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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. Open the image you're trying to import separately & show us that screenshot.
  2. Plugins can be much more powerful than mere filters Smudge Tool: Imagine a paint brush which smudges/blurs areas as you 'paint' with it. The brush smudges the underlying pixels in the direction you're moving the brush. If you want a small circular blur, try making small circles with the tool. Options include the size & shape of the brush tip, smoothness (amount of blur) & strength (how aggressive the effect is). For more ways to use it, see
  3. This plugin only shows up as an extra file format option in the File > Save/Save As... dialog. Look for a new file extension there.
  4. Hello and welcome justafyde Separate tool? Try @pyrochild's magnificent Smudge plugin
  5. Check the file extension. It is possible to have a couple of different extensions that mess up the loading of the file. This plugin might help diagnose the file format:
  6. ... not when @BoltBait drives a stake through 'em they don't
  7. You can always use the keyboard shortcuts http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/KeyboardMouseCommands.html Magnify? Use Ctrl + mouse wheel.
  8. The recent forum update broke that format of the internal link. Click on the link then in the address bar add a character immediately after the dash at the end of the URL. Then hit enter to reload it.
  9. I don't think these have changed in a long, long time. I'm pretty sure that these were the same in 3.5.11 and earlier. I don't recall Ctrl + PgUp/PgDn ever being assigned to anything.
  10. Thread is ancient. Please start a new thread if you wish to begin this conversation anew. Thanks.
  11. Uploaded new images kindly supplied by lynxster4.
  12. I'll concede the point about labels and value boxes. You have made a compelling argument for these sliders.
  13. Very cool! Trick I use to view larger-than-intended draw pixel art: I squint at them. I find this blurs the edges and gives me a much stronger impression as to how they will look at the reduced size. One thing you might consider: continue the red body behind the articulated tail and jaw. I think the thin white region detracts from the overall effect. Especially if you want to animate the tail and jaw later....
  14. Would be useful to have a modifier key for the selection tools which snapped the mouse to 10px boundaries? They way the Shift modifier for rotations snaps to 15 degrees increments.
  15. Adding an image to an existing one perhaps? Try Layers > Import from file. That will resize the canvas to accommodate a larger image.
  16. I'm still arguing there isn't enough space to comfortably fit two sliders in there. There needs to be a value box for each, and a label.
  17. Don't resize! Instead, overlay a large grid with the correct number of cells (i.e. 24x32). Use that as your coloring guide in a new tiny 24x32 pixel image. In other words, each large cell in the large image becomes one colored pixel in the small image. You can use any of a number of gird makers. I like the one in BoltBait's plugin pack
  18. Scroll up / down Mouse Wheel up / down or PgUp / PgDn Scroll left Shift + Mouse Wheel up, Shift + PgUp or Home x 1 Scroll right Shift + Mouse Wheel down, Shift + PgDn or End x 1 Scroll image to top left of editing window Home x 2 Scroll top left image to center screen Ctrl + Home Scroll image to bottom right of editing window End x 2 Scroll bottom right image to center screen Ctrl + End More can be found here: http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/KeyboardMouseCommands.html
  19. Too cramped. The expanded window is the place for these. http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/ColorsWindow.html
  20. Thread is done Tigris. No activity for months. If you wish to continue the discussion, please start a new thread. Thanks. <closed>
  21. I did it a week ago. You're most welcome Helen. Can't have one of our leading artists having a wonky Gallery.
  22. @ Collagemaster - I've merged your three pictorium topics into this single thread. Now all your images are in one place.
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