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Possum Roadkill

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Everything posted by Possum Roadkill

  1. Oops ! Sorry guys, I forgot to check back to see if anyone said anything. @ Welshblue, Thanks man ! You know someday I might just get around to doing the Stratocaster I always wanted. @ Barbieq, Thanks, I was thinking about putting the possum in all my photomanips, but I figured it would get old quick for everybody. You can run a gag for only so long before it gets tired. Kind of like this one :lol: @ Heat Stroke. Wow, thanks. I really mean that. It means a lot to know that someone really likes what I make. I think you are a really good artist and I'm looking forward to seeing more and more of your works. @ J.D. Thanks ! Bamboo room is one of my old favorites as is the Water series. I used to do more abstracts but for some reason I just can't find my muse as often as I used to. Maybe I'm not thinking in abstract terms now.
  2. I really liked that too and thought to myself, "self, how did he do that?" Really a beautiful image. I hope you will consider some of the other comps.
  3. I thought I would let you know that the Space Art Comp is back for a while. I've not seen you in any of the comps for awhile.......
  4. Space Art Competition #9 THEME IS: Text in Space ! WINNERS ANNOUNCED BELOW SAC Comp Rules: All submissions must be created in Paint.net with the exception of renders and stock photos when allowed. When they are allowed, obviously you cannot use the stocks or renders as your entire submission, so the majority of your image should be created in Paint.net. When Theme Rules allow, you must post a link to any stocks, renders, images or parts of images you did not create in Paint.net, i.e. fractals created in a fractal generator program or textures created in another program of any kind. Minimum size is 800 X 600. There is no Maximum Size. Special Rule #5. Do not anger the Possum. Submission Rules All images must be submitted to me in a PM. Do no post your image in this thread ! Do not post your images in your gallery or any other gallery until this comp is over ! I will post your image in the poll, that is the only time your image should be seen before the voting begins. Do not sign your image or put any kind of identifiable marker or logo in your image that people will link to you. You may post your image on any other website where you are a member (i.e. Deviant Art, PdN Fans Forum, Facebook or any other forum or website, just not on this website until the comp has concluded. NO PLACEHOLDERS! Do not send an entry until it is a finished product. NO WIPS (works in progress) ! No images previously submitted will be allowed. I reserve the right to add to the rules as people do things to annoy me. (See special rule # 5.) THEME IS: Text in space ! Theme rules: You are to make an image depicting outer space and include text as a part of your image. You may include planets and other space objects like moons, comets, asteroids, etc. Your text may be of any word appropriate for this forum including the word Space. You may use STOCKS AND/OR RENDERS ! You may also, use another program to create parts of your image i.e. Apophysis, Gimp, Incendia, Photoshop, etc. The majority of your image should be made in Paint.net. The use of other programs should be limited to the creation of textures and minor elements of your image. (Remember, Possum’s have a sixth sense about things like this, do don’t make me hunt you down. So with that in mind, special rule #5 is in effect for this competition ). This thread is for entries only ! If you want to discuss this comp, please go to the discussion thread. The Entry period for this competition run through Saturday evening November 13, 2010) at 8:00 p.m., Eastern Daylight Savings Time. All ENTRIES submitted up to that time will be accepted
  5. Space Art Competition #9 THEME IS: Text in Space ! Poll is up ! Vote for top three. Poll Closes Thursday November 18th at 7:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time SAC Comp Rules: All submissions must be created in Paint.net with the exception of renders and stock photos when allowed. When they are allowed, obviously you cannot use the stocks or renders as your entire submission, so the majority of your image should be created in Paint.net. When Theme Rules allow, you must post a link to any stocks, renders, images or parts of images you did not create in Paint.net, i.e. fractals created in a fractal generator program or textures created in another program of any kind. Minimum size is 800 X 600. There is no Maximum Size. Special Rule #5. Do not anger the Possum. Submission Rules All images must be submitted to me in a PM. Do no post your image in this thread ! Do not post your images in your gallery or any other gallery until this comp is over ! I will post your image in the poll, that is the only time your image should be seen before the voting begins. Do not sign your image or put any kind of identifiable marker or logo in your image that people will link to you. You may post your image on any other website where you are a member (i.e. Deviant Art, PdN Fans Forum, Facebook or any other forum or website, just not on this website until the comp has concluded. NO PLACEHOLDERS! Do not send an entry until it is a finished product. NO WIPS (works in progress) ! No images previously submitted will be allowed. I reserve the right to add to the rules as people do things to annoy me. (See special rule # 5.) THEME IS: Text in space ! Theme rules: You are to make an image depicting outer space and include text as a part of your image. You may include planets and other space objects like moons, comets, asteroids, etc. Your text may be of any word appropriate for this forum including the word Space. You may use STOCKS AND/OR RENDERS ! You may also, use another program to create parts of your image i.e. Apophysis, Gimp, Incendia, Photoshop, etc. The majority of your image should be made in Paint.net. The use of other programs should be limited to the creation of textures and minor elements of your image. (Remember, Possum’s have a sixth sense about things like this, do don’t make me hunt you down. So with that in mind, special rule #5 is in effect for this competition ). This thread is for entries only ! If you want to discuss this comp, please go to the discussion thread. The Entry period for this competition run through Saturday evening November 13, 2010) at 8:00 p.m., Eastern Daylight Savings Time. All ENTRIES submitted up to that time will be accepted
  6. @ Welshy, That's awesome ! You should have used that in the Halloween theme in the WOTW. @ Frontcannon, That is just beautiful and eerie at the same time. Very nice manip !
