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Everything posted by chrisco97

  1. I love it barbieq. You can not even tell you used trail on the frame. That's a good thing.
  2. Nice! I love the first "Distorted Rock" texture. Nice job! ------ If you try hard enough, you may pull it off. Try out a space scene.
  3. I voted for CJ, his looked the most like a magazine. Very professional.
  4. Possum did a nice job. J.D., I liked yours as well. I didn't do that good on my FIRST room I made.
  5. Awesome! The trail plugin is Pyro's best, isn't it?
  6. CSM: 1 CT: 0 ------ Cooltew, it is nice, but simple. CSM, nice use of colours and simplicity. And a BORDER! Man, that is awesome!
  7. That is too bad! Glad to hear you are alive, and I wish the best for you.
  8. I love it! I actually voted for you.
  9. Yes, it was a great first competition! Thanks to everyone who entered, and voted!
  10. Nice job! Didn't even realize you posted that! I was so busy with other things... ------ Post the sig you made with it, it was awesome!
  11. Results are up! ------ Congratulations to Possum for the win! And thanks to everyone who participated. We had a great first competition!
  12. http://possumroadkill.deviantart.com/art/Still-Life-with-Calabash-Pipe-160662495
  13. I would pay a lot of people for some of the art they make. I would honestly pay Possum Roadkill for a piece he made for me about a week ago. If I had the money, I would!
  14. Hey, chill out! You are a great artist, and he was just letting you know. You need to come back.
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