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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. I've changed the PayPal button in the editor to use an image. Looks like this I've also changed the Imgur button to a proper icon.
  2. Codelab is a paint.net plugin which creates other plugins. Find it by clicking the link in BoltBaits signature. You will need to compile the script he gave you to make your own plugin. If that seems too much trouble, I'd just write them down from the info in the status bar
  3. Rename the Effects folder to something else and then start paint.net. That will load it with zero plugins to see if the problem really is the plugins. You can also check the Settings > Plugin Errors dialog to see if any that are loaded are causing a problem. Kill them off if they are.
  4. If you have it installed it will be in the Effects > Object menu.
  5. Just remember that the Hardness setting is ignored if Anti-Aliasing is disabled (also found in the Tool Bar). Ref: http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/CloneStamp.html
  6. Outstanding effort maintaining this list MJW. Thank you. Pinned.
  7. Does a sculptor get downhearted when he doesn't receive feedback from the public viewing their work in a Gallery? You will not receive feedback or reps for every image or video you post. Get used to it. The members of this forum are not, in any way, obliged to comment, upvote or acknowledge your efforts. They do so entirely at their own choosing. Finally this is the paint.net forum, not your personal social media. If you feel you really must have instant and gratifying feedback I suggest you try Twitter, Facebook or some other platform.
  8. (Respectfully and strongly) disagree. The manual is there for ShapeMaker newbies and for the complex stuff you don't repeat often enough to memorize. It also introduces more information on subjects that are too complex to explain in detail the UI (like the Fill rules and Path Markup Syntax). The manual runs to 53 pages. You can't expect that much information to be intuitively available. ShapeMaker is a very complex plugin & it can be used in a number of different ways. There is a reason it is found in the Advanced sub menu. @Red Ochre: Yes. Exactly! +1.
  9. Be cool Shochi We haven't abandoned you. 8 hours is not a long time and the forum is a big place
  10. Change your AV software? It doesn't seem to be doing your sanity much good if it is causing you such problems. Yes many plugins will slow paint.net startup appreciably. You would need hundreds though. Ruthlessly cull some you don't use.
  11. Changing the file extension does not change the format. The extension is an indicator of the format. A clue to how the data is encoded. Think of it like a chocolate cake: you can put whatever icing you like on it but that doesn't change the fact that it is a chocolate cake. If you want a carrot cake you're going to have to bake it again.
  12. When I saw that last one I was struck by a memory of Bill Hammond's "fall of Icarus" (https://everyoneknowsbest.wordpress.com/2008/05/13/on-point-bill-hammond/). It has the same haunting surreal quality. Excellent job Rickhum!
  13. Hi KGVale - welcome to the forum How are you 'converting' these files? The correct method would be to use File > Save As and specify *.JPG (or *.png) as the fletype from the drop down selector in the save dialog.
  14. This plugin is for reading RAW files. It does not save them.
  15. It doesn't say it has no virus. It says "probably harmless". Which means it hasn't picked up the Evogen virus. Here's some completely different results from Virus Total https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/17171428186602ae6f77051a3a7ace7372e889294600bf7929f24201e706002e/analysis/1453550841/ and https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/17171428186602ae6f77051a3a7ace7372e889294600bf7929f24201e706002e/analysis/ You still think it's safe?
  16. September Update Due to the forum software update - the Plugin Index has had to be overhauled. All the prior formatting relied on the forum BB codes (now obsolete) . If you find any issues with the links, please let me know. Thanks BoltBait's Meme Maker BoltBait Quickly and easily make internet memes by overlayng text with the correct styling. Separate DLL available (3.5.11) or found in BoltBait's plugin pack (4.0.6+) Ego Eram Reputo's Plugin Pack Ego Eram Reputo Compilation pack of EER's plugins. Features Cellmaker, ChessFEN, Dr Scott's Markup Renderer, Fibonacci Fill, Planetoid, Polaroid Frame, StickMan, WhichSymbol+ and CSV Filetype. Otsu's Thresholding Rei Turns an image black and white keying off brightness distribution. An implementation of Otsu's Method. Quadrilateral Correction toe_head2001 Remaps a defined quadrilateral to a rectangular image. Red Ochre Plugin Pack Red Ochre Compilation pack of Red Ochre's plugins. Features Aardvark, ArtyThing, Alpha-threshold, Object Bevel, Bezncurve, ClipDisplace, Cobweb, Composition Tool, Contour, Cuboids, Dryad, Earths and Greys, Facet, FurBlur, Gears, Gossamer, Gradients Galore!, Helix, Highlight, MultiSpline, New Clipwarp, Noise Choice, Object2colour, Object Edges, Overblur, Psychocolour, Recolor Choice, Selection2Clear, Scintillate, Scribble, Slinky, Squirkle, Squirkle Warp, StringandPin, CalliColour, Table, Two Tone Threshold. View Framer MJW Overlays a frame/guidelines to serve as a guides to further editing. Note: should be applied to a blank layer above the target image.
  17. Hi elvizzl - welcome to the forum The latest release of paint.net requires Win 7 or better. The latest version that will run under Vista is 3.5.11. We only provide support for the latest version of paint.net here on the forum. So you can't download it from here - or get help with problems. If you really can't upgrade to a more recent version of Windows - I suggest you try Google to find v3.5.11. Good luck.
  18. There is no keyboard shortcut that will resize a selection. You need to be able to grab one of the control nubs with the mouse. If you can do that, the arrow keys will move the nub on a per-pixel basis for fine control. The Zoom Tool is broken at the moment. Have you tried using Ctrl + mouse wheel to zoom in/out on your selection?
  19. This is where we house the photo manipulation tutorials - see if there is anything there that can help http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/forum/22-image-and-photo-touch-ups/
  20. Hold down the spacebar while clicking and dragging = you can move the canvas around the editing window.
  21. I've been playing with a tapered line renderer. Unfortunately the forum update & ensuing problems got in the way.
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