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Everything posted by chrisco97

  1. I think it would be better in the texture comp. because I do not see any light...
  2. It would help the voting, but, I think I will wait until the next competition to put this into the system.
  3. I LOVE goon's and cj's entries. Especially cj's. It looks like Sports Illustrated.
  4. Yes. Here is one I would like to see a tutorial on: ------ LOL
  5. It is nice, it looks like a fractal. If it was Paint.NET, (100%) you could enter it in that AOTW competition. ------ Problem is, I can tell you used a border. Either that, or you cut off your image. But, it doesn't matter. It is still great overall!
  6. Yes, but most people are going to add their texture to an image already. So, all they would have to do is post the original texture used. ------ Who wants to do it?
  7. Yes, and the pieces need some feathering, and they are erased at some parts. Otherwise, great!
  8. Really nice! It has a fitting name, too!
  9. I might be entering, but since it has to be 100% Paint.NET, I might not be. ------ AFG, that is unbelievable! My favourite entry so far!
  10. I do not like the moon beside of it, messes up the planet. It is very good, though! ------ http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/099/0/6/First_Spacescape_by_chrisco97.png My first spacescape, 100% Paint.NET!
  11. I think the tutorial should be on one of your sigs, one of the great ones!
  12. @ Barbieq, Welshblue: I agree, they have to learn their lesson. @Barbieq: Yes, you do! ------- Now let's get back on-topic!
  13. yy10: 1 csm: 0 yy, It is not your best, but it is pretty sweet. Csm, I like it, but I like yy's better.
  14. I love these entries. Really nice guys! I am especially fond of Jerkfight's. It is nice.
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