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A way to create bubbles...





This is a PDN conversion of this tut to create buble(s)


French tut for PS!



1. Create a new picture large enought (that you could reduce later).

Ex: 400x400 px


2. Fill the background layer with black (used while you are working).


3. Add a new layer called "circle" and change the pen size to 10px. Select Light blue or white primary color.



4. Draw the empty elypse (holding shift for perfect circle) from 200,15 to 200,385.



5. Then using the magic wand with Tolerance=0 and click outside the circle then Ctrl+I to invert the selection. Gaussian blur by 25px.



6. Add a new layer called "shine" while the selection is still the same.

Select the brush tool with pen size 30px.

Set the primary color to white and the Alhpa channel to 100.

Draw approximatively like the model:



7. Gaussian blur the selection by 40px.



8. Add a new layer called "reflet". Using F4 set the opacity of this layer to 100.



9. Draw with the same pervious pen something that will be used to simulate external reflexion.



10. Gaussian blur the selection by 100px.



That's it.



Before flatering the layers, make the background transparent (instead black).

Then you could place the buble on other pictures...


ar.png Extra steps for a soap buble (do steps from 1 to 10 and continue still with the same selection):


11. Add a new layer called "soap". And move it down in the layer list just before the background.



12. Run the plugin radial color with default values.



13. Make a motion blur : angle 45 / 200px



14. Gaussian blur the selection by 100px two times.



That's it.

Same comment:

Before flatering the layers, make the background transparent (instead black).

Then you could place the buble on other pictures...


Enjoy bubling ;)




Undersea picture from:


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It would probably look better if you added a step for some radial on the "Circle" layer...as long as it is centered. Other than that it is great.


Take responsibility for your own intelligence. 😉 -Rick Brewster


Glade you appreciate my first tut. I should have choose a more simple tut (ie:how to use the pen) because now it will be difficult to present better tut :wink:

About final quality: before flatering you could unselect all and make a radial blur on the circle layer 10px.

But as we should reduce the buble to insert in another picture, I would prefer to use the feather plugin. Anyhow my tut isn't a rule. Everybody should play with all parameters (size, color, blur factors, etc...)...

Feather plugin from other topic:

Download v1.0 DLL here: http://boltbait.googlepages.com/Feather.dll

Basically, it softens the edges of objects that you are combining to make composit pictures.

Please see this page for instructions on how to use it.



Sweet tut man! I tried making a bubble the other day but it ended up looking more like an orb, haha.


Thanks, I'm gonna try it out later tonight.


^Click to visit my Flickr Gallery^


finaly i finished my goal..

it took me about a week or more

but i finised..:

{sorry for file size}


I'd love to the the .pdn on this one.


Take responsibility for your own intelligence. 😉 -Rick Brewster

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