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Everything posted by Sarkut

  1. Carver, If I had to guess, just from looking at the picture, I'd say that the checkmark indicating visibility was still present in the mask layer (Layers window) And that the Invert Alpha checkbox hadn't been checked while applying the Alpha Mask effect. If you want, you can upload your .pdn file and post the download link here. I'll take a look at it. Use this site: http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php
  2. Do a Google search using "browsers for windows" as search term. Download Firefox, Opera, or Chrome. All free programs.
  3. Downloading from a different browser worked for Bourque2.
  4. By left-clicking I mean let Windows open it, without the use of a zip program.
  5. dolphin, Look under "Wet Floor Reflection"
  6. nakis, I just tried it and the zip is OK. Give this a try. Clear your browsers cache. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&sour ... 0&aql=&oq= Download from the link that you used before. Download to the default location - Desktop or Downloads folder typically. Don't extract the zip. Open it by left-clicking, then copy/paste the .dll files into the Effects folder. Best to do all this with the Paint.NET program closed.
  7. For the mask, make a new (transparent) layer above the layer of the small image you have imported. Make a Rectangular Selection a bit smaller than that image and centered on it. Paintbucket fill the selection with black. Deselect. Blur heavily. Load to Clipboard. Remove checkmark for the Mask layer in the Layers window. Apply Alpha Mask effect (with all boxes checked) to the small image layer.
  8. Be sure to put a checkmark in Mix Alpha also when using the Alpha Mask effect. This is from a particular tutorial and shouldn't be used for this.
  9. On the left side near the top or bottom of this page click on the Board Index link. Follow links to the Plugin section. Near the top of the first page in the plugin section is the Plugin Index link. Look under the first Hide tag. ========================================= Grim Color Reaper HOW TO INSTALL PLUGINS ========================================= What is left after using the plugin will be somewhat transparent, so you may want to duplicate the layer a few times to bring its opacity back up.
  10. kitty82, Take your original image (before Magic Wand use), and apply the Grim Color Reaper plugin effect set to white. You can add the white back inside the eye afterward by Paintbrushing white on a transparent layer below the eye image layer that has had the white removed by the plugin effect.
  11. Very nice. Pls. post ongoing updates, so we can watch it progress.
  12. tonyadoran, Good Morning back at ya! Here's my go at it. PDN File
  13. Possum, This is what I get, don't know why. http://img176.imageshack.us/img176/7931 ... link01.png
  14. Znupi, As a workaround this might be OK. Use the Posterize Alpha plugin effect with linked channels set to two. Use the Transparency threshold slider to determine how much of the partial Alpha areas are retained or discarded. Follow up with Boltbait's Transparency plugin effect set to maximum on the Opaque side. Save.
  15. The tutorial includes loading a mask using Browse, for example. I didn't see a browse function on the UI of Isolate White / Black. If it will do everything the tutorial requires that's great. Can it use the values from one layer as a mask for another layer?
  16. Any chance of adding Load from Clipboard to this one? Or even better adding Dissolve as a blend mode to Blend Modes Plus?
  17. aguba, You might want to clarify that statement. It sounds like you are telling people that they can do your tutorial successfully using Mike's plugin as an alternative to the Alpha Mask Import plugin.
  18. Possum, The clicky links to a 240X150 image; can't read the text. Can you add a link to the full size version?
  19. The dog now has both white hair and brown hair. It looks a lot warmer that way!
  20. Okay. Be sure that the outline is complete and unbroken. Draw the outline on its own transparent layer, Magic Wand inside of it, invert selection, then switch to the image layer to delete. Remove the checkmark in the Layers window for the outline layer.
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