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Everything posted by oma

  1. Stitch is a bad plugin. So were Film and Borders N' Shapes before I rewrote them. don't often disagree with you Pyrochild but stitch does wonders for many many many of my pics. It is one I actually use quite often along with jitter.
  2. well that would explain why his brushes have the same names as mine. I thought perhaps Pyrochild was reading my mind somehow. And beleive me that would be a scary thought. I totally missed that portion of his first post. I downloaded the plugin and played before reading :oops: :oops: :oops:
  3. Pyrochild does this plugin have the ability for me to add my own brushes? like SABrown's brush system? (in a brush file) I'd be interested in developing some if there is.
  4. generally the only problem I see for myself to contribute is the transparency. most of my artwork is multilayer blended modes. very seldom one layer individual items. If you go thru my gallery here and on DA just PM me any that intrigue you , mention which individual elements you like and don't like for the project. also PM me and let me know your direct e mail. I've a few things in the pipes that might just be up your alley. I may not get back to this until Tuesday next.....grandkiddies are coming in on plane this afternoon and staying for several days. I'm so looking forward to that. Expect a rash of inspired pieces shortly after their visit. ciao OMA
  5. I saw that :!: and I'm so happy about it thanks again wonderful set of plugins.
  6. so where are the pictures? any sample images you want to achieve look of?
  7. well perhaps I need to know more about the project, exactly what you are after...is it to be abstract or exact. I work very much by emotional feel to a subject. prefer lighter colors not much black (have bad eyes) . prefer abstract ideas. time frame ......time constraints are an issue right now. ciao
  8. boogers, blood and guts and the like! there are little ones under 5 that look at the pictures on my computor, and I don't want to deal with grandkiddies nightmares! :wink:
  9. nice gallery! love the blue planet and of course the rainbow sigs. will be back once in awhile to just have a gander and check things out. ciao keep up the good work.
  10. post a picture of what you are after or a link to a picture on the web, it is most likely possible if you put a bit of work into it. ciao PS remeber this is a family/childrens board so not too gross of a picture!
  11. ditto above I was just going to edit my post to say there are more than enough same with polls. makes forum reading very difficult .
  12. contest ideas should of course be run past the admin/mods first, for go ahead permission. Too many on the forum at a time leads generally = poor participation. I participate when the topic appeals to me, or when I need a bit of a challenge to do something outside my comfort zone. The prize....well recognition of peers, and good vibes of friendships that develop. There is always the picture add on game, sig of the week , large art of the week already in progress. you might like to get your feet wet there. ciao and welcome to the forums
  13. you will most likely be forgiven for not using search....as Pyrochild has just today released version 1 of a new plugin he's been working on. "Smudge" It is part of his new plugin pack. Not quite quite the photoshop version yet, but knowing Pyrochild it will soon be on par or even better. ciao
  14. pyrochild did I tell you lately how just awesome you are? I've been waiting for this one for soooooooo long. wonderful wonderful wonderful !!!
  15. great work Olav. like that one very much. and must say you are one handsome dude. here's my piece I submitted to the Large Art of the Week contest. thumb here large version in this forum topic. viewtopic.php?f=12&t=25225
  16. Tophatslash what's that card he's holding? a Joker. what about a barely seen transparent larger version of that in the upper right quadrant.
  17. change your tolerance to 0 use wand and touch the brown ground area use noise set color to 0 leave the other sliders at default and you have gravelly dirt ground. will that do? or were you thinking of something different?
  18. Ok if you liked it I'll tell you how I toned it down with out getting the gray tones. bottom layer your picture. layer checked middle layer white 100 tras layer checked top layer your picture. layer unchecked for now. on the middle semi white layer. noise 100 0 100 then motion sharpen -8.13 centre uncked sharpen 52 then glow effect -20 100 100 now on top picture layer check it and set mode overlay 190. flatten image not done yet. you need 4 layers of this picture. bottom layer leave next layer pencil mode multiply next layer same pencil mode multiply next layer color dodge at 120 flatten
  19. Hi everyone, see we have some new abstract artists joining us lately. I especially like the one by Titus Allen and the last two by excelsior 69, Killthehorde (lovely name) that's one is quirky for sure. love the dithering on it. here is one of my latest abstracts enjoy "I Beleive..."
  20. I like the vivid colors of the one you posted, dropping the intensity just makes it less childlike and too studied I think. but anyways here is my go is this sort of what you had in mind? a bit less in your face
  21. yes thanks it is much glassier but absolutely horrible for color depth and placement as to lights and darks, and reflections. I've sent it off to rehab! for a total rework. Still in the idea formation and technique stage at this point .. but it will show up sometime in the future at a qualified to be in this forum stage. ciao thanks all for the help.
  22. absolutely second third and fourth that idea, its what I've been requesting for ages, I'd like to be able to decide what dlls I keep and which I don't. They can be zipped all together in packs if the plug in writer wants but at least give me the ability to delete the ones I'm not ever likely to use.
  23. just to also add I've often used wingdings fonts at a large size for shapes. 100's of possibilities .
  24. use rectangle selection tool and see where it says selection mode in the bar just above to the right it says normal use the drop down arrow and change to fixed. you can then change the two boxes width and height that pop up. it can be changed from inches to pixels at this spot as well. the selection can then be dragged around your image to portion you want and then just crop.
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