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Everything posted by HyReZ

  1. When I create a checkboard that is 3x4 pixels and use the Image>Rotate 90 degrees I do not get the results that is described here.
  2. @Pixey That thread has been locked for a year and then the info was two years old. @Mimi Your best bet is to do a Google and a Youtube search for info in this area! I use Krita! https://krita.org/en/features/highlights/
  3. This what I read from Apollo720: "The original is orange and I need to recreate the light blue version of it." I provided a means of recreating a light blue version of it! I just tested the plugin on the orange bar before I posted my comment, so I know that it works! (see illustration below) @Apollo720 This note is taken directly from this link: https://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/InstallPlugins.html Note paint.net scans for plugins only at start-up. The application must be restarted to load new plugins.
  4. Okay I have not expreienced a plugin working after an install without a reboot!
  5. Did you install the PdnManualColorFilter.dll in the effects folder and reboot PDN so that so that the plugin is recognized as being installed? I think now that you have to add all three dll files to the Effects folder for it to work.
  6. There is a plugin that I have used for decade that will do what you need and is exremely easy to use. I have linked to it as a response to similar problems to yours, yet the link has not been fixed. but there is a way to access the plugin. The plugin is called 'PdnManualColorFilter.dll' that will enable you to tint the image file. (The link is not correctly working at the moment, but if you select and download it, you can add the '.zip' extension to the filename that downloads and extract the plugin, until the link is repaired) https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/18048-color-inpainting-beta/ The direct link to the file is here: https://forums.getpaint.net/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=3886 After installing it will appear as 'Manual Color' in the Effects>Color options
  7. If you have the current update, when you go to Settings>System> About, you should see something like this: BTW: You can also goto Settings> Update & Security>View update history to check all of the recent updates and whether they were successfully installed.
  8. Usually after a successful update, my system will restart on its own. You may have this feature disabled, so it is indeed a good step to restart. How To Stop Windows 10 Automatically Restarting https://youtu.be/uURuyujPyZk
  9. Greetings, I appears that your Windows Updater is broken. GoTo Settings and select the Update & Security option, then select Troubleshoot and run it on the Windows Update to see if it fixes the problem. If not check here: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4027667
  10. Greetings, Here is a video link that can help:
  11. I used more than a few work-a-rounds and was able to achieve this design: I worked on a 5K x 5K pixel canvas. To get highlings in the text layer that would not take long to render, I used a text layer with black shadows and shading then reversed the colors of the text layer to get the edge highlights and and plastic like shimmer. I resized the canvas to a 1920 x 1920 pixel JPG to send to my web host.
  12. I started to try it but on a canvas that is 5K x 5K pixels. Some of the plugins just took to long to render. It is a great text effect for small canvases.
  13. I just complete this graphic where I applied a few of the Genesis Plugin effects:
  14. Greetings, There are AGIF/APNG plugins that enable you to create blinking text animations such as the one that I created here: Here is a link to the plugin used to create these animations: https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/31629-animated-images/
  15. I have another workstation that runs an AMD Athlon 5350 that does support AVX. I installed the Genesis VFX plugin for PDN and it runs okay.
  16. I am using an AMD Phenom II x6 and I see that it does not support AVX
  17. I restarted the computer after the installation and got a crash report after loading the plugin. Next I reinstalled the plugin and restarted again and got the same error message again after trying to load the plugin into PDN.
  18. I have never owned a computer with an Intel processor. The system that crashed was running an AMD Phenom II X6.
  19. Greetings, I just installed the update and got this Plugin error: File: C:\Program Files\paint.net\Effects\GenesisVFX.dll Name: GenesisVFX.GenesisEffect Version: Author: Copyright © Harry Denholm 2018; Original Genesis code by Andrew Cross and Richard Wilson, 1997 Copyright: GenesisVFX Remix for Paint.NET Website: https://www.ishani.org/ Full error message: System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'Regenesis64.dll': A dynamic link library (DLL) initialization routine failed. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007045A) at regenesis.Imports.SetLoggingFn(FeedbackFn logFn) at GenesisVFX.ExplorerForm..ctor() at GenesisVFX.GenesisEffect.CreateConfigDialog() at PaintDotNet.Menus.EffectMenuBase.RunEffectImpl(Type effectType) in D:\src\pdn\src\PaintDotNet\Menus\EffectMenuBase.cs:line 873 I am attempting to update from Windows 10 1803 to 1809 to see if this will fix things.
  20. @ishani I just loaded Genesis VFX and it looks amazing! I just took a very quick look at some of the effects, but I will take time later in the week and use some in a few projects. Thank you for your efforts!
  21. Here are some Plugin links that relate to creating and using designed and custom brushes: https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/110673-brush-factory-v18-dec-10th-2018/ https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/25792-photoshop-brush-filetype-2018-12-23/
  22. I think that Realniub wants to use a brush stroke that can vary in with as it moves thru a random path. If you are using a graphics tablet: PDN does not current support pressure sensitivity. Here is a video like that may illustrate what is desired in this thread:
  23. Greetings, Maybe this plugin will be useful for you until something like what you explained comes along: https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/10056-editable-text-v10-stable/
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