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Everything posted by chrisco97

  1. I love that sig. It is really what I was hoping someone would make for this theme. An "Enchanted Forest!"
  2. I agree, let's not stomp on him. It was a mistake, as we all make. ------ Back on topic: I love all of the entries! Can not wait for more!
  3. I love the one with your username on it. It is pretty nice. Second one is best, BTW. I also like the SOTW entry!
  4. I know...he should be banned longer. He is using another account? They should ban it too...(No offense, L3ron)
  5. Amazing! So glad to see you working on your stuff again!
  6. Monkeyface - 3 D-load - 1 #winner monkey face
  7. Well, you know I already loved it.
  8. I am sorry, Welshblue...I just now noticed the rules say you can't. Sorry!
  9. I love your sig...it is not plain.
  10. Haha... I like Welshblue's texture for grass. It is really realistic!
  11. CSM is un-defeated with that signature.
  12. Congratulations, CSM! You shut-out ImAnOwl?! I would be so proud! ------ Anyway, a new battle is ready to go. First two to post a sig gets it! So, go post your sigs!
  13. Do you really? I don't, once, a Black Widow was sitting on my hand, and I just thumped it off. (I am a big bragger, aren't I?)
  14. You crack me up, Possum! My spiders don't do that, they bite! HARD... Don't forget the coffee!
  15. It is a nice tutorial , but I like the old one more. I will try this out, and give you my result. Edit: I will tell you this, it needs to have more shell around it, if you know what I mean. It just looks like an explosion with some rocks around it. As on the other one, it looks like a planet about to corrupt. However, this one is nice because it is 100% Paint.NET, so I give you points for that.
  16. It has a cool effect, but I like the other tut better. (No offense)
  17. I must say, Barbieq, your entry is interesting.... ------ Let us get some more in!
  18. It is right, it is my wallpaper! (For 10 seconds)
  19. About the sig before this one, I hate the smudged background. Looks pasted on. Otherwise, great! Your SOTW entry, well...AMESOME! ------ Keep up the good work!
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