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CPU usage

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Maybe to help put things into perspective, im using PDN 4 with an i3-370m processor [integrated graphics] and when idle PDN is using around 6%, when rendering anything it shoots right up to 100% until its finished [3000x1688 canvas].


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Finding out this info is hard. Lets see, I assume you meant paint.net. Thought there was only one versions its uh...3.5.11


I am trying to use a paint bucket to color in pictures. And its really, really slow. Used to be I would just draw over a small potion at a time with rectangle select to make it speed up. But now that doesn't work. Also sometimes the paintbrush will freeze for a sec then end up with a straight line.


AMD Duel-Core Processor C60 with Turbo Core technology up to 1.333 GHz. Is what it says on the sticker of my computer.

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Thought there was only one versions its uh...3.5.11

There's also a 4.0 Beta available.  Could you try it with that version and see if the high usage still exists?


The Doctor: There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior... A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
Amy: But how did it end up in there?
The Doctor: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.
River Song: I hate good wizards in fairy tales; they always turn out to be him.

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Are there any risks to the beta? Like what are the odds of it wiping my Bios or corrupting Windows beyond repair?


Edit: When I said I would reduce the rectangle select on an image to work a small portion of the image at a time, but it wasn't working anymore. I got an idea for an alternative. I just cropped the image down to a tiny portion and found that working images that are only about 1000 by 800 (out of the usual 2,500 by 3,200) that it works much much faster. Then  I just have to copy that tiny portion, undo my way back to the cropping then paste and line up the block where it is supposed to be.


So I won't be needing to risk my computer on some experimental software. Thank you anyway. :) You've been a big help. :)

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I know I sound like one of those people that treat computers like forbidden black magic, but thats only because I am. I have very bad luck with computers and have a bad habit of trying to make programs do things they were never meant to, expected to or even thought about doing. And I don't even do it on purpose. Thats one reason I like paint.net, its fully fuctional but simple enough that I'm not likely explode my computer using it.

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Are there any risks to the beta?


Like what are the odds of it wiping my Bios or corrupting Windows beyond repair?

Zero. The worst that can happen is Paint.NET crashes while you're working and you lose whatever you've been working on since you last saved.


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If you have Norton's antivirus telling you the cpu usage is high, try shutting it off when using Paint.Net and see how fast it works. Norton's has a nasty habit of using all your cpu usage to tell you that you are using to much cpu usage.   ;)



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Many users on this forum are at least trialing the Beta version of PDN 4.0.  It works extremely well.  It requires Win7 or better.


In your case I suspect that you might have a hardware or RAM issue.  Dual cores is acceptable (my system is dual) - so it shouldn't be that unless your other specs are at the bottom end of the range.


How much RAM do you have installed?


How old is the system? I'm guessing that it is quite old?


What OS are you running?

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I did a smidge of research on that processor, and while it should work fine with PDN, i wouldn't give it canvases the size of 3200x. I have a relatively new i3 laptop and a canvas that big would run the processor dry. maybe separating your large image up into chunks which you save and work on individually would be a safer solution that cropping and uncropping. 


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Well its pencil drawings so I can't really cut it up like that. Putting it all back together would be rather hard I think.

Cut it into smaller rectangles saved as separate images and work on them one at a time. As long as you remember which rectangle goes where, putting it back together again shouldn't be a problem (open up the original image, import to new layers, and move to their corresponding locations)

Problems putting the images back together again only occur when you use certain effects on the images like blurs because you'll get seams between the pieces.

Don't be afraid to try things just because you feel you might do something wrong. Trial and error is how many of us learned to use the program. As long as you save a backup copy, you can always go back and try again.

No, Paint.NET is not spyware...but, installing it is an IQ test. ~BoltBait

Blend modes are like the filling in your sandwich. It's the filling that can change your experience of the sandwich. ~Ego Eram Reputo

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Well to avoid risking accidentally saving my image when its cropped I've instead just started copying a small portion of the image then opening a new page pasting, coloring it then copying and pasting that finished potion onto the original image. That way I only have to try to fit one piece onto the image instead of trying to line up 12 separate pieces.

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That would work beautifully. Good idea!

No, Paint.NET is not spyware...but, installing it is an IQ test. ~BoltBait

Blend modes are like the filling in your sandwich. It's the filling that can change your experience of the sandwich. ~Ego Eram Reputo

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