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Image Umbrella: Signatures, Avatars, Logos & Text


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@Freedo - Your sig is, to say the least, newbish. Aliased text. Work at 4x the final size then resize. i.e. for sigs 2000x600 or 2000x480. Glowy lines are cool. The gloss effect is out of place and too blurred. It's in the top 5 newb sigs I've ever seen. 8.5/10

@McSteeze - I know you didn't ask, but I will critique your sig as well. Text is nice, colors aren't. Red+green+blue+creamy yellow = not the best color scheme. I don't like the use of Twist. For a newb, nice. 6.5/10

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@McSteeze - Yes. Much better. Background is still not top-notch but the swirl effect is amazing. Good improvement. 7.5/10

@ChrisCo - Nice, but the BG is sharp on the right and blurred on the left. I don't mind it much but I'm just saying. Cool text + render. 8.2/10

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@McSteeze - I think I'd like to see you leave the world of glowy swirl sigs, they get boring real fast - just sayin'.

Also, use a different font. Lucinda is a bad choice (that is Lucinda, isn't it?)

The upper one is better because on the lower one, the comet's color is a little more subtle and the glow seems a little purple because of that. 7.5 and 7 respectively.

What of my current? (Yes, it's old...)

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Haha, being new to the whole PDN thing all i can think of when i have open space is glowy lines but its true it is getting old.

In regards to your sig csm 725, I think the overall 3d look is great and the gloss effect on the letters looks spot on.

The only negitive thing i could think of would be the colors seem a little bland although thats just my prefrence.


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Yes, the sig looks cool and simple. But like what you said about other's sig, your sig looks noobish. It's jsut too boring with just plain text and a few glossy add-ons. It's really the same to the outcomes of the 3-D text tuts. Anyone could do that. (No offense, of course)

If you wanna do some text sigs, do some cooler ones. Like add some c4d's lightning... i got an exmaple but I ca't find it now...damn.


sigs n stuff

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@ Mayor McS, I really like the newest sigs, love the colors, the clouds and the comet, but there is something funny looking about the comet it looks like a double comet. Still very nice.

This is the example I made for the latest SOTW competition. I'm not entering it because I came up with the theme, but there is still time for you to enter. So sig artists get out there and enter something !!!! Here is the link of entries and the rules for the comp. It's "You are the magazine".



Thumb to a larger version in case you can't read the text....



SAC, WOTW and Photo Manip Competition Host

To visit the Comps click HERE

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Nice, text is a little pixelated. Your best sig yet IMO and I see you've improved in terms of colors. I'd like to see you try to make an abstract or realistic piece. And also, work at 2-4 times your final size, i.e. for 500x150, work at 2000x600 and resize. Also keep a full-sized version just incase. With my new laptop's Core 2 Duo, I can handle that. But my old Centrino had crashed countless times thanks to this habit.

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@ M McM, I think it looks ok, I still like your green one better. Using Blackadder font is better at larger sizes. It gets really hard to read at such a small size.

This is another one for the SOTW comp, You are the Magazine. Better enter soon ! This is ........

Roadkill Gourmet


Thumb to Larger Size!



SAC, WOTW and Photo Manip Competition Host

To visit the Comps click HERE

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