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How to edit Text Layers in PDN file

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I have a PDN file with a few layers containing text. 3 Layers have a date in them and I stacked & offset then so the font I was using would look thicker. I now need to edit that date. Is it possible to edit existing text withing layers of do I have to delete them and start over?

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Why is this lack of text editing capabilities even a feature? Honestly, being able to edit text would be a huge boost for paint.net I've been using it from time to time since before 2007, and I've found always disappointing not being able to do that.

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21 minutes ago, carloswm85 said:

Why is this lack of text editing capabilities even a feature?


No one claimed it's a feature. Everyone here has described it as a limitation.

(September 25th, 2023)  Sorry about any broken images in my posts. I am aware of the issue.

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23 minutes ago, carloswm85 said:

Why is this lack of text editing capabilities even a feature? Honestly, being able to edit text would be a huge boost for paint.net I've been using it from time to time since before 2007, and I've found always disappointing not being able to do that.


Basically, because Rick Brewster is the only person developing this app and the Editable Text feature hasn't bubbled up to the top of the list yet.


In order to develop that feature, a lot of the code "under the hood" had to be revamped in preparation.  That took place over the course of the last several major releases and so, that type of change can now happen.  But, it will still be a  while for Rick to get to this feature specifically.  So, be patient.

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The lack of editable text or even wrapping text has always been the Achilles's Heel of this program.  You know something's a problem when Microsoft Paint has a better implementation of a feature.  MS Paint's text handling is pretty basic but at least it's flexible enough to be workable...Paint.NET's implementation?  Not even usable in its current form; actually it's worse than unusable, it's extremely frustrating to boot.*  For such a great program. it's a glaring omission.  Normally, I wouldn't complain if it was a purely free app but now the author is charging for it on the Microsoft Store.  Maybe implement a basic MS Word-esque text handler for the free version and a much more robust one for the paid version? Just an idea.


*And for those who are like, "Just bring it into MS Paint to do the text then!"  Let me remind you that JPEG has a cumulative quality loss with each save, so that isn't a good solution.

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Okay well if you need more functionality then you currently need different software. That's just the pragmatic conclusion here.


If you think the price in the Store is too much ... ? What? It's like $8 USD. Hardly expensive, nor a rip-off. Don't gatekeep.


Also, MSPaint can't re-edit text either, not sure why you're comparing to that.


Editable text is a big feature that requires a whole bunch of infrastructure changes, including changes to the .PDN file format. Not impossible, but it needs to be done right so that I don't have to revise the file format more than once. The foundation just isn't in place yet.


If you just want to complain, please go elsewhere. Grouchiness doesn't make software development go faster. Just because your pet feature isn't currently at the top of the priority queue doesn't mean ... well, it doesn't mean anything.

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On 12/4/2021 at 1:35 PM, Tactilis said:

Paint.NET is free and that purchase via the store is optional

a070.gif-> https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/119008-wrong-prejudices/?do=findComment&comment=589391

And I " love " such people who complain about a free program and even think they have the right to make requests .

Edited by Rle
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Text editing is just fine in Paint.Net. You just have to learn the workarounds.

The op asked how. Here is my answer.

Text is always written on its own layer. Use the font name to name the layer.

If the text has the possibility of being edited in the future, write it out in a .txt file first.

Then copy and paste into the layer. Name the .txt file the same as the .PDN file.

I doubt Paint is being used to write textbooks or wiki pages.

Hope this helps. :)



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22 hours ago, AndrewDavid said:

Use the font name to name the layer.


^ This.


To the layer name I add the font-size, color and any applied styling. Makes it a breeze to reproduce the text if an edit is needed.

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