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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. Hi Ahmad94, welcome to the forum! This section entitled "Creations" is a subsection of the Tutorials forum. As such it is reserved for the publishing of tutorials. Your question might be better placed in the Paint.Net Discussion & Questions section, so I'll move it there for you.
  2. You can write plugins in Visual Studio. I use the Express Edition (it's a free download from Microsoft). With Visual Studio you can code in C# - just like Codelab uses. Here's an effect template should you wish to go down that path: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/2248-visual-studio-2005-effect-plugin-template/ (Note: read the whole thread - especially BoltBait's how-to post!) I have not heard of Codelab being used with OnSetRender, I'd also be interested if it can be done.
  3. I don't know why people insist on uninstalling paint.net before they try to update. The easiest method of updating is to go to the Utilities menu & click on "Check for Updates". If a newer version is found, the old will be removed automagically. RE: 1603 error. This thread: Post number 8 that begins...... "10) "1603" error during install/update" In the same thread you'll find a post about the Windows Installer CleanUp utility (post #2). Read that as it may be necessary to completely remove any remnant of Paint.net before reinstalling.
  4. Toggle the transparency color from White to Black using the radio buttons.
  5. Hi Vericlaims, welcome to the forum. I'll first point you to this URL: http://searchpaint.net/ It's the custom search for all things Paint.net . I'd highly recommend bookmarking it for future use! Using that search tool, try the two keywords 'transparent' and 'background'. You'll find loads of results including tutorials. Choose a few and read them through. Another method is to download a plugin to do the job more quickly and easily. There are quite a few available, but two that are frequently recommended are: AlphaSpace and Grim Color Reaper
  6. How much is 'enough' RAM? That's a subjective thing. Very large images have an impressive overhead when you add in multiple layers. This post might explain: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/8606-out-of-memory-to-loadedit-an-image-read-this-first/ If your problems are not related to large images, then follow BoltBait's advice and post the crash log (it's on your desktop) + your system specs.
  7. Workaround: "Subsequent votes should quote the previous vote". That way we achieve a modicum of accountability as an edited post can be proved (...and the offender handed over to Pyrochild to play with )
  8. We don't have anything that does quite what Mesh Warp does. There are a couple of plugins that will do a smaller number of points: Point Warp and Evan Old's Quadrilateral Reshape For a completely freehand tool, try @pyrochild's excellent Liquify plugin (which is compatible with Photoshop MESH files - I suspect these are similar to what you're looking for).
  9. I assure you it is the right tool for the job! No, you're thinking of the recolor tool as an ordinary paint brush. It's not. Think of it as a selective brush. It will only recolor the bits that fall within the range of the Secondary color (modified by the tolerance setting in the toolbar). This means that you can be sloppy with the margins because the white background is not even close to the original color of the apple
  10. Any font you have installed is bound to have characters that could be used as bullet points. Try the WhichSymbol+ plugin (there's a link in my signature).
  11. There is a image + text version of the tutorial below the video link. Did you have a look at that? Yes, if you can follow the last tutorial you linked to - it looks very similar to the one I suggested in post #3.
  12. I'm on to it - no need to remind me ....and it doesn't need to be locked, just moved to the correct place. @Topshot: The 'Miscellaneous' section you posted this question in is a sub-forum of the 'Tutorials' section. As such it's reserved for the publishing of tutorials only. <moved to Paint.Net Discussion & Questions>
  13. Sounds like you need this tutorial: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/13796-cutting-out-images/
  14. Hi Sergio, welcome to the forum. I think you're wanting help with the Recolor Tool right? If I'm correct, follow this link: http://www.getpaint....ecolorTool.html Read the text carefully, especially the first paragraph and the piece about the recolor tool being linked to the brush width. Try increasing the brush width and using the mouse to "paint" over the apple in broad strokes. Paint.net 3.5? You mean 3.5.8 don't you? If you don't have 3.5.8 installed then go to the Utiilities menu & click on "Check for updates".
  15. Also updated my original code so it runs properly. The effect runs almost instantly. That should make you happy Guerrilla
  16. Oh DUH!!! void Render(Surface dst, Surface src, Rectangle rect) { ........ for (int y = selection.Top; y < selection.Bottom; y++) { for (int x = selection.Left; x < selection.Right; x++) { ........ New build is much faster
  17. From the online documentation: http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/SelectionTools.html (which is almost word for word with Helen's reply) Tip: You can get to the online documentation by pressing F1 in paint.net.
  18. Rick has already answered this in the Popular Feature Requests: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/2940-popular-feature-requests/ Wasn't instant - took me more than three hours (I must be slipping ). http://searchpaint.net/ is thy friend Try it with 'stone' or 'cracked earth' to find some intresting threads that might be some help.
  19. Just be aware that paint.net doesn't (currently) support pressure sensitivity. @Welshy & barbieq25: you guys are welcome. Thanks for displaying your works for all to see.
  20. Original post and attached file updated. Screenshots added too - I eventually found some time
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