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How to recreate Philidelphia Eagles logo font

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I want to create the font effect on the philidelphia eagles logo. I have the correct font, but I need the top of the letters straight with the bottom curved like this. 

I've tried the distort>bulge effect and installed magnifier and powerstretch but they don't allow you to properly control the curve.



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Hello @Ryan D and Welcome :)


You could try this Plugin for Circle Text and play with the 'angle of arc' to lessen the curve.


Here is How to Install Plugins.


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That appears to have the same issue. The top of the word is curving along with the bottom. By merging the two layers (one straight and one curved) I can get some middle characters to line up and I can erase the curve from the top, but the left most and right most characters do not line up at all.

Edited by RyanD
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I've been trying to find that Font to experiment with, but can't find it for free :(


I'm thinking that you may have to use the "Liquify Tool" for this.  I will experiment a bit and if I come up with anything, will post :)


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Bulge will do it, but you have to be careful to create a selection region to restrict the effect.



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For something like this, it's better to turn the logo text into a path in something like Inkscape, then export as an .svg. This way you can make it as big as you want without loss of quality. You can also use "Shape Maker" in PDN to trace the text and export as a shape.


I made an .svg out of it, if you want it, I'll post the file.




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I also have provided a link to an .SVG file from wikimedia commons of the Philadelphia Eagles workmark logo in my above comment from yesterday.

I also provided a link from the same web site for a large PNG version of the file (below):
(with the SVG image you can rescale and/or deconstruct file into its various elements without having to 'reinvent the wheel', as the saying goes)

Edited by HyReZ


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  • 1 year later...
3 hours ago, Player 7 said:

What was the name of the Font


After doing a Google search, this is what I found:


"The closest font you can get for the Philadelphia Eagles logo is Square Slabserif 711 Bold font."


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