this effect from the first post without problems.
  22. For keywords this is done easily and simply: [assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("coordinates|grid|map|orthonormal|координаты|карта|сетка")]
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