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Everything posted by HyReZ

  1. @dan1966 You are welcome! Here is a link to a great video tutorial explaining the Layers feature of Paint.NET. It is mainly about using layers with photo images and not drawings, but the concepts are similar.
  2. Greetings, I would use the Wand Tool set to a tolerance of 45 to erase the background and the remaining white between the characters legs. https://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/MagicWand.html Also I would use the eraser to remove the artifacts on the right side of the character. https://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/EraserTool.html
  3. Thank you! I just added it now. I hope it will quickly eliminate the tiny artifacts that are left after using the Wand Tool. Often they are revealed only after I add a drop shadow or a glow. I will try it sometime this weekend!
  4. Actually the heading is less informative than you think in that the term 'mess' does not describe a specific outcome. Since reading and writing GIF files is built into Paint.NET; you can 'mess' with a GIF file right after set up. I assume you mean working with animated GIF files. There is a filetype plugin that enables you to open animated GIF files and have each frame open as a separate layer. It also enables you to created a series of sequenced layers and save them as an animated GIF. https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/31629-animated-images/ https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/13454-animated-image-24-agif-apng/
  5. Try this: https://sourceforge.net/projects/flexxi-image-resizer/
  6. It works for me ~90% of the time. I check a short time ago to see if any of the files had a block or read-only attribute. So far no explanation has been discovered.
  7. @toe_head2001 & @Ego Eram Reputo I just tried to copy and paste some plugins from a ZIP folder into the Paint.NET>Effects folder and it was not permitted until I pasted them somewhere else first and then copy and paste to the Paint.NET>Effects folder.
  8. I thought that in Windows 10, the single executable of Paint.NET is extracted from the ZIP archive in the background. Thanks for the nfo. I have not heard of this.
  9. Relax! I don't know what you or others know until they tell me. More Power To You, Bro! 🙂
  10. @toe_head2001 Windows has been able to create and open compressed ZIP archives since the Vista version. You don't need a second party creation/extraction app.
  11. Here is a video on installing the free version of Paint.NET: (The part about extracting the executable file from the Zip archive can be simplified by just double clicking on the Zip folder and it will open then just launch the app setup.)
  12. You can add a filetype plugin to Paint.NET that will enable it to read and write PDF images: https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/22863-portable-document-format-filetype-plugin-pdf/
  13. @ Edward I have looked at some of Etsy's requirements and I have not been able to find where an image file has to be 300 DPI. I can only find that it is recommended that the image be ~1500 pixels square. Can you provide a link to other requirements? DPI is for printing purposes. Since the PDF ask for size of output information (will it be a letter size or tabloid size) before conversion, all of the sampling values are added to the document before saving, therefore there is no area to setup DPI instructions. Since you are viewing the PDF on a monitor that typically has a resolution of 96, the document defaults to that. See the comments at this link: (I provided a relevant comment and link to this thread today. 🙂 ) Also check this out: http://blogs.adobe.com/contentcorner/2017/04/19/optimal-settings-to-create-print-ready-pdfs/
  14. I just installed it and looks "So fresh and so clean"! Good Job!
  15. It has been nearly a decade since David Atwell posted the "DPI and YOU - Understanding Resolution for Print and Web" information, yet many of the Paint.NET forum members are still out of the loop about this subject. Over the years I have seen postings for help about the need to save a 300 DPI for this, that, and the other reasons. DPI (Dots Per Inch) is only relevant for printing! My advice is to create your Paint.NET at least 1920 x 1080 for most purposes and worry about the DPI when running printer software! Those who work with photos need to realize the average DSLR is ~16 megapixels, which is ~4920 x 3264 pixel image sensor about the size of a postage stamp. Image sensor pixel size ranges from 1.1 microns in the smallest smartphone sensor, to 8.4 microns in a Full-Frame sensor and is not stored as dots but as data. The image data is converted to a JPEG file at a resolution of ~96 PPI (Pixels Per Inch). After that it is up to the printer how that image will be transfered to paper or vinyl and this is where DPI becomes relevant. Here is yet another video that I located that I hope will in the understanding of DPI vs PPI:
  16. @Unseentask Yeah! You got part of it correct, so you do have the makings for a good listener. So here are the other lyrics ,so you can get the full meaning: Throw down! Baby do the throw down! (x2) Give the people what they want When they want And they wants it all the time (x4) Throw down! Baby do the throw down! (x2) Give the people what they want (supergroovlastic) When they want (prosifunkstication) And they wants it all the time Give the people what they need When they need And the need is yours and mine Give the people what they want (heh heh!) When they want And they wants it all the time Give the people what they need (in other words, it's the thumps bump) When they need And the need is yours and mine The lyrics are quite simple and if you sing it a few times, it will just roll off your tongue! Just scroll up and click on the play button and sing along!
  17. I saw them also and they were the loudest band that I ever heard. My ears rang all of the next day! 🙂 We saw them the night that they were inducted into Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame in Cleveland, Ohio. The show was 3 hours long. We left at 3AM and they were still performing. I think I am off topic. 🙂
  18. @Unseentask Here is helpful advice in a musical format: @AndrewDavid BTW- no one is that color!
  19. After installing the plugin, look for Liquify in the Effects>Tools options
  20. @AndrewDavid Great idea I will try it! 🙂
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