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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. I downloaded the one linked to in the first post of this thread (shapegradient1_5.zip) Unzipping it gives you the file shapegradient.dll. Move/copy this to your Paint.NET/Effects folder and restart Paint.NET. Q: you're using the latest version of Paint.NET right? (3.5.10)
  2. Effects | Selection | Shaped Gradient
  3. @Xhin: please don't post multiple versions of you plugin - it's confusing to everyone. Instead just post one version (the most up to date) in the first post in this thread. Thanks.
  4. Support is limited to the latest version of Paint.NET - so you should upgrade to 3.5.10. Why would you continue to use 3.5.6?
  5. Hi pogo4545 - welcome to the forum! As you have found, deleting files without knowing the value of them is always a bad idea! Q have you read through (and tried) the steps listed here? You should also have a read of these threads - generally the solution sees to be the same one that is listed in the above thread.
  6. No limits except time. Any theme, style, size and plugins allowed. Think that the importing of stocks would have to be disallowed because we might get this: Step 1: Open Paint.NET Step 2: Ctrl + V Step 3: Save Finished.
  7. It's showing you this because it cannot detect the correct service pack. Do you have Vista's Service Pack 1 installed? If you don't know how to check try this: http://pcsupport.about.com/od/tipstricks/ht/srvpackvista.htm
  8. I wondered what would arrive if the competition was limited by time. I.e. "What can you create from a blank canvas in 15 seconds flat?"
  9. You won't find it in any of the menus if that is what you're asking. It's a filetype plugin so there is little to indicate it's presence until you display the list of file formats (at the bottom of the load/save dialogs). The plugin will extend the list by adding *.agif and *.apng. If you see those file types then the plugin is installed.
  10. Hi there Jake! I'm glad you got the issue sorted out. You may have noticed that I have renamed your thread title. "Having some issues please help" does not describe the problem you were having. Adding the words PNG + Transparency makes the thread much more discoverable by other users who might be having similar issues.
  11. Simplest solution: 1. Turn Anti-Aliasing ON. 2. What Minners71 said: Create your images twice as wide and twice as high as you require and then shrink them to the correct dimensions as a last step in your workflow.
  12. To my knowledge there is no way to input HSL values. You get to use either HSV or RGB as per the Color Window. Even then there is a conversion going on between RGB & HSV so inputting one set of values does not always equal the other if you take the converted values and reverse them. I.e. RGB converted to HSV isn't necessarily the same as the reciprocal HSV to RGB conversion. Edit: You could try to work out a conversion using the formula on this page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL_and_HSV
  13. Hi FSXpainter - welcome to the forum! The Blue color indicates an active selection. If your whole image is being selected, you have the Tolerance setting too high, or are selecting an entire (possibly blank) layer. First make sure you're working on the correct layer. It will be highlighted in the Layers window. Next, with the magic wand active, look in the Tool Bar for the Tolerance slider. It's a horizontal bar with a % value written in it. Wind the Tolerance value down to 20% and see how much that selects.
  14. I wish you would reconsider making the single large document into several smaller ones. Imagine how this would easy revisions. Instead of working with a single large document (and uploading after each revision), you could work on one section at a time. Uploading that when it's done. Have another look at the Plugin Index and the Plugin Gallery I linked to previously. These might help you find a better layout/format. I'll send you a pre-release of my book chapter on Adjustments. That might also give you some ideas.
  15. I have to agree with BoltBait. Your document is a great start, and you have obviously put a great deal of effort into it, but there are several gaps that need fixing. One problem that wasn't specifically mentioned is that you have quite a few old or obsolete plugins included. For example the error messages that you found are probably a result of a plugin that is not longer compatible with the latest release of Paint.NET. If a plugin doesn't work with the latest release it should be ruthlessly culled from your list. Second issue: You have multiple version of some plugins. I found two ancient versions of my WhichSymbol+ plugin. These predate the latest release (December of 2010) and are no longer available. Once again you should only include the latest version of each plugin. Third issue: you need to dfferentiate between Paint.NET's built in effect and plugins.
  16. It's not that ugly In context with the whole image (which is very busy) I think it's a very good option. I had to look twice to spot it. Nice job Welshy!
  17. Looks line a scanning artifact. Stretching the remining material would cover the gap, but might look a little obvious. What about selecting the right hand side of the image and moving it a few pixels left to cover the white line?
  18. Granted Avi, but you have to admit that the file is rather large. We have 26,797 Members on this forum and simply don't have the capacity to hand out that kind of storage space. As I suggested via PM, how about breaking the file up into smaller chunks? That would make it more manageable. Thanks again for making the file available. I'm sure those that are interested will download it perfectly well from the site you linked to.
  19. Both the answers provided are worth considering. It is often a mistake to load far too many plugins - and then never use most of them. Minners71 makes an excellent point. It's not about the plugins - unless you specifically need to perform a task that Paint.NET doesn't handle well natively (reasonably rare from a brand new beginners point of view) . Then you should install the plugin that helps you perform the task. When you do begin installing plugins, install the ones you actually need. Often these are stickied or pinned to the top of the plugin section (pinning rewards excellence - but there are many others that are also worthy).
  20. Your image has not shown up - so we're guessing a little. I'd recommend trying the AA's Assistant plugin. This will work well to clean up those edges if the surrounding is transparent. You can find the plugin here: dpy's Pack
  21. This thread is very, very old. If you wish to restart the discussion, please start a fresh thread (see Forum Rule #11). <closed>
  22. The other option for uploading the document is this forum section: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/forum/24-miscellaneous/ . In that section you'll find this list of the default effects: for example. I maintain the Plugin Index, and previously I helped out in a minor way on this project: http://freespace.virgin.net/jxp.72/ . You might find these resources useful to have a look at. I'd really, really like to have a look at your document. As Rick said, we should talk. I've sent you a PM (Private Message).
  23. The active layer is the one highlighted in the layers window. Editing is always done on the active layer. I'm not completely sure, but I think you're running into the selection area problem that BoltBait mentioned. When you have a selection it acts as a 'sub grouping' of the active layer. Editing operations are restricted to inside the selected region on the active layer. Seen this? http://forums.getpai...ed-curved-text/ Edit: also this:
  24. Isoprophyl alcohol on a lint free cloth is what I generally use to clean stuff. This is a throwback to my cassette player days! Remember you used to get in there with a moistened cotton bud to clean the heads? Strong fumes = use in a well vented area. Apparently its also used in the manufacture of certain illicit drugs. So by 50ml and not 2 gallons!
  25. When you have a selection active (like when you move it), you can only type text within the selection area. Press Ctrl + D or Esc to deselect the region and the text tool will work as you wish.
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