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Possum Roadkill

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Everything posted by Possum Roadkill

  1. I have to find some new socks because your three latest pieces have knocked my socks right off ! WOWOWOWOWOWOW !!!!! These are the best ever !
  2. Good to hear it. Stop in and look at some of the individual galleries when you have the time. There is so much to see, it takes a few days to take it all in. I'll be looking forward to seeing some of your art when you are ready to post it on here. Welcome to the forum !
  3. I agree. I am really pleased with all the great entries we have for this comp. I really appreciate every single one of them. I think your's is really clever. I won't way which one it is, but I really got a grin from it. MountNman has given me an idea. When the poll is running, why not come back here to the discussion thread and post a message about which ones are your favorites and what you like about them. "So tell me, how did the piece make you feel?" said the Possum. "Does it remind you of your childhood?"
  4. We have some really awesome entries so far !
  5. I just wanted to stop by and thank you for all your great plugins. Printer + is so helpful. Custom Brush Mini is sheer genius. I use it all the time and can't imagine Paint.NET without it. Thanks !
  6. Thanks, I appreciate it. Now if my creativity would just come back ! OK we have our first entry !
  7. Entries Entry 1 http://i974.photobucket.com/albums/ae223/DeadPossums/WOTW/crystalmask.png Entry 2 http://i974.photobucket.com/albums/ae223/DeadPossums/WOTW/sand33pwotw.png Entry 3 http://i974.photobucket.com/albums/ae223/DeadPossums/WOTW/DeadlyDeception.png Entry 4 http://i974.photobucket.com/albums/ae223/DeadPossums/WOTW/glassmask.png Entry 5 http://i974.photobucket.com/albums/ae223/DeadPossums/WOTW/maskwall.png Entry 6 http://i974.photobucket.com/albums/ae223/DeadPossums/WOTW/compMaskfin.png Entry 7 http://i974.photobucket.com/albums/ae223/DeadPossums/WOTW/0gasmask2.png Entry 8 http://i974.photobucket.com/albums/ae223/DeadPossums/WOTW/MagnumPI_Mask.png Entry 9 http://i974.photobucket.com/albums/ae223/DeadPossums/WOTW/MasqueradeBall.jpg Entry 10 http://i974.photobucket.com/albums/ae223/DeadPossums/WOTW/mask2.png
  8. I like it and use it. You have several really nice plugins, why don't you make a plugin pack to include them all?
  9. Thanks mate ! I am almost done setting up Paint.net. What an amazing amount of plugins there are for this program. I'm exhausted.
  10. Tonight I went through the complete 0 - a to z listing of the plugins. What an amazing feat you have accomplished in providing this service to the users. I can't thank you enough. This made my setup of a new laptop so much easier. You sir are amazing and outstanding and of high moral character.
  11. really beautiful paperweight. the depth of the glass is wonderful
  12. Why not just post the image? I get an alert when I click on your link. Not really comfortable with that.
  13. @ Oma that is simply amazing. You have set the bar for this year very high ! This is really so inspiring. @ MountNman Very very nice. The colors are very soft and smoothly transitioned. The design is really wonderful. I really love this piece.
  14. The WOTW is back in action with a new theme ! This is going to be a two week round to give everyone time to settle in and brain storm up some great ideas. Since this will be a two week comp, I'm thinking about bringing back one of the others for a week for those of you who aren't inspired by this theme or who are chomping at the bit for something else to do. So, what do you all want? Space Art or Photo Manip? Give me your vote and what you think a good theme might be. We can all chew it over and see what we can come up with. I will be in and out over the next couple of days. I'm starting to feel a lot better and I had my new laptop delivered the day I went back to work. I am soooooo stoked ! I now have a shiny new red Dell 17" Core i7 Windows 7 Pro, Nvidia 1 gig video behemoth chompin at the bit right next to me. I have so many plugins to install I don't know where to start. p.s. Thanks for all the support while I was down. You guys are the best. Possum
  15. I should be back on my feet in a day or so. I've been thinking about what to do on the next round. Somewhere out of my delirium I came up with the idea of masks. Still working out the details. Can't keep my mind on things for very long yet, but it's getting better. Had a funny thing happen today, I had to write some checks to pay some bills and had a real hard time writing out the checks and signing my name. I bet my next venture into Paint.net will be interesting. Take care all, see you soon. Possum
  16. I'm sorry but I need to delay the WOTW for a while longer. I have meningitis and am not doing very well. I hope to be up and around in a few days.
  17. Possum Roadkill


    Happy New Year Ash !
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