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Everything posted by chrisco97

  1. Yes, "Do not anger the Possum!" I love that rule!
  2. I know what they mean - useing blend modes, you get only a bit of rust if you do it right.
  3. Chrisco. Anyway, I was saying I was glad I suggested it. ------ Great job on your entries! I think your WSC entries are the best ones.
  4. It is a very nice piece, glad I suggested it.
  5. I hope you do. Trust me, it is a great feeling!
  6. 10 Pieces in a day! WOW! ------ Like my entry?
  7. Hey, I was going to use Pac-Man! Anyway, I have another idea. ------ Anyway, very awesome! Love the background, even though it is only a gradient.
  8. Texture of the Week The theme is: Old and Rusty Signs! Hosted by: Chrisco97 Winner is: Welshblue! Runner up is: VatherLokus Third place is: csm725 Congratulations to everyone, and winners, check your inbox for a surprise! Hidden Content: Old and Rusty SignsChosen by Possum Roadkill -------------------------------------------------------------- For this week's competition, Possum has chosen something very unique, Old and Rusty signs. It can be any kind of sign, but must be old and rusty looking. The idea here is to make a rusty painted metal texture. The more retro looking the better. Must be 100% PDN, no stocks or renders can be used. And you must post a thumbnail of the original texture. You can also post an image with that texture being used, but you MUST post a thumbnail of the original texture you made and used. To cut you some slack, here is a nice tutorial that may help you. Deadline for this competition: April 27th -------------------------------------------------------------- Texture of the Week Rules! If your entry breaks any of these rules, it will be disqualified. -------------------------------------------------------------- The maximum size for your image is 800x600. If it is bigger, post a thumb or link instead of the full sized image. Texture must follow the set theme. Only one entry per person and no modifications to your image are allowed after submitting your entry. No renders or stocks are allowed. You are allowed only ONE post in this thread. This post should include your entry. Placeholders are not permitted. When submitting your entry, do not submit one you have made before this competition. The winner of the current Texture of the Week gets to choose the theme for the next one! ------------------------------------------------------------- This thread is for posting your entries only! Which means you can not have conversation here. ------------------------------------------------------------- If you wish to talk about the competition, or one of the entries, you can do so here. If a comment or other non-entry post is mistakenly made in this thread, it will be moved without penalty to the discussion thread. Just don't be surprised when it magically jumps over there. ------------------------------------------------------------- Good luck to all and thanks for participating!
  9. You did great on the spacescape. And yes, you did brilliant with the design. I gave you FULL credit in the footer. "Site layout © csm725."
  10. Your welcome, you did good! ------ I can not wait to see what Possum chooses!
  11. Very realistic! I would suggest outting them on a table.
  12. I might participate. I need to brainstorm though.
  13. c4ds don't match. But the colours and adjustments are awesome!
  14. Thanks for the .pdn! I love it! That is like a christmas present. ------- And what a brilliant name, "Chriscoscape" awesome!
  15. Sweet! I love it! How did you make the background? It matches the planets good! I told you that you could do it! Very nice job.
  16. You deserved the win. ------ BTW, nice job on Gateway.
  17. That was earned Pablo, nice entry.
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