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Everything posted by chrisco97

  1. Pretty nice. @Cecemel99: I actually like it. Flow is great, I love the colours, and the text is the only thing that needs to be worked on! ------ What did you mean by "I think it's too obviously what things you put together?"
  2. WOW! Thanks for telling me! I may try it out soon. On the new piece, it is awesome! Nice work!
  3. Love the art deco screens, You will have to share your secrets!
  4. You should have added more to the background. Otherwise, nice!
  5. I ask because I was terrible when I was under a month old user. Great job on them!
  6. I think it is funny. Cool effect on the c4ds though. I made that 2 days ago. Any thoughts?
  7. How long have you been using Paint.NET? ------ Love the first, but the rest need work. Overall a nice gallery! Can not wait to see more from you!
  8. Sorry Welshblue! I didn't understand what you meant.
  9. Texture of the Week The theme is: Metal and Glass! Hosted by: Chrisco97 Winner is: Possum Roadkill and Yellowman! Runner up is: barbieq25! Congrats to the winners, and everyone who participated! Hidden Content: Metal and GlassChosen by Welshblue -------------------------------------------------------------- For this week theme, Welshblue has chosen an awesome theme, Metal and Glass! This week, you have the option to make one of the two, or both! For example, you could make just a metal or glass texture, or you could make Metal text with a Glass frame...or vice versa. As always, your entry must be 100% PDN, no stocks or renders can be used. And you must post a thumbnail of the original texture, we want proof you made it. You could also make an image with your texture being used, but with your original texture posted. Deadline for this competition: May 6th May 13 -------------------------------------------------------------- Texture of the Week Rules! If your entry breaks any of these rules, it will be disqualified. -------------------------------------------------------------- The maximum size for your image is 800x600. If it is bigger, post a thumb or link instead of the full sized image. Texture must follow the set theme. Only one entry per person and no modifications to your image are allowed after submitting your entry. No renders or stocks are allowed. You are allowed only ONE post in this thread. This post should include your entry. Placeholders are not permitted. When submitting your entry, do not submit one you have made before this competition. The winner of the current Texture of the Week gets to choose the theme for the next one! ------------------------------------------------------------- This thread is for posting your entries only! Which means you can not have conversation here. ------------------------------------------------------------- If you wish to talk about the competition, or one of the entries, you can do so here. If a comment or other non-entry post is mistakenly made in this thread, it will be moved without penalty to the discussion thread. Just don't be surprised when it magically jumps over there. ------------------------------------------------------------- Good luck to all and thanks for participating!
  10. #winner cooltew ------ I challenge with this:
  11. Welshblue came up with a great theme, trust me!
  12. Results are up, be sure to give everyone a round of hands!
  13. Cool! Thanks guys. I thought CJ woul win. ------ AFG, awesome entry! It is my current, I love pacman!
  14. I just downloaded Simon Brown's Plugin pack yesterday, and two of the plugins will not show up in Paint.NET. PrinterPlus ImageshackUpload I even deleted them all and reinstalled them, but they still will not show up. If you need them, here is a screenshot of my "Effects" folder, and my "Tools" bar in Paint.NET. http://img8.imageshack.us/img8/2676/61252278.png http://img94.imageshack.us/img94/518/84509068.png
  15. I was hoping you would choose the other theme. Just kidding! ------- This is a nice theme, I will try and put something together. Two weeks sure is going to help.
  16. I love all of your work! It is all beautiful! I especially like your realistic pieces.
  17. Hey! I didn't twist your arm! :lol: :lol: ------ And, I love your ribbons!
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