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dubnikova last won the day on July 24 2012

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  1. Thank PIXEY. I knew I did something wrong, but I didn't know how fix it, sorry.
  2. A lot of plugins and careful layers control, helped to create this image. See me on Etsy: www.etsy.com/shop/AviDubnikov
  3. With the help of paint.net and its many plugins I was able to create this moody image, that look like a painting. see me on Etsy: www.etsy.com/shop/AviDubnikov
  4. I use a lot of plugins with my Paint.net creations, then I combine the layers to one final image. See me on Etsy: www.Etsy.com/shop/AviDubnikov
  5. Flags and FDNY what a winning combination! See me on Etsy: www.etsy.com/shop/AviDubnikov
  6. Flags and FDNY what a winning combination!
  7. I'm having a problem opening a .PSD file in paint.net. I'm getting a .net error as follows: System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'PaintDotNet.Threading.PrivateThreadPool' from assembly 'PaintDotNet.Core, Version=4.12.6099.39434, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. at PaintDotNet.Data.PhotoshopFileType.PsdLoad.Load(Stream input) at PaintDotNet.FileType.Load(Stream input) in D:\src\pdn\src\Data\FileType.cs:line 496 at PaintDotNet.Functional.Func.Eval[T1,TRet](Func`2 f, T1 arg1) in D:\src\pdn\src\Base\Functional\Func.cs:line 158 Thanks, Avi
  8. To "Admin" Thanks for the critique. I take your words very seriously. I started with this crazy job because I wanted to help myself in my digital work with Paint.Net. I just needed light documentation to aid my memory so I wan't go crazy any time I need to do something. Thus I have no mention of authors, DLLS etc. Doing that now will require some research and more work. (As a retired programmer and system designer, I'm surprised how little documentation the plugins' authors offer with their own creations. A tiny "About" screen would have done a lot, not to mention a little "Help" faclity. Kindly look at web site and see how I document a free .Net contorl. Are there any standards covering this issue?) I say in my introduction that I may not understand some of the effects, I'm not a graphic design expert, that means that other member of this group should offer their written material and partical advice, which I will incorprate with future editions of the document. Indeed you are right about the limited number of input images. I realized this shortfall immediately after I published the PDF. I intend to corret this in the future. The PDF will stay on my web site (www.gzdsoftware.com) and everybody is invited to offer corrections, additions and advice. My email is on the PDF. As for more written words about each plugin, I'll take it under consideration. Thanks
  9. Hi All, I have no desire breakup the file. I intend to make frequent updates so what I'm suggesting is a permanent place with a reference to my web site. That takes no space at all. Avi
  10. I think that managment should find a permanent place for the link. My job is done... Avi
  11. Solved. Please visit www.gzdsoftware.com. You'll find a link to the manual on the top of the page.
  12. The size of my PDF document is exactly 35,604 KB. The forum permits uploads of no more then 256KB. Thus I need an extenal site to host the file. Can somebody offer a solution? Avi
  13. Since I'm retired and have nothing else to do, I've written a 230 pages PDF manual, documenting the usage of most of the effects in Paint.Net "Effects" menu. I've tested and documented each effect. Only when I finished the job, I realized that this was an incomplete job, since many effects work with several parameters and the results depend on both the parameters and the input image. Nevertheless, I would like people to have the document as a first draft. I need to know what will be the best way to upload it. Avi D. New York.
  14. Is there any supprot the camera RAW files? I'm very interested in Nikon NEF (Nikon Electronic File) files for their D80 and D300 cameras.
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