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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. Once the object has been pasted into it's own layer, run AA's Assistant on the layer to remove the white remnants (and smooth the edges).
  2. Aww. You should have used something that looked like blood! That would have got your Boss wondering what you're drinking
  3. Sorry Bob, there's currently no way to do that. Are you after fixed guidelines or do you want a dynamic cross hair? The status bar does show the cursor position. Is that useful? Oh and welcome to the forum
  4. Shift + ' = " Whatever it's called. Next to the Enter key. (you can tell I'm schooled up on this right?)
  5. Yes. exe = application. Both should be visible in your filetypes folder.
  6. I'd be interested is seeing an example of your equations. In particular the (approximate) layout and range of symbols you require. Feel free to PM it to me if you'd rather not publish it on the forum. Your request has sparked the nub of an idea....
  7. I don't recall anything remotely able to do this except perhaps my WhichSymbol+ plugin with a font like this https://www.fontyukle.net/en/Mathematical+Pi+3.ttf
  8. Just a little something to spread some Christmas cheer
  9. Click in the status bar where the zoom amount is shown (100%). In that text box, type a custom zoom amount. It will accept integers.
  10. Hi vlhannon - welcome to the forum Try this plugin - it's simple to use and really works well. Alphaspace
  11. Seerose & Pixey - you're welcome. Red Ochre has given me an idea for a Christmas plugin - perhaps it will be done
  12. Not a warning - make it compulsory. If (BuildDll) and ChangedFlag == True then GoSaveYourWork
  13. Can you give us some more info? Exact steps & settings to reproduce what you are seeing?
  14. It is safe. Providing you use the correct link to download it (top right corner of the official page).
  15. Absolutely. Importing a smaller image means there is no need to resize the canvas. I believe that this is the issue you're encountering. If you do get asked, allow paint.net to expand the canvas to allow a larger image to be imported.
  16. Because they are not ours to redistribute and we are not Adobe. Not so. We've had enough users front up here BECAUSE this pack doesn't work. It is even worse now paint.net 4.0 is out because the virus-sharing pirates are still giving the old versions of the plugins. And many simply don't work. I wrote this thread to help users, and try to warn them against the Megalo pack. We've done all we can. Incorrect. I can say this because they are redistributing some of my own work. They are simply redistributing very old stuff which used to work. On this forum we encourage discussion. We are not overbearing ogres who squash dissenting voices. Your points are not going to be deleted. Corrected - yes, but not deleted.
  17. This does not repro for me. The arrow keys move an individual control point when I use them in conjunction with the click-hold on the individual control point (the round circles on the line). If you're click-holding the square four-way arrow icon - yes that is the expected behavior because this is the icon to move the entire object. No such combination exists. It's the truth. Dunno. I tried toggling the keyboard's Num Lock and Scroll lock buttons with no change in the expected behavior. Question: Do you have any keyboard shortcuts or macros installed?
  18. December Update Two new offerings this month - both from new authors. Alphalizer - @Rider01. Changes the image's alpha channel based on the original pixel colors, modified using the selected method. PolyGlitch (Glitch Effects) - @gsuberland. Plugin pack of 'glitch' effects. Effects include: 3Displace, CodeBook, Cumulative Math, Xor, Addition, Interlace Lines, Pixel Drag, Quad Flip, Row Shifter, Quadratic Looper, Render Raw File. Helpful HTML file included.
  19. It's true. I just upgraded this plugin pack from 3.5 to 4.0 & lost three effects. This helps explain where two of them went ... As for Lattice and Weave, I don't know why they haven't made the cut.
  20. Open the larger image first, then import the second (smaller) image.
  21. It's not only the framework, but the entire OS as well. Here's how it works... "Hi. I'm paint.net and I'm trying to install myself. Gee - you look old, can you handle xyz and abc?? No?? I guess I'll stop then." So if the developer knows that an OS will not support the software - then there is no point in doing a feature check. It wastes the developers time trying to patch his code to work with ancient, outdated OS's. You got that right. <locked>
  22. The problem with using Global is that the clothing is white. A global selection will pick up the clothing along with the background. Better IMHO to use Ctrl and three clicks (background, under left arm & under right arm) to build the selection. Tip: You can get a decent selection in all three areas with a Tolerance of 33%. Once the selection is made, follow Red Ochre's steps, or use these keyboard shortcuts ... Invert selection with Ctrl + I Copy with Ctrl + C Paste into new layer with Ctrl + Shift + V
  23. Step 2.5 Hold down the Ctrl key and click in the white spaces between the arms & body. The Ctrl key adds these areas to the existing selection
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