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Everything posted by barbieq25

  1. Posted on the other forum...lovely flower...well done. Looking forward to seeing the completed project. Knowing you it will be awesome!
  2. Firstly, welcome! There are tutes for newbies but try anything. If you don't get the results you hoped for, put it aside & try something else. The tutes are a good starting point. That's what they are there for. Your work holds a lot of promise. I like the green one. Look forward to seeing more from you.
  3. Welcome! A very nice first piece. I really like what you have done here & look forward to seeing more from you.
  4. Work. A hard word to define in this area, because this area relies entirely on opinion; one person may wonder how many hours of hard labour it took to make an image, whereas another person might think a baby could draw it. But you want my opinion? This is a competition. Not a critique thread, not a personal gallery, a competition. And what is important in a competition? The end result. Now, this is just my opinion, but the end result is lovely. Admittedly, the words in the corner could blend in a bit more, style-wise, with the image, but it's good. ASSUMING yy10 did no work, so what? It's nice. Plus, what if he did do the work? He is double-brilliant. Now, I know that a lot of you will be thinking "You're wrong! Effort matters!". Well, you're partially right there. I still think the end result is important, but I suppose the effort is took. So this is what I suggest; multiple winners. A winner for effort, a winner for stlye, a winner for following the theme well, a winner for everything, et cetera. It probably wouldn't work, mainly due to the fact that you couldn't use a poll for voting, you'd have to use PM, but a vote form could look something like this: "Who you vote for: Why: What category do you vote for them in:" See? And with that, I rest my poorly made case. The issue was never about how much work yy10 put in. The issue is that the entry broke a rule & therfore had to be disqualified. yy10 added in his post somthing like "Does 100% PDN get you anything?" (check his post, I don't recall the exact words). When yy10 was asked about it being 100%, the response was - 90% hence the before & after shots with the comment from flip"it LOOKS like he did almost no work on the image" alluding to there perhaps being even less than 90%, further backing flips decision to disqualify it because such a heavy reliance on stock must be linked. Nobody questioned the end result or the effectiveness of the submission in meeting the subject theme. It was not meant to be a personal attack on yy10 or anyone else. Quite simply, yy10's entry broke the rule of not revealing the source for the image which is tantamount to plagarism, cheating or stealing - you get the idea. There is a lesson here for all of us. If it isn't all your own work, then you must post the link as it clearly states in the rules. As for the categories for winners...don't fix something that ain't busted.
  5. Oma, I had to laugh at that. Wonder if that would work?
  6. Oma, I think that it is an excellent start. Wonderful shapes in it so far. I'd hate to see it in the bin. Maybe shelve it for a while but not bin it? Was it Welshy that started that grass thread? Great ideas there. Your grass is tops! Keep us updated, please.
  7. Are the lines on a layer on their own? If so, then just delete the layer. If not you may be able to get rid of them by using the magic wand but I suspect that it will take out more than just the lines. English is fine. The other question I do not know the answer.
  8. Welcome! Interesting sigs...quite dark but some nice work there. Just a gentle reminder that this is a family friendly site so please be careful with the images. The blue one would be my pick. Hope to see some more from you. Also why not enter the Signature of the Week competition? viewtopic.php?f=12&t=32067
  9. Here is my entry. There are no stocks used in this...only reference images used: http://www.clker.com/search/bat/1 ...not used as an outline but a reference on shape etc. All images are hand-drawn with line tool or brush.
  10. Nice works! Love the second one best of all.
  11. No problem at all. Never be afraid to ask a stupid question because they are more easily dealt with than stupid mistakes. - author unknown. Please, feel free to ask for help. We were all new once...I am still learning.
  12. What a cute kitty! Well done, Helen. The mat & the reflection is a nice touch.
  13. Glad you like it Helen. Thanks for taking the time to comment. I know how busy you are.
  14. Possible problems: 1. Do you have anything else selected? If so, de-select & try again on a new layer. 2. Is the font size large enough for the image? 3. Is the font colour different to the image? 4. Is the font supported in Paint.Net? Usually it will tell you if it isn't. Try this & this doesn't help, perhaps someone else will post a response. Hope it works for you.
  15. Some really good work here. Really like the v1 sig...
  16. The sig & avvie are great, esp the sig. Really cool! The stars work is a star! It is awesome. It makes me want to touch it. Like molten glass. You are coming along in leaps & bounds. Can't wait to see you next creation. Well done!
  17. Well done Dark Shock! Thanks to all those who entered. All the entries we really good.
  18. Agree with Chad. Otherwise there are some interesting works here.
  19. Some great work here. I like the sig with the guy (character's name escapes me - Luigi?) climbing over it. Hope to see more from you.
  20. Love the sigs! You are producing some lovely works. Look forward to seeing more from you.
  21. Great start!. I like your ideas. Tutes are good. They help you to understand how things work. Good to see that you are testing them out. Keep up the good work. Look forward to seeing more from you.
  22. The beauty salon one is my favourite. The first one is too hard to read, at least for an oldie like me You have some really lovely designs. Very clean work. A pleasure to view! Your sig is very cool! Look forward to seeing more from you.
  23. Like I said on the other forum, superb work.
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