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HOW TO INSTALL PLUGINS/General Plugin Troubleshooting Thread


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If the file extension is ZIP then something like WinZip. If you haven't got that installed, try Google to find other programs that will unzip a Zip file.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It doesn't seem like my Paint.NET came with a FileTypes folder (I'm trying to install a file type plugin--which you supposed to put it in the FileTypes folder). Should I make one or should I re-install PDN?

Edited by ShadowLovePDN

Love is nothing without you~

"If the world chooses to become my enemy....I will fight like I always have!" - Shadow before confronting Mephiles, Sonic 2006

"I promise you... revenge!" - Shadow promising Maria revenge on the humans.

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I think you would be better raising this is the Troubleshooting section, as it's not really a plugin installation issue.

Repost your last post here as a new topic: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/forum/3-troubleshooting-bug-reports/

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I downloaded pyrochild's plugin pack and put it in the effects folder, ect. But when I try to put boltbait's pack inside the effects folder this window keeps coming up:


And when I try to unlock the files, I don't find the "Unlock" button.


Any advice to put other packs into the effects folder? :X

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  • 2 weeks later...

Are you saying mine worked, but BoltBait's didn't?

Try copying the files to your Desktop first, then to the Effects folder from there.

Try clearing your browser cache then downloading the plugin set again.

Try temporarily disabling antivirus software.

Try using a different program to extract the files from the ZIP archive. I like 7-zip.

Try running chkdsk /F from the command prompt

And you can't unlock them while they're still in the archive. Only after extraction will the Unlock button MAYBE show up. If it's not there, it's not to be worried about.


ambigram signature by Kemaru

[i write plugins and stuff]

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There's no such thing as a "font plug in."

It would be helpful to add the proper terminology.There are fonts,they are'nt plug-in's,I am not sure if this work's for paint because i have been using a diff program lately but i open the font instead of saving it ,then I go to Computer>Window>Fonts and I drop the file into my computer font there and my program reads it as a computer font,actually I just tryed it and my added font's are in paint so ya,you might try it that way.

Edited by Lightsout
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Are you saying mine worked, but BoltBait's didn't?

Try copying the files to your Desktop first, then to the Effects folder from there.

Try clearing your browser cache then downloading the plugin set again.

Try temporarily disabling antivirus software.

Try using a different program to extract the files from the ZIP archive. I like 7-zip.

Try running chkdsk /F from the command prompt

And you can't unlock them while they're still in the archive. Only after extraction will the Unlock button MAYBE show up. If it's not there, it's not to be worried about.

Well yes, your plugin pack worked, but BoltBait's didn't, except that any other packs that I try to put in the effects folder keeps popping up with an error.

I tried clearing my browser cache and then downloading the plugin set again, but still didn't work.

I tried disabling the antivirus software, still it didn't work..

I downloaded 7-zip but I don't know how to extract the file from the ZIP archive.

I don't know what to do on the last step.

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Just drag the files from the archive onto your desktop, and then drag them from the desktop into the Effects folder.

As far as chkdsk, open the Start menu then type "cmd" without quotes. Hit Ctrl+Shift+Enter to run as admin, then choose Yes on the UAC dialog. In the command prompt that shows up, type "chkdsk /F" again without quotes and let that do its magic. It will probably find errors and fix them. Keep running chkdsk until it finds no errors (may take several times), restart your computer and try installing the plugins again.


ambigram signature by Kemaru

[i write plugins and stuff]

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I'm have the same problem as most posting here - getting the .dll's to show in a Pdn menu.

psfilterpdn.dll shows and works from the effects folder.

Each plugin(.dll) I've placed in there since doesn't show in any Pdn menu.

log of my efforts -

running win7 home premium, 64bit.

Logged in as admin - extracted Pdn v3.5.10 to c:\program files\Paint.Net.

Extracted psfilterpdn.dll, place in Effects folder - plugin shows in Effects menu, and works.

Unzipped Evan's eoeffects.dll, Mike Vinther's increaselocalcontrast.dll, dragged to Effects folder - restart Pdn.

Those two plugins don't show in Effects/Adjustments menu of restarted Pdn.

Removed all .dll's from Effects folder. Checked 'unblock' for dlls properties.

Uninstalled Pdn. Reinstalled Pdn. Placed .dll's in Effects folder. Restart Pdn. Psfilterspdn.dll works. Eoeffects + increaselocalcontrast.dlls still don't show.

Need some new ideas on this, please.


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Unzipped Evan's eoeffects.dll, Mike Vinther's increaselocalcontrast.dll, dragged to Effects folder - restart Pdn.

Post a screenshot of your effects folder contents, showing the path to the folder as well.

Also check the Utilities > View Plugin load errors and see what that says.

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Post a screenshot of your effects folder contents, showing the path to the folder as well.

Also check the Utilities > View Plugin load errors and see what that says.

Hi EER, thanks for replying.

Here's the SS of my Pdn effects folder

And the Utilities/ Plugin load errors menu is greyed out.


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Increase local contrast should show up in Effects > Photo

I did find this note in the thread for ILC:

NOTE: This plugin requires .NET Framework 3.5 SP1. Go here to get it:

Have you got .NET framework 3.5 sp1 installed? (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/kbarticle.aspx?id=318785)

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EER, I use Michael's local contrast plugin in his Image Analyzer, so .net framework can't be the problem (I have .net v 4 installed). I have tried installing a couple of other plugins, and they do show up. But not contrast and eoeffects. There must be a problem with them and the latest Pdn.

Edited by diogenes
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Image Analyzer is written in C++, so it does not need the .NET Framework.

Both of those plugins work in 3.5.10 with .NET 3.5 SP1, they must be incompatible with .NET 4.


Plugin Pack | PSFilterPdn | Content Aware Fill | G'MICPaint Shop Pro Filetype | RAW Filetype | WebP Filetype

The small increase in performance you get coding in C++ over C# is hardly enough to offset the headache of coding in the C++ language. ~BoltBait


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Both of those plugins work in 3.5.10 with .NET 3.5 SP1, they must be incompatible with .NET 4.

Try installing .Net 3.5 SP1 and see how you get on.

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Hi, I'm new

I was searching for stand alone 2xsai apps and came across you guys.

i.e. This thread here: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/22560-pixel-art-scaling-plug-in-beta-release/page__p__359016__hl__2xsai__fromsearch__1entry359016

I've read everything you ask of newbies. And I still haven't found any answers to help me incorporate this plugins beta-release "index.php".

Can someone tell what I have to do?

Thanx in advance.

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1. Download the zipped attachment from the first post in the thread you linked to.

2. Unzip it.

3. Copy the *.dll file to your Paint.NET/Effects folder.

4. Restart Paint.NET.

The plugin will reside in the Effects menu.

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