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Everything posted by oma

  1. depending on the complexity you wish yes they are possible... but there is no press a button and they are done feature. You have to do a bit of creative positioning. I;ve done some uncomplicated ones using a variety of plugin and multiple layers. some plugins you may wish to investigate are found under renders kaldescope , roseaces, combine with flip layers horizontal and vertical and some of the rotate zoom features. ciao
  2. I've watched that movie twice now. my bad eyes are just not adjusting to see it clearly. is the jist of the thing run a layer of picture over another layer of picture? or is it a layer of shadow over a layer of picture. I'm stuck. a wee small tut if anyone has the time. just something simple very basics so I can get started using this. ciao OMA
  3. yep less than 1000 words. record for me. BoltBait you mean that when I type my pallet out in hex values in a text document, the order I type them in is how they show below the wheel? I didn't know that! wowI'm going to file away that knowledge in the old noggin. ciao
  4. I answered that part for him already we just need to know if the primary and secondary color can be changed somewhere for start up. instead of black and white say red and blue?
  5. yes I beleive so. see on the top that paint brush in the tool bar ( you need not the floating tool box but the drop down box) clik that. the first topic is chose defaults. I'm 99% sure you can manage to change most of those things you mentioned. I'm not sure how to change the default colors though. I'm not even sure if you can. will be interesting to read what anyone else says about color changes. ciao and welcome to the forum.
  6. goooood luck that's one of ASH's baby's. I'm eagerly awaiting his answer on this one as well, I'd love his water secrets.
  7. page 2 6 posts up from the bottom. (the post after Jake2k and the one before SuE :wink: (did I tell you I'm a poor loser!)
  8. I win! I win! I still think mines the closest. OMA calls for one of the mods to be an independant judge. but I'm sure I win!. ((someone block ASH from posting))
  9. I know you are fairly new but you really should get in the habit of using the search button. I used the search button and the word splash. on page 2 there was this tut link you didn't say what kind of splash it is you want to make but perhaps this will help viewtopic.php?t=3596
  10. @Sabrown ? did you perhaps give a strange link ..a blender tut? for paint.net program? anyways if you are looking for a nice wispy smoke check these tut links. I found them using search. the first link is not the best tut but the gray oval is what you need and the dents. give someone a few mins and I'm sure they will come up with settings for you. or better yet experiment yourself, a few times and if you still have something not quite on enter the image hospital. and get a bandage and a dose of medicine from the crew. :wink: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=22676&hilit=smoke way better tut by Madjik ....took me a bit to find it. viewtopic.php?f=15&t=2843
  11. actually the type of art is called vexel art, the name is often corrupted to vectorizing. do some searching on wikipedia under that term "vexel" and then follow the links at the bottom of the wikipedia page. the information on da is excellent easy to understand. ciao OMA
  12. nope I don't think its as good as mine. look at the arms in the original vector sample. there should be rings of color , mine are more concentric but I'm still thinking my lines are not smooth enough and well your lines aren't even there. :wink: will give you the round on the face portion though your gals face looks bit better than mine. but mine looks closer to the original. its not an easy thing to do in this program. every picture is different as we all try try again. :wink:
  13. exactly miguel I imagine its because of the multiple effects that just roll from one to the other, they would have to render each before the next one in line within the script could work. just wait until we can add layers etc etc. some of these scripts are going to feel like eons loading. but glad you got it to work. its a fantastic addition. I'm just waiting for a .txt feature to be added as an output.
  14. you have to have some thing on the transparent layer to drop shadow... or did I read that last post from you incorrectly?
  15. viewtopic.php?f=12&t=24432&p=178701&hilit=backspace#p178701
  16. considering what's been posted in answere to your challenge Jake I win. :wink: my settings for this attempt oil brush 3 coarsness 15 median 1 50 local enhancements 60 147 10. glow 1 -68 56 as I said before each picture will be different settings depending on colors in original. that because of the use of median.
  17. Miguel this sounds like same problem I had my problem was resolved I'm using dll description is currently 4.27.2008 2.2 3038 .29168 is this the same one you use? for some reason I beleive mine was prev not working because one of plug ins within the script lab I hadn't updated. I do recall Pyro telling me to make sure I had updated Ed Harvey effects around the same time. I know the scriptlab uses chrystalize and clouds and embose. . I did also one time freeze my computor when I loaded the script and didn't wait for it to totally load before hitting OK. whether this is what caused your problem or not , I'm not sure but it could be some things you check ciao
  18. thanks I thought the strands looked a bit thick but wasn't too sure. well back to the drawing board. its getting closer. ciao thanks
  19. like a mad scientist I'm experimenting tell me does this look like real hair?
  20. this is a quick one most likely each picture will be a bit different settings but play with oil painting then median and use another copy of the original overlay at low opacity. as you can see smooth areas like arms come out best. high contour areas like the face so so. re loading down the page I played with and actually wrote down my settings.
  21. use save as and change the drop down box from .pdn to .jpg or .png if you have some transparency. and save it to your documents> my pictures.
  22. you did make sure you had the two dlls in your effect folder didn't you. you need the paintdotnet effects dll as well as the drop shadow one. and you didn't say what your problem was but you must be working on a layer with transparancy around your item you are putting the drop shadow on. also it doesn't drop shadow semi transparent items. becasue that's the version I'm using and having no problems whatso ever.
  23. asked numerous times before if you did a search you would know this here for now is the link read all of it viewtopic.php?f=12&t=23713&hilit=printing
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