  7. I'll try to have more info posted here in the next couple of days about the changes to the comps so check back early and often!
  8. Poll results ! Entry 4 Possum Roadkill 4 votes http://i974.photobucket.com/albums/ae223/DeadPossums/WOTW/HappyHalloween2010.png Entry 2 Barbieq25 2 votes http://i974.photobucket.com/albums/ae223/DeadPossums/WOTW/WOTWHalloween.png Entry 3 Blackpenny 2 votes http://i974.photobucket.com/albums/ae223/DeadPossums/WOTW/halloween_2.png Entry 1 J.D. Melek 0 votes http://i974.photobucket.com/albums/ae223/DeadPossums/WOTW/spooky2.png Thanks to everyone who entered and those who voted !
  9. Winners announced above. Thanks to everyone who entered the 3rd Photo Manip Comp and to everyone who voted. The PMC will go on hiatus for awhile. The SAC (Space Art Comp) will return tomorrow for a few weeks. Thanks, Possum
  12. Some really fun sigs ! Welcome to the forum.
  13. Anyone else? I'll extend the deadline to enter until midnight (U.S. Eastern time)
  14. Thanks ! I just say the Nathan's Gold and the Ladybug wallpaper. Those are really nice. The gold work on Nathan's Gold is brilliant.
  15. Wow cool ! I never saw that coming. I thought they were all good and all better than mine. Thanks ! I thought Kemaru's, Sarkut's, Leonte's, and Sozo's were the best. Sozo's cracked me up. Very funny.
  16. Another new Colts wallpaper for the 2010 season. This one is a bit less busy as the last one. ;) http://i396.photobucket.com/albums/pp41/PossumRoadkill/Possum%20Art/ColtsWallpaper4.png I've also finally got around to updating my gallery after several weeks.....months....whenever it might have been So if you take a look at the first page you will see that the first post that contains new works has quite a few new pieces that I've not posted on here before as well as some old favorites. The individual galleries have also been updated with more new works that have not been posted in the galleries previously. Thanks for stopping by !
  17. The ship is one of the most amazing pixel images I've ever seen. WOW !
  18. Beautiful new stuff on pg. 1. I really like Phoenix Rising. Beautiful ! Good to see you on here again. Great collaborations with Welshblue and Barbieq. Beautiful stuff.
  19. I'm glad to see you enter in the PMC ! Welcome to the comps! Great entry too, I really like the colors.
  20. You eat fruit? I see you more as a carnivore. Wild game, slightly cooked on an open flame.
  21. I know what you mean. I was a little late in getting my gallery started so I had a lot of image to add at first. It took a while to get things set up. You're off to a great start. Enjoy !
  22. You know my ex-wife? :lol: Looks just like her Seriously, that is so cool ! Very clean manip. Love it!!
  23. Your collaboration with Peter is just beautiful ! The back ground is amazing !
  24. Me too ! That is really great ! You know I would just add one thing, I think it would look really cool if she had some scales of her own, like she is a mermaid and has scales up her neck that fade into human skin.
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