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Well, I kept coming back for inspiration and finally realized that unless I actually vote I probably don't deserve to see another round as thats not how this works.

While I like NMD's it feels too cluttered and lacks the resolution for a signature. A larger canvas would suite it better. So I'd have to pick AGJM in this instance. Simple sometimes is best.


NMD: 1

  • Upvote 1


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Vote with full critique and unwanted advice and critique thrown in to explain ... :mrgreen: I'm not the most capable but I can throw out words like crazy, so maybe this will be helpful.

@NN : Definitely not an epic fail on that sig NN. Its clean and simple with good use of a color gradient to liven it up. The overall approach is good, but there are a few things you might want to revisit on it. Specifically the shadow and its blending. The glass block text approach only works when there is the illusion of transparency. The current shadow blends/blurs too much and the focal point light shadow just isn't working for me. It needs to be lengthened or something to help create a better illusion. Or possibly just a lower/tighter angle with a sharper/darker shadow. With the focal point my eyes are expecting a single close high intensity light source, but the blurring is more from a distanced one. Of course through glass it will get distorted and fuzz out as well. Perhaps just a colored shadow ... Ack, too many what ifs. Just thought I'd throw in some stuff while I was voting against it in this instance.

@TH : I'm picking yours because of the impression and artistry. However, I would suggest something in regards to it almost being a loss to NN from the hidden W ... Mainly it looks like you wanted to do something there with it blending behind and coming out. A small trapezoid transformation of the text to have it start slightly smaller and extend to a little wider on the last letters would create a perfect pop-out text to match the blending the Wolfman pic has and firm up the 3D feel of it. Of course this is just my opinion and impression.

So while my hormones say to vote for the cute nurse, I'm stuck on the Wolfman for this round ...

TH: 1

NN: 0


Gallery at PDN-Fans

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Vote with full critique and unwanted advice and critique thrown in to explain ... :mrgreen: I'm not the most capable but I can throw out words like crazy, so maybe this will be helpful.

@NN : Definitely not an epic fail on that sig NN. Its clean and simple with good use of a color gradient to liven it up. The overall approach is good, but there are a few things you might want to revisit on it. Specifically the shadow and its blending. The glass block text approach only works when there is the illusion of transparency. The current shadow blends/blurs too much and the focal point light shadow just isn't working for me. It needs to be lengthened or something to help create a better illusion. Or possibly just a lower/tighter angle with a sharper/darker shadow. With the focal point my eyes are expecting a single close high intensity light source, but the blurring is more from a distanced one. Of course through glass it will get distorted and fuzz out as well. Perhaps just a colored shadow ... Ack, too many what ifs. Just thought I'd throw in some stuff while I was voting against it in this instance.

Thanks for the tips here :) sadly I don't know how to give the illusion of transparency, I have difficulty making my creations "stand out" I do try but, just can't seem to add the "wow factor" that so many people on here can manage to do (so easily) For the record, this image was meant to be transparent, but ended up blandsparent instead. I will (I am sure) get there in the end and manage to post gallery worthy images, but for what ever reason most of my creations are dull.

Edited by nitenurse79





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Thanks for the tips here :) sadly I don't know how to give the illusion of transparency, I have difficulty making my creations "stand out" I do try but, just can't seem to add the "wow factor" that so many people on here can manage to do (so easily) For the record, this image was meant to be transparent, but ended up blandsparent instead. I will (I am sure) get there in the end and manage to post gallery worthy images, but for what ever reason most of my creations are dull.

Dont get me wrong at all, or rather I hope I didn't come off like a pompous ****. I should have used more smileys to convey my want to be constructive. :mrgreen:

Trust me on the idea about gallery worthy --- you've already surpassed more than you know, and its what makes you happy that counts. Plus, as I've mentioned somewhere and elsewhere, you'd be amazed at what people will cherish over other things. Share em out or otherwise that art may not inspire someone else as well.

I hear you on dull too btw. One problem I'm still trying to rack my head around is little pieces of the puzzle at a time versus large sweeps with effects. Even my new avatar suffers more than I'd like in that respect but I had to publish it before I grew anymore frustrated with the attempt. :lol: And it looks better the more I dont think about it. Hopefully somebody else can explain crisp transparency. I'm still a little befuddled on why it works sometimes but not every time myself.

Okay, back to voting people. Lets not have another 8 week competition here.


Gallery at PDN-Fans

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Dont get me wrong at all, or rather I hope I didn't come off like a pompous ****. I should have used more smileys to convey my want to be constructive. :mrgreen:

Trust me on the idea about gallery worthy --- you've already surpassed more than you know, and its what makes you happy that counts. Plus, as I've mentioned somewhere and elsewhere, you'd be amazed at what people will cherish over other things. Share em out or otherwise that art may not inspire someone else as well.

I know based on feedback so far, I won't be creating any gallery on here in the near future, I can't seem to get my work to shine for some reason.:|

Edited by nitenurse79





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Well again, I was hoping to encourage looking into or at. Seems I overstepped in my wish to be helpful instead of just: "I like this better, so votey equals zot."

Apologies all around if somehow you've been disheartened by the mere the ramblings of my silly self. I intended more bolster than luster.

Feel free to visit and trash me where needed in my gallery at fans. Even I've not been brave enough to post my drivel here outside of a couple of tut and sigs. ( But my New Year's resolve is to branch out a little and still stands regardless of what critique I may encounter ... )

Guarantee you'd win over my little self portrait sig below. Without the insight as to why its layered up like that, its rather "bleh." But that's where I'm at with the tools, so it reflects me on yet another layer ... etc etc.


**edit: fast typing, major grammar and typo correction

Edited by delpart


Gallery at PDN-Fans

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I know based on feedback so far, I won't be creating any gallery on here in the near future, I can't seem to get my work to shine for some reason.boltbait.neutral.png

Hey, don't say that! Don't you know how long I've been patiently waiting for you to start your own gallery?

Truly you should be able to provide us with some interesting work. Seriously, you've seen my flawed work, so don't worry about flaws. It's how we learn.

Rember these:

* You've got to learn to walk before you can run

* You can't get mush without cracking a few eggs

* Crack pipes are intended to be used in the privacy of your own home

(Hey, I never said they were pertinent, I only asked you to remember them!)

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On this one I'm going to go with Nitenurse's Sig. The reason being that I love a good sig that looks like it's an object in front of the "page". Where as Howler's sig is a canvas image, a good one, but too flat in this instance.



Sig Battle Wins: 5
My Gallery
| Smoke>Flames Tutorial

~96% of teens won't stand up for God. Put this in your sig if you're one of the 4% who will

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You know me a sucker for sigs not constrained in a box so for this reason I award NN her first win in sig battles. :)

TheHowler nothing wrong with yours apart from the empty space on the right, I feel if you are doing a standard sig this is a bit of a no no.

Nightnurse79: 3

TheHowler: 1

Nightnurse79 is the WINNER.

Edited by minners71
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You know me a sucker for sigs not constrained in a box so for this reason I award NN her first win in sig battles. :)

TheHowler nothing wrong with yours apart from the empty space on the right, I feel if you are doing a standard sig this is a bit of a no no.

Nightnurse79: 3

TheHowler: 1

Nightnurse79 is the WINNER.

:D Thank you so much :mtdew:





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