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Everything posted by Sarkut

  1. D3V1LMACH1N3, Let us know whether you have made any progress with this.
  2. patfenner, In the Paint.NET Save As... Save Configuration dialogue there is a Quality slider. Moving the slider to the left should reduce the file size.
  3. wbmkk, In the Colors window click on More>>. Set the Transparency - Alpha slider to zero on either the Primary or Secondary color. This gives a transparent to color gradient when the gradient tool is set to Color Mode.
  4. ahyi81, Put the text on a transparent layer. In the Layers window, remove the checkmark from the default white background layer. Save as...PNG. JPG won't retain transparency.
  5. Sorry to hear of your injuries, WB. I always wear steel-toed boots while using PDN. Figured everyone did the same.
  6. That's even better. Or put a paperweight on the Enter key.
  7. You could make a macro recording of the Enter key being rapidly pressed for several seconds. Then set it to repeat play when you want to use the line tool.
  8. Enzan55, After drawing a line, just do a mouse-click off of the edge of the canvas.
  9. Falken, Nice concept piece. Interesting planet texture. I get the impression those two don't get along well with each other. The one on the bottom. Australian? ========================== Mayor_McSteeze, Try to get whoever has an admin. account to install some plugins for you, if you can, it will make a big difference in what you can do. ================================== Runaway space doodle. I just wanted to see how well Simon's new plugin does at saucer death-rays. It's better than doing it manually.
  10. lila, Try running PdnRepair: Program Files/Paint.NET/PdnRepair.exe Then reboot your PC.
  11. You can reach the Help file from Paint.NET, when connected to the Internet, by pressing F1 on your keyboard. There are two Paint.NET specific search engines available: http://searchpaint.net http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?app=core&module=search
  12. beko, The Panelling Effect plugin might be helpful for this.
  13. Is this an upgrade install from v3.5.1? Have you seen this link? Do you have a viable System Restore point prior to the first attempt to upgrade?
  14. The Move Selected Pixels tool moves, resizes, or rotates a copy of the selected area when the tool use is begun with the Ctrl key held down. (That is, it doesn't leave a hole behind.)
  15. jackduffybailey, You can try this renaming method if it seems applicable.
  16. I'm thinking that the way you need to save the file for transparency in the game may be determined by the game software. People on the game forums are more likely to know how to do it if that is the case.
  17. nell68crab, Access the Glow Effect from the top menu: Effects > Photo > Glow ================================ Changing blending modes: Layers Window Layers and Blend Modes ================================================ Pick Primary and Secondary colors: Colors Window ================================================ Merge and Duplicate Layers: Layers Window ================================================= Conditional Hue/Saturation is part of Evan's Effects: Evan's Effects After the plugin has been installed, it can be accessed this way: Adjustments > Conditional Hue/Saturation ================================================= Download the plugin file, then copy/paste it (EOEffects.dll) into your Program Files/Paint.NET/Effects folder. Best to do this while Paint.NET is closed. ================================================= This shows the settings to change from default for a Vertical Fade: Hidden Content: You can reach the Help file from Paint.NET, when connected to the Internet, by pressing F1 on your keyboard.
  18. Carver, No worries. Actually, the area inside the rectangle is what is meant to be filled. Just be sure that it is in its own layer above and separate from the small image layer. ================================= It can be done filling outside the selection if the top box in the Alpha Mask UI window is left unchecked. The one that says Invert Mask. You'd need to invert the selection before using the Paintbucket. Ctrl + i In either case, the mask layer is separate from the image layers.
  19. Carver, Although the selection is being sized and positioned visually relative to the small image that has been imported, the black mask is actually being made on its own separate transparent layer above the small image layer. Be sure that you don't inadvertantly put the black directly onto the small image on its layer.
  20. Have you asked about this on stalker/gaming forums?
  21. Keyboard Shortcuts Ctrl+Shift F ... Flattens the image Ctrl A .......... Selects All Ctrl C .......... Copies to Clipboard Ctrl Z .......... Deselects Ctrl Z .......... Unflattens Ctrl+Alt V ..... Pastes into, and makes, a new file.
  22. Carver, Here's a zip download with procedure adjustments in the text document. I've prepared and applied the mask in the .pdn file, so that you can compare the mask to the result and get a better understanding of how the effect works. http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?fi ... 3705746006
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