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HOW TO INSTALL PLUGINS/General Plugin Troubleshooting Thread


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BoltBait: I am sorry to be a Pain but I am still having a problem installing this so it shows up in the Paint.net program.

  • (:ColorPalettes: I have also included an update to my Rainbow Palette. This has been updated for this release of my plugin pack. It includes more colors and a better organization in "reduced window mode".
    Copy the file Rainbow Palette.txt to your My Documents/Paint.NET User Files/Palettes folder and you can select it in your color docker window.

I do not find anything from Paint.net in My Documents, the whole thing was installed and unzipped into C/program files/Paint.net. Can you tell me what to do from here? Everything is unzipped but it seems that they are not in the right places. Maybe I should just uninstall everything and start again?

I am usually pretty good with installing programs onto my computer but this one has me confused for some reason.

Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,



Be the kind of Woman, who, when your feet hit the floor in the morning, The Devil say's OH NO, SHE'S UP!

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened."...Anatole France

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  • 3 weeks later...

DDS file support is built in. Is their some variant that you need specifically?

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I found that out but now i can't open a .PSD file. I want to paint a skin for rFactor as specified but it can't open a photoshop file. I want one off this website(skin).


Go to:

- Downloads

- rFactor

- Templates

- BriSCA F1

I want to paint both Tarmac and Shale skins.



Get the .PSD filetype from the link in this thread: PSD File Type for PDN

Tested on those templates files and it works to load them up. Depending on your system of course, your current application for opening these will need to be changed to PDN.


Gallery at PDN-Fans

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I think I need nVidia's DDS plugin. Don't know how to install it though?


You would need a copy of Photoshop to use that plugin.


Plugin Pack | PSFilterPdn | Content Aware Fill | G'MICPaint Shop Pro Filetype | RAW Filetype | WebP Filetype

The small increase in performance you get coding in C++ over C# is hardly enough to offset the headache of coding in the C++ language. ~BoltBait


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Near the top there is a diagram on how to save. How can I get that or how can I save an equivalent.

Sorry to bother,


Missed that reply. Sorry mate, I've no clue on the next steps as to what in the .DDS output method they are aiming for here. Without PS available to me I cannot figure out how to compare the two.


Gallery at PDN-Fans

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

That's because they do not belong in the Effects folder with the plugin files.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have the newest version of paint.net....windows 7, 64bit....this is what I am getting in the loading errors window of pdn :

1 of 6


File: C:\Program Files\Paint.NET\Effects\ColorMixer.dll

Effect Name: ColorMixer.EffectPlugin

Full error message:

A mandatory update is available.

2 of 6


File: C:\Program Files\Paint.NET\Effects\ColorToAlpha.dll

Effect Name: ColorToAlpha.EffectPlugin

Full error message:

A mandatory update is available.

3 of 6


File: C:\Program Files\Paint.NET\Effects\Curves+.dll

Effect Name: pyrochild.effects.curvesplus.CurvesPlus

Full error message: This plugin is incompatible with this version of Paint.NET.

4 of 6


File: C:\Program Files\Paint.NET\Effects\Gradient Mapping.dll

Effect Name: pyrochild.effects.gradientmapping.GradientMapping

Full error message: This plugin is incompatible with this version of Paint.NET.

5 of 6


File: C:\Program Files\Paint.NET\Effects\ShadowHighlight.dll

Effect Name: ShadowHighlight.EffectPlugin

Full error message:

A mandatory update is available.

6 of 6


File: C:\Program Files\Paint.NET\Effects\Smudge.dll

Effect Name: pyrochild.effects.smudge.Smudge

Full error message: This plugin is incompatible with this version of Paint.NET.

Okay...I have pretty much looked everywhere before I posted this...so what next?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I understand about moving .dll files to the Effects folder. But a number of .zip packs are including a lot of Visual Basic related files (.sln and so on). Where are those supposed to get moved to? Also, can the Effects folder still work if the files it needs are in sub-folders? My apologies if these questions have already been answered. This is a very long thread and I haven't yet found them.

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Separately, but related, is there an installation tool (or could one be created) that just does all this file-moving-around for neubs like me? The last time I messed around with program files, I wound up disassociating .exe from my file system. For real. I didn't even realize I was doing it, and had to call this geek-genius I know who got it fixed before my computer shut down. That's the only reason I still have a laptop! Anyway, yeah, people -can- break their machines without even intentionally trying to, and while it's not likely I would do that much damage from messing around, I'm just saying, it would be nice to be able to just click on a "PluginSetup.exe" file that first lets you save your work then auto-shuts-down Paint.NET (if it's currently running), then asks for the directory of the stored .zip files, then lets you pick and choose which ones to install, uninstall, or reinstall to Paint.NET, where the setup file would then choose the correct directory (or directories) for the files. At the end, it could ask if you want to start up Paint.NET and also gives the option to donate. I don't know how to write those kinds of things (trust me, you don't want me to try, lol!), but I'm just saying, it would be great to have something like that, to save all the trouble.

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DLL files must be in the Effects folder, not in subfolders under the Effects folder.

As for .zip files that contain .sln (solution) files... sometimes the plugin authors include source code to their plugins. This is so that you can learn how those effects are created. If you don't want to create your own effects, there is no need for you to download or install those file. Only the DLL file is required for Paint.NET to make the effect work.*

As for the request for a plugin manager/installer... Simon Brown made one. Look around for it.

Hope this helps!

*generally. Some really complicated plugins require other files to work. But, those are rare.

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Hey, wow, thank you so much for the fast and informing response! I just installed Paint.NET and went looking for the plugins and so on. I did that after a friend recommended it when PhotoShop (BOO!!!) eternally quit working for me. Even the gurus at techguy can't seem to figure out how to help me... Anyway, I'll get the .dlls installed (I'm probably not going to bother learning to tweak them though, but it's cool that I could if I wanted to!) and I'll go looking for Simon Brown's work :)

Again, thank you so much! Very cool!

Edited by JustRosy
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I wanna ask, everytime I install new plugins and use it on Paint.NET, certain/specific plugins won't work. A pop-up will show saying that there was an error occured and that Paint.NET needs to close. Please, how can I fix this? I've strictly followed the instructions about installing the plugins but still the same. And worse, those plugins are the ones the I wanted to use the most. :(

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Maybe list the plugins that are giving you problems. Maybe they're outdated and the plugin creator hasn't been around in ions to fix it. Also, provide some info about your system, maybe you're having some resource issues. What OS are you running? How much memory do you have installed? How large is/the image(s) you are working with?

Such info as requested above will give folks some insight to try to help you resolve your problem.

Edited by jim100361
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I wanna ask, everytime I install new plugins and use it on Paint.NET, certain/specific plugins won't work. A pop-up will show saying that there was an error occured and that Paint.NET needs to close. Please, how can I fix this? I've strictly followed the instructions about installing the plugins but still the same. And worse, those plugins are the ones the I wanted to use the most. :(

Make sure you're using the latest version of Paint.NET (3.5.10) and the latest version of the plugin. Using older versions is the #1 cause of plugin errors.

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