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Everything posted by chrisco97

  1. I would be willing to run "Texture of the Week" if Possum doesn't mind. And of course, if Pyrochild doesn't mind!
  2. Here is a plugin Pyrochild has that I use: https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/4128-borders-n-shapes/
  3. I like it... But what has happened to the "legandary" Sokagirl? The one that made "Blue on Blue" and "Ghostly?"
  4. Okay guys, the Sig Battles thread has been cleaned up, and MonkeyFace needs a challenger!
  5. WE have got a nice theme, as long as Pipp agrees.
  6. Right here: http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/082/6/b/Swordfish_by_chrisco97.png
  7. Wow! That is an awesome piece Possum! Post it on Deviantart, and I will fav it! That is awesome!
  8. What is up with you and cookies, Possum? I was always taught Possums couldn't have cookies.
  9. There was a Sherlock Holmes story involving a three-sided quarter.
  10. How could I have tied again? That is insane! Congrats to everyone who tied. Especially Sokagirl, I know how much you wanted this win! I do not know how three of us is going to agree on the next theme.
  11. Congrats guys! I still can not believe I tied again...that is impossible! To much other people deserved it more than I did.
  12. @HeavyMetalCat: I love it, not bad for a first piece! Just some feathering, and some more realistic textures, (which you will more than likely learn later) and it will be a really nice piece! I do like the record. Was it made in Paint.NET? @Mayor: I love it! It is your best piece yet! Very awesome! I like the second one best, but the first one is good too. Good to see you didn't erase any of your planet this time.
  13. Pretty nice. Better compared to your other one... Only criticism I can think of is the lighting seems out of place. Fix that, and it will be way better.
  14. Well, it is done now. Hopefully we will get the results today!
  15. Okay guys, ImAnOwl? and CSM both have been given credit for the rules.
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