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Everything posted by oma

  1. your detail work on that tree and grass are fantastic. (Two areas I need to work on for my picture on the go. You've now set the bar pretty high for me to achieve in that department) Keep up the great work! I just love the originality and spark in your art. ciao
  2. oma


    very good gallery you have here. A very broad assortment to style and color useage. I'm thinking you may be one to watch. Keep up the good work and keep experimenting with various effects and plugins. I'll be back often to look, may not leave a comment everytime but I'm watching you. :wink:
  3. love the blue and yellow one that looks like an eye in the water. really striking that one. keep up the good work ciao
  4. thanks blooper all 100% paint.net the fractal look is the rosaces with ....ready for it ....polar set at transparent! mainly was working on the background texture in this one. :wink:
  5. nice of you to say that. love those brushes! did you make them yourself in paint.net? or convert from another program? they give the look of dancing fire balls. would love to see how you could use them in fireworks pictures. in multiple colors.
  6. :? I actually don't see any blue haze...but think that you might try the plug in shadow hightlight recovery. it will make those clouds pop against that blue sky.
  7. @Expiration nice one like those glow paintings. not really abstract though here is my attempt at doing something that looks like an oil painting on a canvas texture. called "The Stitch"
  8. @topezia love the coil along the top of that paper, and the 3d look of the holes in the paper. brief explination of how you did those please. @LFC4EVER oh how nice of you the first letter of my name! thanks a bunch now just to struggle thru the "M" and the "A" and I'll be all set for a new avatar and siggy. great job on converting that tut. would be nice to actually see a section here for those type of translated tuts. @jake is that you handing out the pop? I like pepsi please not mountain dew. good job on the shading. ciao
  9. oma


    I'd like that tut as well if you decide to do it. great job on everything ASH. ciao
  10. careful fellows. you are very much in danger of descending to a level that borders on disrespect for someone that was a participant on this forum. I know this fellow didn't go out to make too many friends here but he was a member of our forum. Even if at times he was abrupt and curt he had some skills many of you admired if the number of views of his thread are to go by. I'm sorry he didn't stay with us, as I really would have liked to see his work evolve. Eventually , I had hopes he would become a much more versatile artist, and try new things within this program. Perhaps in time he may come back to join us with a more open attitude. OMA
  11. I'm not sure how I missed looking at such a fine gallery before this. Now that I've been here, I'll be back often to check things out. Extremely creative work very diversified. That picture of the dog/wolf is that hand drawn or a photo manip? love that one and my fav would go to your sig! that is really different. ciao
  12. well you have some sort of directional blur for sure. looks like maybe a polar transform in there? :wink: keep at it. that's the best play. and for the record I'd not be lying if I said most of us have at least one or two textures/pictures we've made that we just can't recall what we did and are secretly trying to replicate. :wink:
  13. oma

    Why me

    not bad picture. bit hypnotic. makes my mind fair swirl. :wink: keep at it. will come back and check up on how you are doing next week sometime. ciao. enjoy playing with the paint.net program.
  14. nice gallery. My favourite is the fire planet. That's really well ... what can I say extremely good. Not the usual I made fire and left at that stage. Good work you took it a step or two further. Look forward to seeing more fine work in this gallery. ciao
  15. oma

    Oma's gallery

    It has been awhile since I added anything here. I haven't been feeling 100% lately so my creative juices just were not working. I must be on the mend because I felt like making a pattern piece. I'm not sure where to take this one......
  16. topezia so romantic. like Ljxd says something off in the silhouette. I'm thinking its the proportion of the upper body being so much greater then the lower body area. Stretch those two smooches. Here is a nice pattern I came up with. Not sure where to use it yet.
  17. I have read this question twice and wasn't sure which of these two questions you are asking. Are you asking how to draw a picture using 1" circles. a 95 brush size is about 1" or do you mean you have a picture and want to print it 1" big inside of a 1" circle?
  18. suggest you also take some time and go thru the pictorium files, you quickly get an idea of what sort of style you want to go with. and perhaps some rough sketch of what you want to work on. tuts are good place to start. you gotta crawl before you run. its really not a difficult program, the hardest part is thinking up what you want to do and commiting it to the screen. ciao
  19. did you do that paper? or is it a stock? if so can I get that link?
  20. @hossa_x you might just want to say what exactly your problem is so someone can answer. example" I managed to get the dll into the effects but x effect doesn't show up...or I get error message..." give the guys a starting point, you're likely to get a quicker answer. ciao OMA
  21. :oops: noticed that after I posted sorry.
  22. ? Madjik. is it possible to put in a reverse curl. where the page does a curl back ?
  23. sweeeeet . I guess BoltBait can get rid of that other "cough" program. great work as always madjik. another fine plugin. off to figure out some novel approach to using this one. :wink:
  24. thanks drew between this tut and Ash's tips and the large Oma eyes size video that Bleek pointed me to, I finally got it. excellent tut, simple and easy to follow. thanks again ciao OMA
  25. thanks all I'll give this plugin a whirl today. Ash good break down. simple and easy to follow instructions as always. Might be an idea to just put those as a tip box in the original first post. {hint hint.}
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